4 BAD GAMES from Probe Entertainment – Erin Plays

Erin has worn this before.

Oh, here it is:

The search option on this site is great. I wonder what other shit I can add to the sidebar.

So she’s wearing this zero-effort nurse costume. AGAIN. It’s a reference to some Blink 182 album but not a favourable one. The woman on the Blink 182 cover had breasts.

So Probe Entertainment. Erin is all about Probe Entertainment. She knows all of the games from Probe Entertainment. And she’s going to tell you all about them in this four minute video.

The outfit is a reference to rectal probing for like a prostate check. Erin snaps her glove. That’s sexy, right? Getting a prostate exam from Erin? I don’t know. I guess that somebody thinks that this is sexy. Erin apparently thinks that this is sexy. She thinks that people are jerking off to this. They’re jerking off to a nearly 40 year old woman, with no job, no personality, never done anything in her life, and she’s average-looking at best. Is this a fetish for anyone?

0:15 – Wikipedia dot com.

“So let’s look at four random games that probably infilitrated our lives at some point.”

Well…not your life, Erin. Why continue the charade?

Then she starts talking about Alien 3 for the NES. I’ve never played it, Erin. Have you? Tell us about it.

1:00 – She talks about Alien 3 for a few seconds and then just immediately moves into Pagemaster. No transition. The video doesn’t even take a one second pause between games. She’s just immediately into Pagemaster.

You guys all know Pagemaster, right? No. I’ve never heard of this. I’ve certainly never played any of the games. But fortunately, Erin is here to tell us all about it and share her personal experiences of playing the game as a child.

She says that she saw the movie as a child, which is astonishing. She actually did something? She also went to birthday parties that had Pagemaster wrapping paper. What a bizarre, pointless, and uninteresting story that is.

2:00 – Daffy Duck in Hollywood. You guys all know this one, right?

No. I’ve never played it, Erin. Never even heard of it. Lucky for us, Erin will give a fantastic, in-depth review of the game.

2:45 – Batman Forever. I never played this either. But surely Erin will bring the goods.

Then that’s the video. This was total dogshit. And I’m pretty sure that Mike played all of these games within the past five years or so and her complaints all seemed to be complaints that I remember Mike making. I don’t think that it’s a coincidence. Mike should have got “help” credit for this video.

And she only appeared in this zero effort nurse constume for like 10 seconds. Eight seconds at the beginning of the video and two seconds towards the end.

This was awful. How could she possibly think that this video was worth releasing? All of her videos for the past two years at least have been this level of absolute dog shit. She’s totally given up on making videos. It’s just these zero-effort videos now. Her fake carpal tunnel syndrome doesn’t allow her to put any effort into the videos any more.

A lot of horny comments. I won’t even dignify them by copying and pasting them.

She was so proud of this video, or at least the thumbnail, that she posted this on Twitter. How? How could she possibly think that this is good? It’s an obviously unflattering comparison.

The problem is that you get these horny men who inundate women with compliments. You see this everywhere. Internet dating, social media, whatever. No matter what the woman looks like there will be guys out there talking about how hot she is. And the reason that these guys do this is because they’re trying to get something going with these women. And they’re desperate. And they’re saying this to EVERY woman.

But women don’t seem to realise this. So they internalise this. “Oh, this guy thinks that I’m hot. I must be hot.” And then you get shit like a 35 year old woman who’s average-looking at best, thinking that she’s a hot chick and everybody wants to have sex with her. No. These are just desperate, horny men who are saying this to EVERYONE.

It creates delusion. That’s why you get fucking Johanna out there taking pictures of herself in lingerie and posting them on the internet. “Well, Horseface says that I’m hot. Kris Glavin says that I’m hot. I must be hot.”

No. You’re not hot. You’re confusing a genuine compliment with horny losers who are saying this shit to everybody.

I don’t know what the answer is. It’s a broken system. The internet is to blame. Before the internet, compliments were rare and only dished out when deserved so women had a somewhat accurate idea of where they fell in the hot chick department. Only hot chicks got compliments on their appearance. And even then, somewhat rarely.

Now, some fucking 300 pound woman with the body of a truck driver can put some pictures on the internet and be absolutely swamped with compliments about how hot she is.

It’s easy to give compliments on the internet. Anybody can do it. You don’t risk embarassment by the woman being creeped out or not into you. There’s nothing for men to lose. So they’ll say this to EVERYBODY and then maybe one woman in 10,000 will end up having sex with them as a result of this compliment. But the other 9,999 all think that they’re hot now too. So these women’s standards all go up.

It’s a whole problem and it needs to be addressed perhaps at a government level but I don’t have a solution. We can’t have a society where Erin or Johanna or Horseface think that they’re hot chicks. It’s ruining society.

Erin is a 4. Horseface is a 3. Johanna is a 2. But they all think that they’re 9s or 10s. It’s not a sustainable system. Because these women all now think that they deserve a man who’s a 9 or a 10. No. It’s not how it works. It’s not reality.

2 thoughts on “4 BAD GAMES from Probe Entertainment – Erin Plays

    1. Lol yeah, like you made the biggest mistake putting up a side by side because all it accomplished is even quicker showing how much you look nothing like the model they used for the album cover back then.

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