Extremely RARE Castlevania Arcade Machine – Erin Plays

Another zero effort video from Erin. THREE MINUTES. And it’s a compilation of footage that she’s already shown like a year ago.

No, it was more than a year ago. She wrote about this trip to the arade in 2021. On Twitter. I discussed this memorable event here:

Mike forced Erin to go to some nerdy arcade and Erin played some Castlevania arcade game. Poorly. REALLY poorly. That’s the video. Do we really need to see it again? This happened YEARS ago.

0:00 – “Did you know about THIS Castlevania arcade game?”

YES. From your fucking tweet in November 2021.

And she’s wearing her iconic Hamburglar top. That must be the top that she wears whenever she’s doing something special.

Then there’s footage of Erin playing other Castlevania games, on stream, for money.

Then she’s going to Wikipedia dot com to get information about the history of the Castlevania franchise.

0:45 – Then there’s footage of Erin swinging the remote thing AWKWARDLY AS FUCK.

You know what might have helped? Handing Mike your purse. Don’t worry about emasculating him. He’s already emasculated himself thousands of times in his sycophantic promotion of your atrocious videos. “Hey, guys! Go watch my sugarbaby on Twitch.” No thanks, Mike. I’d rather do absolutely anything else.

The purse seems to be getting in the way but I think that she’s wearing it just for this video because it tightens her Hamburglar top and shows whatever breasts she has. Without the purse, of course she’d still be swinging that remote awkwardly as fuck but it might help a tiny bit if she got rid of the purse.

1:30 – “After playing it for a bit, it does get a bit tiring and I wish I knew what I was doing.”

Indeed. This comment can be applied to every single game that Erin plays.

Sorry guys. I have to end the stream there. Carpal tunnel. Sorry that I had no idea how to play the game. Bye!”

2:30 – Shout out to “Round 1 Arcade in Pennsylvania” where Erin plays this game. YEARS AGO.

According to Google, there are at least three locations in Pennsylvania. Exton seems to be the closest to Philadelphia. I think that they live somewhat near there. Do you suppose that was the one? Or was it the Lancaster location?

Ooh. They also have bowling. Do you suppose that Mike made Erin bowl?

What about go-karts? Any go-karts there?

Not that I’m seeing. But they have karaoke. Oh, I’m sure Erin would love that. And billiards. Guarantee Erin never played billiards before. Her game is 8 Ball.

They also have something called “spo-cha” at the Lancaster location (which is the one that I think they went to).


“Spo-Cha is an indoor sports complex, catering to all your recreational needs under one roof.”

And then they have a list of activities.

Basketball. Mechanical bull? Oh my god. Shishi is changing his underpants imagining Erin riding a mechanical bull. Hoverboard? Whatever that means. Arcade.

Batting cages? That’s going to be fun for Erin. Work on her swing.

Trampoline? Oh my god. No way. Shishi can’t take this sort of imagery.

Food and bar. Mini bowling. Karaoke. Kids play area.

Pocket Bike? Oh, that’s like a go-kart thing but…even gayer.

Roller rink. How 70s. Catch ball and frisbee. Whatever that is. Billiards. Dodgeball. Soccer. Ping pong.

And of course the old massage chair. Poor Shishi.

But yeah, this sounds like a fucking nightmare. And Erin went to this place as a 35 year old woman. It’s clearly for children. Children and creepy man-children. But Erin went there and pretended to enjoy it. She only went the one time, though. YEARS ago. She must not have enjoyed it so much.

Then Erin ends the video by suggesting that a “modder” should get this game to work on the Wii. Oh, sure. That sounds like a simple task. Not to mention the legal issues.

But this is something that Mike often talks about in his streams. He talks about how “modders”, or whatever term he uses, should make various homebrew games that he says he would like. “Why has no modder made a Thunder Cats game?” Shit like this. Erin just stole this idea or Mike specifically told her to say this. Maybe Mike wrote this whole fucking “script”, for whatever that’s worth.

Absolutely abysmal video. Erin has totally given up on Youtube.

  • “Step on me, Erin-sama.”
  • “Hey Erin, would you like to have dinner with me sometime?”
  • “I’m speechless…this is really amazing thank you ma’am” (crying emoji) (heart emoji)
  • “Hi Erin, have you played the Psp one?”

Anyone want to guess what Erin’s answer was to this one? “Not yet.”

Did you see her play the game on stream, you fucking retard? Then she didn’t play it.

  • “Love hearing you pronounce Grimoire as “Grime More.” (For future reference, its pronounced “grim wha”)”

Erin says, “Yeah, I goofed.” I guess that Erin “always” “forgets” how to pronounce Grimoire. She’s a big Castlevania fan, guys.

Oh, and in the comments she says that she went to the Exton location. The Exton location is in a mall. Do you suppose that Erin went to the mall as well? What exciting stories she could tell about that trip? Hey guys! Remember Sears?

  • “you are so beautiful and wonderful”
  • “My favorite E-girl besides Shoe On Head. Liked, engaged and done!”

Oh, here’s a comment from Joe from Gamesack. Joe from Gamesack loves Erin. He also loves Newt’s penis so…I don’t know. Maybe he’s just a horny guy who takes whatever he can get.

  • “We have one of those at the Round 1 out here. I’ve only walked through Round 1 once or twice. I can’t remember if I took video of it or not.”

Fascinating, Joe. Then Erin says, “You should play it while you still can! And win me something from one of the crane games while you’re there, thanks.” Joe replies, “Well, shit. OK.”

Absolutely shameless. She’s with the love of her life, Mike Matei, Joe. Stop trying to be a homewrecker. And Erin, I know that Joe is a sexy boy but try to control yourself. Mike will get jealous.

Oh, Erin even tweeted about Joe recently.

She was saving his video for her plane ride. She must be on one of her twice-monthly trips to visit her parents in California. Mike is of course paying for all of this. And on the trip, she’s watching Joe from Gamesack videos. And tweeting about it. It’s disgusting. We all know what this is. We’re not fucking retards. Well, I’m not. I appreciate that most of her fans are mentally retarded. But this is Erin keeping a beta orbiter like Joe around. Feeding him bits of attention. This thing with Mike isn’t going to last forever. She wants to keep Joe as an option.

  • “Erin you are so damn pretty! Can we go to the arcade for a date?”
  • “Hey Erin! Hope you had an awesome weekend! Keep it retro!”

You know it, Tony De Luna. Erin is all about those retro video games. Just kicking back and playing Defender all weekend.

2 thoughts on “Extremely RARE Castlevania Arcade Machine – Erin Plays

  1. I honestly don’t get it. And I have thought about it quite a lot because I think I can somehow relate.

    Why are all those people, Erin, Gamesack, Mike, AVGN, and everyone else, keep circling around the same topics over and over? I mean, it looks like the first AVGN was aired in 2004. Since then, it’s all the same formula.

    “Rare title Japan only.”
    “Did you know that Mario 2 is different in Japan”
    “Hard NES games”

    And so on… it’s been DECADES, and these people are still doing it. It was nice when, let’s say, we were in our 20s. I remember that getting my first job at 22 meant finally having money to buy all the games I wanted, not just one or two a year after begging my parents.

    But we turned 30. And then 40. Are we going to be 60 and still with this shit?

    Anyone reading this might think: “Well if you don’t like these people, stop watching their videos”.

    That is not the point.

    The point is, can’t we, as a society, do better? The same happens with music, cars, books, movies, etc. Why must we always look backward? What in the future is so damn scary that we prefer to remain a child, playing NES, with figurines and Mario vs. Sonic T-Shirts?

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