Erin is Incapable of Scheduling a Doctor's Appointment

I wish you could schedule doctor appointments online or communicate through email when it comes to simple questions because I hate calling people when it comes to scheduling (crying emoji) I think I’m more direct in writing and if I can’t hear them . . . lord help me lol.

What’s the problem?  Pick up your phone, dial the number, and say, “Hello.  My name is Erin Plays.  I’d like to make an appointment to see Dr (whoever).  I have fake carpal tunnel syndrome.  I can come in any day, any time, because I don’t have a job.”

Why is that so difficult?  What about this requires email?  

She makes reference to asking “simple questions.”  This is exactly why a doctor wouldn’t want to give patients an email option.  You’d get fucking lunatics like Erin sending idiotic emails about totally invented medical issues.  And then, as the doctor, you’re expected to reply, no matter how stupid and baseless the email is.  

This tweet is about carpal tunnel syndrome, in case it wasn’t clear.  Later in the thread, she talks about how it’s particularly difficult to get in touch with “specialists” so that confirms it.  

She does not have carpal tunnel syndrome.  MULTIPLE doctors have already told her this.  This is by her own admission.  Erin has said that she’s gone to doctors for years, DECADES maybe, about this fake carpal tunnel shit and every doctor has told her that it’s NOTHING.  I’m not making this up.  Erin herself has said this.

Last October, she said that finally found somebody willing to do some carpal tunnel nerve tests.  She promised to come back with the results.  Where are they?  She never came back with them.  It’s been nine months.  I’m still waiting.  She never mentioned these tests ever again.  If the tests were even conducted, it’s obvious that it came back stating that there’s absolutely nothing wrong with her hands or wrists.  No fucking carpal tunnel syndrome.

But she keeps looking for a doctor who will entertain her nonsense.  Why?  Just get a fucking job.  Don’t waste people’s time with this mentally ill bullshit.

I went to school with some nutjob.  Biggest nerd in the school.  This was in middle school.  

Years later, I was about 21, and I went to the doctor for a physical.  I needed to get a physical for some job, which is ridiculous, but whatever.  This guy was in there.  The receptionists were telling him, “There’s nothing wrong with you.  Stop coming here” and he just laughed nervously.  

This is what some people do.  Lunatics.  They convince themselves that there’s something wrong with themselves and go to doctors to try to confirm it.

I read an article about this not long ago.  People will fake symptoms to try to get the doctor to go along with their lies.  These people like being sick.  They like having something wrong with them.  They like being treated by doctors.  So they’ll fake some kind of medical condition.    

That’s what this is.  These people are mentally ill.  So is Erin.  

So ShiShi replies, supporting her delusions.  He posts a gif of Erin that he made where she’s shooting herself in the head with a finger gun.  Why he thinks that Erin would want to see that, I have no idea, but ShiShi posts his Erin gifs a lot.  It must just be weird for Erin to see that shit.  But ShiShi gives Erin a lot of money so she encourages this mentally challenged freak.

Speaking of mentally challenged freaks, JOHN RIGGS replies.  Horny as always.  I can see John Riggs having a lot of experience with doctors and hospitals.  He has a very autistic son and his son/daughters are really mentally ill.  He fucked his family up so bad.  I mean, the autism, I can’t blame him for that.  But BOTH of his daughters are sons/daughters?  That screams, “What the fuck is going on in that house?”

Most people in this thread reply saying that online scheduling exists in whatever backwoods state or country that they’re from.  But not in rural Pennsylvania, apparently.  

Candi from her titualar Game Shrine replies.  You all know Candi, right?  Here’s her Twitter.

She changed her name to include “my body my choice”.  Ummm…you know, when you use this phrase, you always open yourself to snarky comments.  I’m going to take the high road on this one but you can see for yourself if you’re at all interested in this woman’s body.

I’ve seen her stuff before.  It’s a middle aged, single woman with a cat.  The usual stereotype.  And she makes dioramas out of Game Boys.  She glues shit on Game Boys.  I don’t know why anybody would do this or want this but…it’s some nerd shit.  What do I care?  It keeps her busy.  Good for her.

So she says, “I am so grateful for the doctors I found in WA because that is literally how every single one of mine work. It’s great because if I have a simple question I can just hop on my phone or their website and just send them a message and they usually get back to me within 24 hours.”

This is what I was talking about.  When you offer an electronic option in these situations, you’re opening yourself up to every nutjob on earth.  “I gained five pounds.  Is it a cancerous growth?”  No.  You’re just a fat chick.  Stop eating so much.  And stop wasting my time.

She continues, “These places exist so don’t give up. Don’t settle for anything but the best when it comes to your healthcare”.

Yeah, I think I’m going to settle for something less than the best.  Isn’t just about everybody?  Are we all going to the best doctors?  It’s impossible.  Competency is the goal.  Not the best.  

So somebody replies, “What a lesson I’ve learned, recently. Doctor sucks? You don’t have to stay with ’em!”

Candi replies, “It took me years to learn that. I really thought that all doctors were the same and that the type of care I was receiving was normal. Come to find out I should’ve been reporting half of them. If something doesn’t feel right speak up.”

Total nutjob.  If half of the doctors are so incompetent that you feel that they should lose their licence to practice medicine, maybe you’re the problem.  Maybe you’re some kind of fucking lunatic who glues shit on Game Boys and calls it art.  

So that other lunatic comes back, “And if you can’t or don’t know how, find an advocate”

Yeah.  Let’s get lawyers involved over this bullshit.  Find a shyster lawyer who takes any case and harass a doctor who refused to entertain your bullshit, made up medical problems that are a result of your mental illness.

See, here’s the real problem: America has a poor mental health system.  I think that it was Reagan who closed all of the asylums.  But we need asylums.  We need a place to house and treat people who are a danger to themselves or others.  And we need a robust system in place so that people who are mentally ill, like Erin or Candi or whoever, can get the mental health treatment that they need.  

There’s no shame in any of this.  I’m not saying that Erin or Candi are bad people.  They have a problem.  A legitimate problem, not like this carpal tunnel bullshit.  They’re mentally ill.  They need medication.  They need to speak to a trained and competent psychiatrist or psychologist.  

Okay.  Okay, I feel really bad about this.  But this guy replies, saying that he goes to the doctor a lot.

He’s in a wheelchair and I suspect is mentally challenged.  

Not only does he reply to all of Erin’s tweets, but he also replies to LOADS of porn star’s tweets.  And like…gross stuff.  

These are the people who watch these videos and give their money to these women.  It’s well beyond unethical.  Taking advantage of the mentally challenged.

Somebody else says, “Wow. I thought that was a common thing. I can do that. Not schedule appointments, but I can email my doctor for simple questions. I guess it depends on your doctor.”

Who are these people emailing questions to their doctors?  I’ve never done that in my life.  If there’s an issue that I think is serious enough, I’ll go make a fucking appointment.  But I almost never do that.  

I’m not fucking harassing the local doctors.  It’s ridiculous.  Why aren’t these people harassing the local mental health care professionals?  Because that’s what they need.  

3 thoughts on “Erin is Incapable of Scheduling a Doctor's Appointment

  1. I love these people who go to the doctor or A&E every time they have a headache. Because tards like this are hogging up the system I can never get appointments. It's nearly been a year since I was referred to a specialist because my legs just fucked out, but I have to wait because of people screeching about muh headache and muh chest pain.

  2. Yeah when I was younger you could get an appt with specialists within like two weeks maybe three max. Now you go to schedule here in the States and you're lucky as shit if its even a month later. Usually two, I've heard some of my family members say four months later they could finally get in to get checked for things that hardly need diagnosis and they are suffering from and it isn't some hypochondria shit. So it's just a joke.And if your pain is so bad they're always like “well gee, if its that bad I guess go to the ER?” To what end? They give you a painkiller maybe, can't actually solve your problem, and send you a fat bill in the mail. It's such further insult being told that when you need an actual specialist to check you out and find out what is wrong with you. But hey, at least you can bare through months of pain to have that talk.

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