Erin Plays and Mike Matei Stream Fall Guys! (part 3 of 4)

Parts 1 and 2:

1:06:45 – Erin failed to get past the first round…BECAUSE SHE SUCKS ASS AT VIDEO GAMES, YO!

1:07:45 – Mike is talking about how he played No Man’s Sky on stream, for money.  Erin is pretending to know what the game is.  She has NO IDEA what he’s talking about.  But she’s pretending.  This is what she does.

1:09:30 – Mike left to get Elmo or something.

1:10:00 – Erin got lost on this level.  I don’t even know how it’s possible.  She was on a platform…and she got lost on a platform.  Unbelievable.

1:13:00 – A horntard talks about some Arachnaphobia game for the Amiga or something.  You play as John Goodman.  Erin says, “I want to play that.”  Then she says, “You play as John Goodman?  Was he in that?”

She doesn’t know ANYTHING about ANYTHING.  So this is what she does.  She just pretends.  She pretends to be interested in this shit, she pretends to follow the conversation.  But in reality, she doesn’t have a fucking clue what anybody is talking about.  It’s like she’s Charlie Brown and everyone else are adults.  It’s just trombone noises to her.  She has NO IDEA what anybody is talking about.  Ever.  

1:15:00 – Now a horntard is talking about Joe’s Apartment.  Erin says, “I’ve never seen Joe’s Apartment but I do want to watch it.  Was it MTV’s first film?  I don’t know.”

Great stuff, Erin.  Another thing that Erin didn’t do but she wants to do.  What’s holding her back?  She has all of these hopes and dreams of games she wants to play and movies she wants to watch and toys she wants to buy but…nothing ever happens with that.  Unless it’s on stream, for money.

1:15:30 – It’s Mike’s turn and Erin leaves.  Maybe she’s going to get the Elmo puppet.  Or cry in the bathtub.

1:22:15 – Erin is back.  She was off taking a dump, I guess.

1:25:00 – Erin claims to have loved Goldeneye for the N64 as a kid.  Uh huh.  This is the first I’m hearing of this.  But no.  She was a big Goldeneye fan.  

Okay.  So do a stream, Erin.  Show us your pro skills.

1:26:00 – “N64 hacks.  That’s like unexplored territory for me.”

You don’t say, Erin.  What the fuck.  Well, at least for once she’s admitting that she doesn’t know something about a segment of video games.

1:27:00 – Now it’s Erin’s turn.

1:27:15 – “Did I check out the Splatoon demo?  I don’t totally love Splatoon.  I know that’s, like, an unpopular thing.  I don’t know.  I never could get into it.”

Well, it is a video game.  I can see the problem for you.

1:29:15 – Erin got first place in this map.  There were only like 40 people there and earlier somebody said that matchmaking is done based on skill level.  So Erin must be in the “retard” skill level.

1:32:30 – Mike says that he “doesn’t buy a tonne of games any more.”  Erin says, “Yeah, I’m the same.”

At what point was Erin buying games by tonnage?  She doesn’t buy fucking video games.

Then she says that she wants a complete Castlevania collection.  Every Castlevania game.  And they recently bought a Castlevania game while they were in California visiting her parents.

Why?  Why any of this?  Why is she wasting Mike’s money on this shit?  She has NO INTEREST in any of this shit.

Then she wants all of the Sanrio games.  Fuck off.

1:35:15 – It’s Mike’s turn.  Let’s stop here.

Final part:

1 thought on “Erin Plays and Mike Matei Stream Fall Guys! (part 3 of 4)

  1. I wonder what this woman actually does with her free time. She doesn't even seem to have normie interests let alone nerd ones.

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