Murderous Muses – An FMV Murder Mystery – Cannot be Tamed

Shout out to Newt Wallen and his muse Horseface.

I was reading an article just today about how how the concept of a “muse” is sexist. I suppose that I knew it was creepy but I never thought about why. But yeah, some creep show director or artist or whatever claiming to need a young woman to trigger his “creativity”. Yeah, I don’t think so.

Whoa. Speaking of creep shows, Pam is showing off the goods in this one. Views must be going down again.

0:00 – “Today I’m talking about a new FMV game about art, inspiration, and murder.”

Ummm…can you just take your dress off instead? NOBODY cares about FMV games. Even in the heyday of FMV games, 1998, nobody liked them.

She implies that she got this game for free by the publisher. This is an ad. When you’re making a Youtube video that’s just an ad, aren’t you supposed to declare it?

1:30 – Whoa. Sexy school marm over here.

Ew. Then we see her god awful new tattoo. Totally puts me off. Sorry, Pam. Back to the dog fucking for you.

God damn. This is insufferable. This looks like the world’s most pretentious game. It has a bunch of English people with posh accents potraying rich English people from…I don’t even know. But I think from the somewhat distant past. 1920s maybe? But I think that they’re wearing modern clothes so…this is garbage. I can see Pam enjoying it, though. This has Pam written all over it. Boring and pretentious.

That’s the video. Total fucking trash.


  • Not nearly enough females who clearly know what they’re about when talking about videogames. Love this channel!”

Some nerd replies, “Whenever someone says females it always reminds me of the Ferengi from Star Trek.”

Yeah. Nice Star Trek reference. Jerking off to large eared Ferengi over there. So the original poster comes back, “Well I didn’t know what else to say. Is there a better way to refer to the fairer sex?”

Pretty gay to say “fairer sex” but whatever.

Then Pam, who loves being patronising, says, “Women.”

No, you dumb bitch. Because that doesn’t include girls.

Then some other guy says, “What a weird and sexist comment lol.”

Was the original post weird and sexist? Maybe? He’s suggesting that there aren’t many channels run by women who are knowledgeable about games. But is he wrong? I’m not an expert by any means on video game Youtube channels run by women, but from what I’ve seen, it’s not at all uncommon for the woman to be a total fraud who knows nothing about video games. And you NEVER see this with guys. Show me the fake gamer Youtube channel run by a guy. Chris Bores? Maybe. But he seems to know something about video games.

Anyway, then the guy who wrote the original message comes back. “Well I give a compliment and get called sexist. I honestly meant no disrespect. Now that I know what the community is like you can be sure I will never post again.”

Then he replies to Pam aka CannotBeEntertaining directly, “I sincerely apologize for using the wrong term. I meant no disrespect.”

You’re not going to get a date with this shit, I’ll tell you that. And that’s clearly what he’s trying to do. Pam enjoys being a patronising bitch that gets on her woke high horse on a regular basis but that’s not what she’s looking for in a man. She was dating that Mexican guy for years. Do you think he was some woke pussy? He was probably demanding a cooked meal every night. Foot rubs. Rough sex. Calling her a bitch. And then when he got bored of Pam, he dropped her like a sack of shit. And now she’s fucking her dog.

This is what women are looking for. I wish it was otherwise. I wish there was a way for gentle nerds like John Prezioso over here to say, “Oh, please. You’re so pretty, Pam. Can we go on a date to the feminist film festival this Saturday?” to get a date. But there isn’t. No woman wants that. They’re looking for a take charge guy.

Is this a sexist comment? No. It’s the unfortunate reality.

3 thoughts on “Murderous Muses – An FMV Murder Mystery – Cannot be Tamed

  1. Lol the guy simps, even slightly, and gets railed for it and gives up on the channel potentially.

    Also anyone crying about the Ferengi or making the Ferengi why they don’t like DS9 is admitting they’re a massive weakling. Instant self-report.

  2. I honestly think YouTube is screwed up. Pretty much all of the channels are like this: they had a good run years ago, and now they are ridden with ads and sponsors and begging for Patreon money. And yes, for any given reason, there weren’t many girls around to talk about it while growing up and playing video games.

    I then got my major in computer science. I love computers, but there weren’t many women around either. There were a few, but they were either too ugly, too fat, or very conceded. A couple was decent looking, maybe a 5, but given the conditions, they felt they were 10.

    Yeah, now we have grown up and got good jobs. We have money. And those women know that. They take advantage of that fact. It’s kind of a known pact.

    But we should at least be getting videos from good-looking women. Gorgeous. I mean, don’t we deserve it? Why do this “horse face” with 0.1-inch cleavage is all we’ve got?

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