Newt’s Nerd Rooms

He refers to these in the plural sense. He has several rooms that are nerd rooms.

The first picture is the entrance to some room, going up the stairs. I’m pretty sure that he lives in an apartment. A two-floor apartment? I’ve seen these but I don’t know. It’s surprising. Is this normal in Philadelphia? Is such a place within Newt’s budget?

But he has “NW” above the door like he’s 10 years old. Newt, we know it’s your room. The whole place is yours. You don’t have to advertise. Your sister isn’t going to sneak in and touch all of your stuff.

And he has a bunch of framed movie posters in the walls in all of these rooms. Mostly of shit horror movies. He must be using those adhesive hooks. I wouldn’t trust them with anything valuable but I suppose this crap isn’t valuable. But also, those hooks are like two bucks each. He must have spent a fair amount just on that. Plus the frames. Did he frame them himself? Probably. The frames all look to be the same. There must be a standard movie size frame and there’s an appropriately-sized frame.

But yeah, I really wish that I had a poster of a rubber monster coming out of the toilet on my wall.

Here’s Newt shilling for yet another project that went nowhere. This time Boglins. You remember Boglins? Not really. Well, anyway, Newt wrote a script about them. Presumably shat it out in a day, as per usual.

Then there’s an exchange in the comments:

Guy: Are typos a signature of yours? I’ve noticed them in just about every sentence of every script you post.

Newt: It’s what I pay editors for.

Guy: You pay editors to fix your scripts for typos? That seems like a very strange and unnecessary expense.

Newt: To have someone else eyes on something to not just fix my poor grammar but to also maybe play an angle I didnt see. Plus its my money. So….yah know…..mind yah biz

Guy: Any script writer will have people to read their scripts for them – for free – and give ideas/suggestions/critiques. It is completely bizarre for a script writer – who presumably isn’t getting paid WGA wages – to then pay someone to put periods at the ends of their sentences.

Newt: K. Well my way has resulted in 13 pay days for myself and editors. You know Tarantino is functionally illiterate. And half youtubers who people praise dont write a word of their videos. And unlike those youtubers I dont pay in exposure. So ill be okay. But thanks for concern

Guy: You forgot a period at the end of your final sentence – maybe you should throw money away on someone to edit your tweets too.

It’s true. That script largely eschews capitalisation rules. It looks amateur as all get out. But, apparently, Newt hires an editor. Why didn’t he hire an editor for this script and post the edited script?

But yeah, Newt Wallen and Quentin Tarantino. Two real movie-making titans.

This is from Newt’s award-winning short Gore-illa. Which awards did it win? We don’t know. But he’s reshooting some scenes to get rid of Horseface and turn it into a full 90 minute motion picture. Allegedly. We can all look forward to that.

I’m trying to find the short but, of course, there are MANY things called “Gore-illa”. The Ideas Man has no ideas whatsoever. I’m just going to assume that this is the short:

That high school project is probably better than anything Newt made anyway.

Oh, I found the trailer to Newt’s version of Gore-illa.

I was right, that high school project was much better than Newt’s version. At least in the high school version, we didn’t have to see Horseface in the shower or in a bikini. God, isn’t she at all embarassed to have been associated with Newt and doing these humiliating projects that went NOWHERE?

Happy 11,400 subscribers, Newt. It seems like only last week we were celebrating the 11,300 milestone.

Newt mentions Sinead O’Connor. He loves mentioning dead celebrities. Or dead girlfriends. But he never mentions any of these people when they were alive. Funny that.

What songs has Sinead O’Conner even released? I can’t think of any. I know her from shaving her head and ripping up that picture of the Pope.

Nothing Compares 2 U. Never heard of it. Let’s check it out.

No, I never heard this. And I couldn’t even listen to it now. I had to skim through it hoping for it to start but it never did. And the video is just a close up of her face, which didn’t help.

I remember when Amy Winehouse died and the level of elation that I felt. I hated hearing about her. There would be these obnoxious fucking stories about her every single day. I remember one particularly annoying turn of phrase about how she was “throwing shapes” at some club. This was a news story. She was seen in a club “throwing shapes” and this was published in a national newspaper. It apparenly means dancing, by the way.

Then when she died I realised that my long nightmare of reading these stories was finally over. Why was she constantly in the news? Her songs are shit. She was mentally challenged. And she had obvious drug and alcohol problems. I don’t care. I don’t want to see this shit EVERY FUCKING DAY. “Throwing shapes”. Shove it up your ass.

8 thoughts on “Newt’s Nerd Rooms

  1. He has money to pay editors? I thought he was a destitute loser. Many of those typos will be detected by the spellcheck anyway so are easy to weed out.

  2. That “N W” above his room entrance isn’t ominous as fuck. Ironically he shares this in a tweet about whether he will ever get laid. Money says not without sexual assault. Also does he think everyone is stupid? Where is your product Newt? Where are any of these things you have planned or make? I grant you, you made some incredibly shitty level videos (they certainly weren’t films) with Crystal and other whores like a decade ago or more, but what have you done since then? This is one of the primary things that come up whenever your infamously dishonest ass comes up. You know this right? Don’t you think making even ONE film since you were fired from Screenwave would go a long way to proving you are a filmmaker at all? Not just some loser who doubles down on him being a loser weekly? Also I find it personally funny he’s flaunting having under 20 posters framed. Nigga, my three story house has over 75 film and tv posters framed, over half of them signed by various cast and crew of the items. You got a long way to go before you can “show off” that you bought a 6 pack of poster frames and some generic posters off Amazon before any avid art collector applauds your collection.

  3. The posters are all hung sloppily on the walls, it’s worse than a college dorm room… and he’s BRAGGING about it. Good ‘ol Sad Sack Newt.

    1. I think commenting on the hanging job of the posters is going too far. Newt has made many spurious claims over the years but he’s never claimed to be a professional interior decorator.

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