I grossed myself out just writing that. But no, I’m talking about this tweet:
Just reading a book about Ted Bundy in a kooky coffee shop, coffee in hand, and carefully orchestrating the picture. That’s hot, right? That makes me quirky and interesting doesn’t it?
No, Horseface. To the contrary. It makes you appear dull and dimwitted.
Horseface is all about the promotion of murderers, though. Isn’t that wacky and not at all offensive?
Maybe she’s trying to get a better understanding of herself, Ted Bundy of course also being an extreme narcissist.
Whoa. That’s sexy, right? Horseface is in a modestly-priced hotel chain. And she’s wearing half a top.
It’s so fucking desperate. What is she hoping to achieve with any of this? A few more pennies for her Fansly shit?
Here she is, out in public, dressed like…that. Half a doily for a top and Daisy Dukes. Her cream cheese thighs on full display.
Who wants to see any of this? Other people must find this completely revolting.
She’s at something called VHS Fest, by the way. And here’s what she bought: Playboy magazines! Because Horseface likes the ladies! Or so she wants you to think because she’s under this misguided notion that men like women who like women.
I had a few Playboys that I bought in the mid to late 1990s. They suck dick. There’s like three pictorials of nude women, all cheesecake photos, and then the rest of the magazine is pretentious as fuck articles about Norman Mailer and a $7,000 table that you can buy and shit like this. Who is this for? Who are the people who want to read about Norman Mailer and reviews of $7,000 tables? The table had a chilled compartment in the centre for storing wine, by the way. And you’d press a button and the compartment would rise and you can get your bottle of wine. Okay, well, that’s something but I’m not in the market for $7,000 tables and I already have a refrigerator.
What the fuck. I’ve never seen that abortion nut Casey Hempel’s legs before and now I know why. Is that fat or muscle? I think it’s muscle because she has these scam e-books about working out. But who the fuck would want to look like that? I’m reminded of…I don’t know…Oompa Loompas for some reason. Yeah, they had the fat legs. I looked up some pictures. I was right. This is an Oompa Loompa.
Or maybe I’m thinking of when Violet Beauregarde ballooned after eating that gobstopper or whatever it was.
In any event, this looks awful. I’m sorry. I’m not out to body shame anyone but these women are presenting themselves as sex symbols. AND LOOK AT THEM! Horseface, it’s simply not possible for me to be any more flacid from looking at these pictures. Please stop.
And that Jesus nut is wearing a fanny pack. I’m going to assume that she’s doing this “ironically” because it’s some kind of 1980s nerd convention.
But god are those legs unappealing. If you want to work out and get enormous leg muscles, that’s perfectly fine. You don’t need my permission. Do whatever you want. But can you please spare the public and put some fucking proper fitting trousers on when you go outside?
And what would Jesus think about all of this? I know that he loved prostitutes but that was only in the sense of him being a forgiving kind of guy and valuing the lowest members of society. He wasn’t actively promoting prostitution.
Likewise, you who are younger, be subject to the elders. Clothe yourselves, all of you, with humility toward one another, for “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.” Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you.
– 1 Peter 5:5-6
Right there in the bible. Dress with humility.
This dumb bitch preaches about the bible but doesn’t have a clue what’s in there. She’s only interested in protesting outside of abortion clinics. She’s certainly not living her life according to the teachings of the bible. How many narcissists do you suppose are kicking it with Jesus? I’m wagering zero.
But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people.
– 2 Timothy 3:1-17
It can’t be any clearer.
Here’s Horseface just wearing a bra in public. It’s fucking revolting. LOOK AT HER! THIS is a hot chick? Which part of rural Pennsylvania does THIS count as a hot chick? I never want to go to such a place.
And then she says her feet aren’t cropped out on Fansly. Who the fuck wants to see her feet? Can we get her face cropped out? There might be a market in that. Post the pictures with her face on Twitter and then say, “Hey, if you don’t want to see my face, go to Fansly instead. I crop my face out of every picture.”
I mean, seriously. We’re supposed to be jerking off to THIS:

Are you out of your fucking mind? She’s 35. Even covered in makeup, she looks 45. A 45 year old man in drag. And we’re supposed to be jerking off to this.
It boggles the mind.
Do you suppose that Horseface will ever come to the realisation that she’s not a hot chick? I mean, is she going to be 80 and still doing this? When is she going to get it? I know that she’s built her entire personality on being a hot chick so it’s difficult to abandon but…join us in the real world, Horseface. Work on your personality. Develop some healthy interests. It’s perfectly fine not to be a hot chick. I mean…you’ve been living it all of your life, you just haven’t realised it.
Never ask a man his salary, a woman her age, or Google what pissmintsalad is
Is that really a thing?
She’s so lonely and sad, and trying sooooooo desperately for any attention anyone will give her.
She probably has a boyfriend. She was in a relationship with that guy in the marines like nine years and yet never mentioned him until she broke up with him.
If she doesn’t have a boyfriend, she can easily get one. It’s not remotely difficult.
She does all of this stuff to present herself as a lonely, single woman because she wants people to pay for her Fansly. She’s more marketable if she’s single and desperate. Gives the horntards the illusion that they have a chance with her.
I want Casey’s giant thighs to crush my head