CannotBeTamed Shilling for Abortions

She did a Twitch stream where she, allegedly, donated the money that the horntards gave her to Planned Parenthood.  

Why is Pam so interested in Americans getting abortions?  For those who might be unaware, Pam is Canadian.  She lives in Canada.  She’s always lived in Canada, as far as I’m aware.  She has no plans to ever leave Canada.

So why get involved in this shit?  It has nothing to do with you.  Or if you do want to take up perceived injustices throughout the world, why that one?  Why isn’t Pam speaking out on the myriad of injustices throughout the world?  Even if we just focus on issues that affect women, because Pam is a hardcore misandrist, why isn’t she talking about female genital mutilation or breast ironing or burkas or arranged marriages or women being trafficked for prostitution or polygamy?  

Doesn’t she care about these things?  A lot of these things happen in Africa, South Asia, and the Middle East so it’s a little difficult for Pam.  She’s checking her privilege while people are being sold into actual slavery.  She doesn’t want to tell “people of colour” how to run their countries.

But she has no problem doing this for the US.  

So she says, “Sharing this fundraiser here and on Twitch has gone great and my awesome community smashed the first goal immediately… but post about it on the Community tab on YouTube and all the idiots come out to say their piece.”

There are almost no “negative” comments in that community post.  Maybe she deleted them all.

But anyway, the only idiot here is Pam the dog fucking lesbian.  She jumps on every woke bandwagon that the Jewish media trots out and then as soon as the media hype dies, she forgets about it.  Black lives mattered to Pam until the media stopped reporting on it, then she didn’t give a fuck.  Pam thought that the police should be defunded, back when the media was hyping that, and then she forgot all about it when they moved on to the next story.

Should abortion be legal?  I guess so.  It’s not something that I really think about.  I’m not some Jesus nut.  My first reaction when I heard the news was, “Wow.  That’s pretty crazy.”

But this is America.  It’s full of extremists, be they religious or right-wing or weirdo transgender-loving “progressives”.  What do you want me to do?  I don’t fucking live there.  I don’t give a shit what they do.  

Even if I lived there, what’s the point of getting upset?  What is Pam advocating?  The country is run by corporations.  Am I supposed to write my congressman?  Am I supposed to vote for somebody who represents my interests?  Who would that be?  Which billionaire represents my interests?  

Talk to anybody who lives in China or Russia about how they like living there.  They like it.  They don’t talk about being repressed or complain about not being able to vote in free, democratic elections.  They don’t give a shit about that.  It doesn’t affect their day to day life.

At least in Russia and China, they’re somewhat up front about the absence of any democracy.  In the US and Canada and in most Western countries, they try to sell the farce.  The reality is that your vote counts for absolutely nothing.  When both candidates consider you to be cattle, what difference does it make who you vote for?  It’s all the same bullshit year after year.  

Did anything change with Obama?  He did the same fucking bullshit that George W Bush did.  Is this current zombie president any worse than Trump?  There’s no change.  

Where’s the candidate advocating for free college education, socialised healthcare, and a redistribution of the wealth?  I’d vote for that guy.  Where is he?  Nowhere to be found.  No politician is advocating this.  Not in the US, not in Canada, not anywhere on earth.

But Pam wants to sit there in her studio apartment, getting eaten out by her dog, and be outraged at the latest media hype.  She’s a moron.

So there’s Pam’s fundraiser.  She got $2000 from the horntards.  What’s the point?  What is Planned Parenthood going to do with this money?  They were pretty well funded already and they couldn’t do anything to stop the law being changed.  Were they short $2000?  Was the $2000 going to make a difference?

Let’s check out some of these comical comments.

– “The lives of anybody who can get pregnant are on the line.”

Are you talking about women?  This is the sort of disgusting bullshit that breeds right wing extremists.  Nobody wants this weirdo shit.  But the only two options are the right-wing lunatics comprising the Republican party or the ladyboy-loving freaks of the Democratic party.  And none of these people give a fuck about any of this anyway.  They’re just there to enrich themselves.  They’re only interested in redistribution of the wealth upwards.  They don’t give the slightest of fucks about any social issues.  These are just distractions while they try to accumulate all of the wealth.

– “I vehemently disagree with the fascists in the Supreme Court”

How does giving fifty bucks to Planned Parenthood while jerking off to Pam aka CannotBeEntertaining solve anything?  You just lost fifty bucks.  You might as well have flushed it down the toilet.

– “I too will channel anger into fundraising. Thanks for being awesome Pam.”

Twenty bucks wasted.  And he wants to give more of his money to charity.  He thinks that this is going to make a difference.  What have these charities done so far?  Some of them have been around for 100 years.  What has ever been achieved?  

Cancer charities.  What have they done?  Last time I checked, cancer still exists.  When are they going to solve this?  

It’s the same all down the list.  Heart disease.  Stroke.  Alzheimer’s.  They’re not doing shit.  

I’ve never given to charity in my life.  Why would I?  They don’t do anything.  If there’s a problem, we have a fucking government.  Elected officials, right?  They should be doing all of this.  There shouldn’t be some hobo outside of the grocery store with his hand out asking you to give money to cure cancer or protect abortion rights.  That’s a completely ridiculous way to go about doing any of that.

Somebody gave $500.  Some of these horntards have deep pockets.  Well, they don’t have girlfriends so you can save a lot of money from that.  But do they have jobs?  I guess Super Geoff works in a grocery store.  So there’s that.  I don’t think that he donated, though.

But the thing that annoys me the most is that Pam is Canadian and just using this abortion thing, as preposterous as it is, to shit on America.  “Look at how backwards Americans are!  I’m a Canadian!  We don’t do that shit here.”

Well, great.  But this is what they do in the US.  What do you want?  And why aren’t you complaining about all of the backwards bullshit that goes on in Nigeria or Saudi Arabia or Pakistan?  Do those women not matter?

You’d see this with Trump.  I live in the UK and people would talk shit about Trump to me because I’m an American.  Like I give a fuck.  I didn’t vote for the guy.  I don’t vote.  The alternative candidate was just as bad.  And I haven’t lived in the US for twenty years.

But it’s a way for people to feel better about themselves and it’s a way to attack America.  Worry about your own fucking country.  There are a myriad of problems in Canada and in the UK.  Maybe focus on those problems.  Problems that actually affect you.

You have a 100 year old woman who never worked a day in her life, she’s worth half a billion dollars, and she has considerable influence in the government.  Are you interested at all in that?  Isn’t that way more outrageous than anything that Trump has ever done? 

In order to get British citizenship, you have to swear an oath to Elizabeth II and all of her heirs in perpetuity.  Isn’t that at all bizarre to you?  Why would you support such a thing?  Feudalism is long dead.  Get with the times.  

But no.  We want to talk shit about Trump.  Who cares about our own problems?  It makes us feel good inside to think that we’re better than those wacky Americans.

2 thoughts on “CannotBeTamed Shilling for Abortions

  1. You're right about it all being a farce but then you succumb to the lie of the elusive 'right wing extremist' and 'far right Republican' … these things, for the most part, are fictional bogeymen. Outside of /pol/, most people are just democrats or democrats plus or minus 10 years of 'progress'. The entire thing is just a smokescreen to divert attention from the very real class struggle (or lack there of) between the elite techno-financial masters and their 300 million cattle. Further, saying Obama was no different is somewhat incorrect. He or whatever demonic entity he represents accelerated the whole culture war to the point of no return. The reason the media is so comically biased now is a direct result of the Obama admin overturning the ban on propaganda. Further, the way the media tried to devour Trump is direct proof he was 'different' in some sense, at least at the start. Until they got dirt on him and turned him into yet another stooge, that is.

  2. holy shit. You need to get a life. Talk about being a massive fucking creep. You and all the people over at the the cinemassacretruth subreddit, man.

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