Slay the Spire, The Last Case of Benedict Fox, Venba, RWX and more updates – Cannot be Tamed

0:00 – “Hi. I’m Pam and this is my monthly update video letting you know everything that I was up to in the month of August.”

Who cares? Think of how absurd this is. We’re supposed to care what Pam was doing in August? What a complete egotist.

0:30 – PolyMedia Group, who are the nerds responsible for Point and Drink Adventure (Pam’s AWFUL podcast with Petee aka Michelle aka Pele) did a charity…what? A charity stream for the Bit by Bit Foundation. This is a charity that gives video game consoles and whatnot to children’s hospitals. Uh huh.

Let me look this PolyMedia Group up. I think that she showed pictures with these people before. It’s just some bearded fat losers in Canada who she knows.

God, I don’t know. There are a billion companies called PolyMedia Group. Way to pick a unique name, you clowns.

So anyway, Pam raised $4,600 in a 24 hour stream. That doesn’t really seem worth it.

Apparently, Pam was only on the stream for two hours. So it was some other nobodies for the other 22 hours. Instead of doing a stream, why didn’t these people just donate a single day’s salary to the charity? Let’s say that they make an average of $200/day and there were ten of these people. That’s $2,000 right there. It’s less than $4,600 but not much less. And this way you’re not guilting people. “Oh, think of the poor, dying children who can’t play video games. Give me money.”

No. I’m not giving you a fucking penny. No offense to these poor, dying children but it’s not my problem. And their problems should not be solved by random horny retards donating money to this shit. If there’s some kind of console shortage in the hospitals, get the government involved. Get the Nintendo Corporation to to donate consoles. Don’t shake down poor, horny retards for pennies. That’s fucking disgraceful.

These people already give and give and many of them are surely poor. These people are deserving of charity themselves. But fucking Pam is bleeding them dry and she has no problem doing so. She knows that many of them are mentally challenged. “Give me money. Dying kids want to play Mario Kart.”

If you’re so concerned about this, Pam, put your own fucking money in and shut the fuck up. Don’t guilt your mentally challenged, impoverished viewers into donating on your behalf.

It’s always the common man who’s expected to give. It’s the man on the street who has to make all of the sacrifices. No. Start hitting up the fat cats for money. They can afford it. Fucking charity. Fuck you. They’re parasites feeding on the lowest of society and just perpetuating the inequality in society.

When I go out and see these charity buffoons in their jester caps harassing the public, it’s never a guy in a tophat and monocle who they’re jumping out in front of. It’s always some senile old fuck who doesn’t know where he is. “Oh, this pretty young lady is talking to me. Let’s see what she has to say.”

Whenever taxes are being raised it’s always the bottom 90% of society who pays. What about the guys at the top who can afford it? They don’t have to pay.

Oh, you better start recycling. You better watch your “carbon footprint.” You better start carpooling. Don’t you care about the environment?

Yeah. I care about the environment. That’s why I’m saying that you should go after the giant corporations who are responsible for the destruction of the environment. Not telling me to paw through my fucking trash.

1:30 – Now she’s shilling for Point and Drink Adventure. There was a live episode during this charity scam. I’m sure that that was riveting. Good old Pam aka Cannot Be Entertaining boring the masses.

1:45 – She also went to Retro World Expo. Some nerd convention in Connecticut.

I used to drive through Mystic, Connecticut on my way to work. And the sign to the town advertised the movie Mystic Pizza. I never stopped, though.

I’ve been thinking, I’m probably never going to move back to the US. It’s perhaps for the best. I owe all of that fucking money from student loans.

But it makes me think if I should have made a better use of my time in the US. Maybe stopped at Mystic Pizza, for example. See what the fuss was about.

But could I have done that? I didn’t have any money. I was doing the most with what I had.

I mean, I wish that I would been more outgoing. Made more friends. Shown the ladies a good time. Shit like this. But it’s just not me. You have to accept yourself for how you are.

3:00 – Pam is talking about playing Press Your Luck at the nerd convention. What? She just mentions this like she knows what it is. Was this shown in Canada? I’m talking about the 1980s tv game show. I think there was also a reboot in the 2000s on the Gameshow Network or something called Whammy. I could be wrong. But why does she know this?

Oh yeah. I looked it up. I was right about that remake. And there was another remake in 2019. Still not clear if any of these shows were broadcast in Canada, though.

3:45 – Pam’s girlfriend Pele got her a record. Whoopdeedoo.

Then she talks about video games that she played, on stream, for money for the rest of the video. No thanks, Pam. I have to wash my hair.

I do not intend to say that the condition of the wage-worker in Germany is better than in this country, but I will say that I never saw there such real suffering from want, as I have since seen in this country…And there is more protection for children and women in Germany than here.

– August Spies (1886)

As true today as when it was written.

7 thoughts on “Slay the Spire, The Last Case of Benedict Fox, Venba, RWX and more updates – Cannot be Tamed

  1. It’s very true about being forced to conform in the name of the global warming hoax. We have to share bikes instead of owning 2 cars, but every politician and world leader gets a private jet. But none of it matters because it’s all a giant fraud and scam. I was told in school in 1985 that major coastal cities would be underwater by 2000. It’s 2023 and none of this shit ever happened. Same for 2010 and 2020. No prediction ever came true. And all of them were the end of the world. Oh but the measured ocean depth from 1879 to now and it’s 9 centimeters higher! Oh fuck! The world is ending. Better live like cavemen so the ocean will recede that 9 centimeters back over the next 150 years!

    They say to bottom 90% get taxed but really it’s more like the just the middle. The bottom have pay no taxes. They often get freebees to like phones housing and gubmint cheese. The top 10% also pay no taxes because they have accountants to work around the law to avoid it. They still lose money but it doesn’t go to the government. Corporations don’t pay taxes in theory because they just raise the price of everything to compensate for it. The only ones who get fucked. Fucked hard and fucked up the ass are the truly productive people who work and make enough money to have a comfortable life but not rich enough to buy accountant tricks. And what the fuck does it go for? Nothing. It’s all wasted on useless bureaucrats and public employees who know fuck all and do nothing but waste space, time and money then live off a huge retirement we all pay for. Fuck them! The best thing about America and the one thing I will forever miss about it when I lived there is that you aren’t forced at the point of a gun to have health insurance. The biggest waste of money that ever existed. I remember when I had appendicitis and people I knew were worried not because I was going to die but because I had no insurance. I drove myself to the hospital checked in, said over and over I have no insurance, no money and I’m never paying any bill you send me. They said don’t worry will still fix you up. After I healed up I left and paid nothing! USA!! USA!! Now I get bills in the mail for $7000 per year in the mail for an insurance card that you must by law carry and pay this fucking tax. Ok fine but is the hospital free? NO! It’s expensive as shit! So is it really insurance? No. It’s just the government fucking you and robbing you. Imagine if that money went into the economy, how many people it could help. Or if I just saved it. I could buy a new car every 2 years or a house in 20 years at that rate. But no it goes to a fucking endless blackhole of people who stamp papers and file them so they are kept busy. It’s horseshit. At least here there isn’t any welfare. It does exist but you’d have to be a quadriplegic and have absolutely no money. I’ve heard they ask you sell things like your TV and refrigerator before you get welfare because those things can get you money! No wonder mad kid panic shoryuken gaming has that racket going on, under the table and under the overseas limit for the IRS.

    I think the answer would be to abolish all taxes and abolish government then let people decide for themselves what to do with their lives. But I’m sure YouTubers would still cry about things like adpocolypse and Coppa and whatever other thing they dream up that will bankrupt them.

    1. I think there should be free healthcare like one finds in every civilised country. I’ve been taking medication for a lifelong condition that would cost hundreds of dollars every month in the US. Costs me nothing. I also had surgery. Again, totally free.

      1. That’s good but like I said if that were me, first I’d have to pay $7000 a year just to get the card that allows you into the doctor. Then for each prescription or refill you have to get a doctor to ok it. That costs money then the medicine does too. And these idiots praise this system as “free healthcare” when it’s obviously not free. Just nationalized. Which means government decides. Not the individual. It’s awful but they are happy because “rich people” are forced to pay. But so is everyone else, including you, retard. You can go into an ER with a knife in your head, no card, no go. Well that is if you happen to get stabbed Monday-Friday 9-5. Every other time you are fucked. Have a stroke on Saturday? Gotta wait till Monday to get it checked on.

          1. Japan. Same as many other losers. But I actually have a real job and don’t spend money on games.

    1. Logistically it should be feasible. Pam met Erin at some nerd convention years ago. And Pushing Up Roses lives like 800 miles away. It’s not too bad. They can agree to meet somewhere. I think that Pam’s place would be the centre point between Pennsylvania and Chicago. Pam lives in Toronto maybe? But this would necessitate Pushing Up Roses and Horseface having passports and I’m not sure if they have them.

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