Wright Way Podcast EP. 11 Destiny Fomo

How the fuck did I miss this? Here’s the crossover everyone was hoping for. The original Mr Wright Way and Destiny “Don’t Call Me a Prostitute” Fomo.

This video was from four months ago. Was he already separated from Zap Cristal by that point? I think so. So I don’t think that this video could have caused any rift between those two lovebirds.

According to Mr Wright Way’s most recent video, he has a new love interest.

She’s wearing a wig in this thumbnail because in the video where she’s actually outside, her hair is much shorter.

She’s alright. You know. It’s a thick (or however the homeboys spell it) black woman. Judging from her accent, and the fact that I know Mr Wright Way is in Texas, I assume that she’s from the South. I’d give her some loving, I guess.

And good for Mr Wright Way for going with a black woman this time. It would have been ironic if he found another Puerto Rican woman. She could have been Zap Cristal II.

Also of note is that he hasn’t married this woman yet. He’s actually behaving like a normal human being and getting to know the person a bit before contemplating marriage.

Anyway, a definite step up from Zap “Too Hot to be an Influencer” Cristal. It’s good to see.

Now back to the scumbag stuff where he’s “interviewing” Madam Whoremo.

She has a foot of cleavage showing. Of course.

Oh, this is episode 11 of the podcast. I hadn’t been keeping up. Who else has he had on here? I’ll bet John Riggs was a guest.

Well, John Hancock was the first guest. And then he got Shane Helms. That’s surprising. I don’t know him but he was a wrestler. Ew. And he had fat transgender wrestler Nyla Rose as a guest. And Diamond Dallas Page? What? These people must agree to absolutely anything. How much is he paying for these guests? He can’t be making any return on the investments. These videos get like 1000 views.

Anyway, no John Riggs. Maybe John Riggs is holding out for more money.

0:00 – “The controversial Destiny Fomo.”

Well, prostitutes do tend to court controversy.

1:30 – Shout out to John Riggs. Mr Wright Way is advertising some nerd convention. He says he’s going to be on a panel with John Riggs.

Eugh. They’re talking about wrestling. WHO CARES? I’m not 10 years old.

I’m skipping ahead. I’m sorry.

15:00 – They’re talking about video games. Don’t care. Skipping ahead.

I don’t even know what I’m hoping for. Deep philosophical discussion, I guess.

21:15 – Now a third person comes on to the stream. He’s advertising some other nerd convention. WHO CARES? Skipping ahead.

47:00 – They’re still talking about video games. Skipping ahead.

1:00:00 – Some online shop is closing. Eugh. Come on. Can we talk about prostitution or something? I want some hard hitting questions. “How can you afford all of those games when you’ve never mentioned what it is that you do for a living, Madam Whoremo?” Something like this.

1:24:00 – Talking about Megaman and Spider-Man. Great. Send this podcast back to 1988 when I might have been young enough to give a shit about this.

1:31:45 – Madam Fomo says that she was one of nine children and she never got video consoles new. So her father would go to a pawn shop or from a “crackhead on the street who was looking for a few dollars.”

What a sad cycle of poverty. Now Fomo is that crackhead.

Then they talk about video games for a few more minutes and that’s the video.

Awful. Terrible. Who wants to listen to this shit?

I like video games. I spend many hours a day playing them. But a podcast where they talk about video games? Fuck no. I have no interest in that.

Maybe part of the problem is that I only play a handful of games. And it’s all PC games. So when they’re talking about the Wii shop closing or whatever, I have no idea what they’re talking about and I don’t care. I only play like Crusader Kings III and Rimworld and whatnot. I play Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup a lot too. That’s a free game. It’s a roguelike. I play it when I’m listening to a podcast or something because there’s no sound in the game.

I’ve been listening to the Real Brady Bros podcast lately.


It’s alright. It’s Greg and Peter from the Brady Bunch talking about the episodes. And you have to realise that they’re sexual deviants and totally out of touch with the common person but they’re still fairly relatable. Maybe “relatable” isn’t the word but personable. So even though I know that they’re scumbags, they’re fine on the podcast. That must be a result of their fine thespian experience.

I was thinking about the blog recently. Newt talking about the blog. How crazy is it that people are talking about a blog? Like it’s 2003. But I’m bringing it back. Long-form blogging. That’s the future.

And it’s not just Newt, of course. Everybody who I talk about reads the blog. I’ll bet James Rolfe is an avid reader of the blog. This is about his level of internet experience. “Wow! A blog? What will they think of next?”

4 thoughts on “Wright Way Podcast EP. 11 Destiny Fomo

  1. Did you know that Destiny Matos had a former life on Twitch? She used to be called “Game On Panda.”

    Here’s one old example https://twitter.com/destinyfomo/status/855260509968453632

    Here’s an interview from 2016 https://youtu.be/O3gc_Fw_J3g

    Some simp posted pics from her from the same event. It seems. https://www.instagram.com/p/BL9wR3sAUyD/


    There’s also this! Slight NSFW warning. Not her image but the pop up ads are not safe.


    Then there’s this one from way back. No makeup. But same big nose so you know it’s her. https://www.instagram.com/destinyxxo/

    There are tons of other examples but they are pretty much all the same. There are modeling profiles that went nowhere. Legit model, not nude. I guess just catalogs or whatever. But here’s the question. Why the sudden change? She’s been doing this since about 2014. When she was 20. Track back to the beginning and it’s just inane posts about having a crappy life. I guess her mom had a kid when she was in high school or something too.

    Why did game panda fail? Does anyone remember game on panda? Why did she think a name change would work? I guess it kind of did. Maybe this explains where the money to bankroll her stupid shit came from.

    But let’s pass it on and never forget! Destiny Matos used to be game on panda. Giving away NES classic minis and stuff on twitch! Then ???? And she’s Fomo, a stupid name that means nothing.

    And of course I know Destiny Matos is reading this right now. For a small blog, no offense, everyone seems to obsess over it. She has to be in control of her image 24/7 and this one time she can’t. Ha ha ha 😉

    You hang out with the dregs of YouTube. You know nothing about games at all. You grift and bilk retards out of money and you don’t deserve any of it. You don’t deserve your 100,000 subscribers, you don’t deserve all the money, you don’t deserve shit!!

    Fuck you!

    1. I knew she was on Twitch before she started on Youtube. I remember something about hot tub streams.

      Maybe she changed online names for the same reason she kept changing her prostitution names. The negative reviews were piling up so she wanted to distance herself from that and try to start fresh.

      1. I thought this would get some response considering how much of a bitch she is and how everyone hates her. Oh well. As long as she read it and it pissed her off. Hey did you know Tuan X, her pimp, was married on some reality show or something? Either he got a quick divorce or bailed at the altar. They were together at least as early as 2012.

        Her name is Melly B.

        Here she is dress shopping. 2018?

        These 2 channels just stop at 2018 so Tuan X must have met. Ms. Matos and broke up the wedding. I don’t know but if you’re will to go to the altar maybe she was a good catch. Especially if she had a job or just wasn’t a leech. Yet somehow Tuan X saw big dollar signs in Game On Panda and here we are today.

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