The Return of the Blog

What an ordeal getting this thing going. But after that video of James Rolfe waxing idiotic about what a great writer he is, I was motivated to get things moving again. These scumbags were running amok for the past month. Nobody was keeping them in check.

Look at fucking Erin. She posted that picture on her Twitter where she took the Powepad thumbnail and superimposed it on the Barbie logo. It’s some “meme”, I guess. You think that she would have done that if I was still writing the blog? Fuck no. I’d be all over that.

And then she posted that THREE MINUTE video where she’s dressed as a “sexy” nurse. Just out of nowhere. An unbelievably low-effort video clearly designed to pull in the horntards.

She must have thought, “Hey, that Gamer Girls guy is gone, I’m free to do whatever I want.” No. Party time is over.

Actually, I don’t give a fuck. Do whatever you want, Erin. It’s you wasting your life, not me.

I haven’t been watching any of these videos, from anyone in the past month. I only watch that trash for the fucking blog. So it was a nice vacation. Didn’t have to deal with The Ideas Man or Tony from Summarise the Movies or Erin.

Oh, but I missed Kieran quitting Screenwave. Well, I can still do an article on that. And all of the videos that I’ve missed.

As for the blog name, the name of the site used to be “Gamer Grrls” and that’s how I had the URLs as well. “gamergrrlsofficial”. I had to do it like that because “gamergirls” was taken. Even “gamergirlsofficial” was taken. So I reluctantly went with “gamergrrls”, which did not help people find the site. It just made things more difficult.

I noticed like a year ago that some buffoon registered gamergrrlsofficial dot com. I suspect that it was Mike Matei for no particular reason. Maybe it’s just some random lunatic from Reddit. But like I’m going to fucking pay for that misspelled domain name. Or maybe they were just doing it to try to hassle me. No. I don’t care. Continue to pay for that misspelled domain name.

So daily blogs starting from…hopefully Saturday.

15 thoughts on “The Return of the Blog

    1. Yeah her, Horseface, and Fat the Moobies have been going extra cringe the past two months. That freak Mintsalad is back on Twitter (I mean barely, she’s just posting her usual self-degrading whore pics, but what else is new), and obviously Newt is his usual deluded/insane self.

      So a bit of the same old; a bit of it all getting worse.

    1. So what needs to happen now is his mother needs to be sent that tweet of his and she needs to be asked like she was by him in that one video last year if she is proud of him…

  1. Yeah, these whippersnappers have been engaging in all sorts of chicanery lately, with nobody to hold them to account.

  2. Nice, you got it set up. Congrats. Hopefully certain psychopaths don’t try their cowardly nonsense again.

    1. He was the first one to post, of course. Usual death threats. But he uses Express VPN. Probably used James’ promo code to get 20% off the first three months. So I installed some plugin to block VPNs and the like and that seems to be working.

    1. No, he can’t possibly have a job because he’s on Reddit all day, so can’t afford the seven dollars a year.

      After looking into it yesterday, I’m pretty sure that it was Pam aka CannotBeEntertaining, actually. The registrar is based in Toronto. She also lives in Toronto. And she works in IT.

  3. I thought blogs were dead and then I found this one. No up votes, no SEO shit, no pity clickbaits.

    Just a blog, awesome.

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