Newt is Really Broken Up Over the Death of Pee Wee Herman

More bullshit from this death-obsessed asshole. “Someone whos work I admired for years”. Nice spelling, retard. But yeah, Newt was all about Paul Reubens. Never talked about him once while he was alive.

Newt responds in the comments, “how was wonderful bit of pop art. And taught kids too accept people. And its okay to be weird”

Nice grammar, retard. But yeah, it’s okay to be “weird”. What a great lesson.

The man was a sexual deviant, as children’s entertainers tend to be. People don’t understand what that whole jerking off in the porn theatre thing was all about. They’ll say, “Oh, of course you’re supposed to jerk off in a porn theatre. That’s what it’s there for.”

Well, you’re kind of right, I guess, but you’re not understanding what this is. It’s a gay thing. There were no fucking porn theatres in 1991. If such a thing ever existed, it was in the 1970s. The “cinema” was called XXX South Trail Cinema but the only references to it on the internet are from this Paul Reubens story and they don’t describe the place. What this must have been was a porn shop that had a small back room where they showed movies. And they were catering to homosexual men. It was a place where gay men can go and jerk off with each other and possibly take things further.

It’s just common sense. Would a heterosexual man in 1991 want to go somewhere where a bunch of other men are jerking off? No. I tend to avoid those places.

I saw an article just recently about some kind of masturbation club. I can’t find the article, unfortunately but it was in The Guardian so a legitimate newspaper. It was about some kind of meeting, I think held in a museum, either in New York or London, where guys would come in and jerk off. The thing was run by a Jew, of course. And this Jew talked about how “Even heterosexual men are starting to come in now.” Like it’s just a cool thing for heterosexual men to do nowadays.

No. If you’re doing that, you’re gay. There’s no ambiguity about it. If you’re choosing to spend time jerking off with other men, you’re gay. I can’t believe that I even have to say this.

Anyway, here’s an article about this Paul Reubens jerking off incident that was written in 1991. So a contemporary source.

A lot of gems in here.

At the same time that Pee-wee product was being banished, however, some celebrities came to the star’s defense. Bill Cosby, whose Fat Albert show and Jell-O spots made him a family cult hero years before The Cosby Show, released a statement saying that “Whatever (Reubens has) done, this is being blown all out of proportion.”

Bill Cosby, known sexual deviant, came to the defence of Paul Reubens, known sexual deviant. “Hey, come on. Give him a break. It’s not like he’s drugging and raping anyone. He’s just jerking off.”

Alright, Bill. Fair enough. Things could be worse.

Even more unusual was that the public came to Pee-wee’s defense in surprising numbers. A spokesman for the syndicated TV program A Current Affair said the show had received “tens of thousands” of responses to a Pee-wee telephone survey on July 31, and that the callers supported Reubens 9 to 1 with recorded messages like “We have sons his age and these things happen.”

Bad news. Your son is gay.

Fucking ridiculous. Like this was normal. Hey, come on. Who hasn’t found themselves in a porno theatre with a bunch of other men jerking off? These things happen.

No. They only happen if you’re looking for that type of activity. It’s never an accident.

Then the rallies began. To protest CBS’ pulling the plug, several dozen vocal Pee-weeites picketed in L.A. and New York on Aug. 2, and 250 demonstrated in San Francisco the following day (a second Manhattan rally was planned for later in the week). David Burke, 25, a political consultant and organizer of the San Francisco “Hands Off Our Pee-wee Rally,” summed up the protesters’ annoyance when he told Entertainment Weekly, “Look, Pee-wee Herman made (CBS) millions of dollars the past few years…(Now) he stands accused of something and they were ready to sell him down the river.”

Uh huh. A protest in San Francisco, you say. Called “Hands Off Our Pee Wee”, you say. Nothing gay about any of this.

The message “WE (love) U PEE-WEE!,” sprayed in hot-pink letters on the exterior of Sarasota’s South Trail Cinema on the night of Aug. 1, suggests that some people in Paul Reubens’ hometown are with him as well.

Yeah. THE GAY COMMUNITY. Hot pink spray paint. Come on.

Even at the time, everybody knew that this was gay. It was not a secret. I was a kid so didn’t get it but adults surely did. There are veiled but pretty clear references to homosexuality in this article.

There was another incident with Paul Reubens where he was arrested or possibly just spoken to by police about his porn collection. He had a collection of magazines and videos of muscular young men.

That article is from 2004. I guess it happened around then? Some interesting quotes.

Reubens acknowledges possessing a massive collection of what he calls “vintage erotica,” films and muscle magazines with titles like: “Boy Nudist” and “Shame Dame,” as well as some photographic studies of teen nudes. But he says that what the city attorney’s office views as pornography, he considers art.

Uh huh.

Reubens: “Magazines. photographs. films. Incredible, beautiful stuff that I stand behind.”

Phillips: “Did you ever stop and think while you were massing this collection, maybe it’s not such a good idea, especially given what had happened back in 1991?”

Reubens: “I didn’t. I never did. I wasn’t really thinking to myself, wow this is my creepy, weird stuff that I shouldn’t be collecting. It’s not titillating. It’s not something that I use for any kind of sexual purpose.”

Oh, do tell, Mr Reubens. You’re reading Boy Nudist for the articles, are you?

He never admitted that he was gay, as far as I’m aware. Even though it’s ridiculously obvious. This is Richard Simmons levels of homosexuality. Probably even worse. Richard Simmons wishes that he was as gay as Paul Reubens was.

All of that being said, I enjoyed the show. I watched it every week. I had the talking doll before my scumbag mother made me give it away. I’ve told that story before. I had the action figures. One Halloween, I dressed up in the world’s worst Pee Wee Herman costume. I was pretty into it. It was a popular show.

But it was gay. It was all hella gay. The show was gay. The message was gay. And obviously the man himself was gay.

It’s not about being “weird”. “Weird” is just being used a euphamism for homosexuality. “Do your own thing. Let me put my ding-a-ling in your butt. Isn’t this wacky of us? We’re such free-spirits.”

Was it irresponsible for my parents to let me watch the show? I don’t know. They weren’t paying attention, of course. Maybe they didn’t see the obvious homosexual nature of it all.

It’s not like watching Pee Wee’s Playhouse turned me gay but it couldn’t have helped.

How about a show from a heterosexual man talking about how it’s okay to be yourself and do your own thing but instead of steering them towards gay shit like dressing like a fag and wearing lipstick, it steers you to some quirky heterosexual behaviour? Maybe they encourage you to get involved in student government and suggest proposals that you can try to spearhead that would enact actual social change at your school. More nutritious lunches, ethical fundraising, shit like this. Instead of the usual student government proposals like more “dress down” days. Take your “dress down” days and shove them up your ass. I’m sick of having to sell shitty gift wrap to my parents.

That would be a positive thing. A positive message. As opposed to, say, wearing a giant pair of underpants. That’s gay.

There’s so much wacky, individualist stuff that you can do as a heterosexual man that’s fulfilling personally and helps society but Pee Wee Herman and his ilk were all about that buttsex. That’s the only “wacky” shit that they were interested in. It all revolved around the anus. And this is all done by design. There’s no reason why we can’t have heterosexual men as children’s entertainers presenting material that would be of interest to heterosexual children. They’re being intentionally excluded.

So Newt says that his fondness for Pee Wee Herman led him to John Waters. Yeah. Exactly. Another flamboyant gay man who was a giant sexual deviant.

Why would Newt boast about this? Well, this is somebody who shows his penis to other men. Newt is gay. Just come out of the closet.

“Won’t it be wacky if I show Joe from Gamesack my penis?”

No, Newt. It’s gay. You’re gay. And so is Joe from Gamesack, apparently.

Another commentator says, “He probably inspired soo many kids into a life of wackiness and camp. He’s a true legend.”

Indeed. That’s what I’ve been saying this whole time. You know that “camp” means “gay”, right? He must know this. The show promoted homosexuality.

Newt replies, “you never really need to grow up. still okay to have an imagination. to be silly. its what i try to do. keep that part of me that is not broken and cold alive to keep on dreaming.”

Gay, camp, feminine behaviour from The Ideas Man. You know what’s better than behaving like a little kid? Being a man and doing stuff. Taking charge of your life. Making things happen. Bringing about positive social change.

If only there were children’s tv shows espousing this message.

So that was Newt Wallen fake mourning over the latest dead celebrity. And he doesn’t give a fuck about Paul Reubens, of course. Nobody does. The man was 70 and had cancer. This is all about Newt. Newt talks about dead old celebrities because he feels sorry for himself and is concerned about his own mortality.

Some dead old faggot from the 1980s. Who cares?

When I was a kid, old people were World War II heroes and shit. Those were real old people. Why don’t we have any of those guys around any more? Now the old people we have are a bunch of lazy, hippie faggots. Who wants that? Bring me the old, old people. They were much better.

9 thoughts on “Newt is Really Broken Up Over the Death of Pee Wee Herman

  1. I think there was one episode that caused controversy where Pee Wee. played pass the orange with the Del Rubio sisters. Three old broads who are triplets and sing country songs. They were campy too. They are like drag queens that aren’t men. Whenever I see Kinsey and Kelsey on some retarded metal Jesus video, I’m reminded of them.

    I also remember the Mighty Mouse scandal where he did crack in an episode or something.

    I agree those WW 2 heroes were kick ass and earned respect. And if someone from that era wasn’t in combat they did something else, built tanks or whatever. Not a single person sit idly by, bitching and crying. They knew the nazis would turn every non German into soap or a lampshade. No one protested the “fascism” of representative government that all allied nations had and have. How did their kids, some, many, not all, turn into such faggots and assholes? The baby boom generation has the be the worst generation in the history of civilization. What happens in a year or two when China declares war? Is Mewt going to volunteer? Make newreels for VOA? Will PVC Bondage (not a) guy enlist? I’m sure he (actually she) Is military age. No. He will try to reason with Mr. Chinaman to let him live so he can finish Florida Man and get back together with Horse-Faced McGee.

    1. It’s cyclical, I suppose. Before the Nazis, there was the “progressive” degeneracy of the Weimar era with the shitty art, jazz, homosexuality, prostitution, et cetera.

      The WWII generation were good. Then then the Baby Boomers are shit. Then you’re back to good with Generation X. But then you’re right back to the safe space, transgender, cancel culture faggotry of Zoomers.

  2. I did watch the 2016 Pee-wee Herman movie several years back and it was indeed really gay; I had never watched anything Pee-wee Herman related before and I knew nothing of it. There were male strippers in it and a male shower scene (you know, for kids!), and Pee-wee constantly daydreams about another man. Gay news outlets praised it for how “queer” it was.

    1. Yeah the newer one was definitely bad, but Big Adventure from way back is a classic and a pretty funny film. Way more heartfelt and had hetero shipping with him and a woman. Two technically. He’s like a ladies man in the film kinda.

  3. apparently she’s his new muse and they are going to make a lot of movies together. She stayed at his house and made awkward livestreams with him where she claimed to be an “artist”, but her work is on OnlyFans. Newt had to drop her off at the hotel after the stream so she could shoot content otherwise known as porn. All after she flashed her V at the camera multiple times during the stream

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