Kristin Epstein – The Elusive Operations Director of Screenwave Media

I was looking at some tweets from Johanna and noticed that a Kirstin Epstein replied to one of them.  I clicked the link and it said that she was Operations Director at Screenwave.  Well, nothing really interesting about that so I moved on.

A while later, I happened to be looking for information about Screenwave.  I found this video:

It’s from 69 News, rural Pennsylvania’s most trusted news source.  They’re doing an interview with Ryan Schott and his sister Kristin Schott.

0:15 – “Ryan Schott and his sister Kristin run Screenwave Media in Chalfont.  Ryan started the business after working with his friend The Angry Video Game Nerd.”

Her name is given as Kristin Schott.  This was in 2019.  She must have subsequently married a Jewish man with the name Epstein.

Why have we never heard of this woman before?  This is the co-owner of the company.  Or something.  This news piece describes them as running the company together.  

What is an “Operations Director”?  Let me look this up.

“The role of operations director generally encompasses the oversight of operational aspects of company strategy with responsibilities to ensure operation information is supplied to the chief executive and the board of directors as well as external parties.”

So I don’t know.  But it’s something.  “Running the company” was the description.

Here’s her LinkedIn:

Screenwave Media.  Operations Director.  2013 to present.  

She was still in college in 2013, by the way.  Typical nepotism.

Back to the video.

0:30 – “Screenwave really came out of the idea that I could take the lessons I learned building The Angry Video Game Nerd brand and building that presence and apply it to other creators.”

That’s not exactly a ringing endorsement.  “Hey, Youtube Content Creator!  You know how Screenwave fucked up AVGN hard?  Well, we can do the same for you!”

Anyway, Kristin.  It’s just weird that we’ve never heard anything about this.  We were always told that it’s Ryan running the show.  

Let me state, as tactfully as I can, that Kristin can afford to lose some weight.  And certain catty gay men on certain sub-reddits may find cause to draw attention to this.  So maybe that’s why she keeps a low profile.

But I find it misleading that we’ve never heard anything about this woman before.  I want to know the full corporate structure of Screenwave.  Why the secrecy?  What are they hiding?  What other members of the Schott clan are employed there?

A degree in English qualifies this woman to be Operations Director.  And she hadn’t even graduated when she started the job.  

A lot of people who are entering a family business might get a degree in business or management or something like this.  She went with English.

West Chester University of Pennsylvania has an acceptance rate of 86%.  Hardly an elite institution.

Ryan is listed as the “co-founder” of Screenwave.  I think it’s because his father put up some or all of the money to start the company.  Why don’t we know anything about him?  

I found a list of officers.

The only name on here I recognise is Justin Silverman.  And Annie Wang may or may not be the chubby Asian woman who appeared in a couple of videos.

Oh, this is weirdly out of date because SuperRetroGal is on here.  She only worked there for like a week.  Over a year ago.  Maybe anyone who ever was an officer is on this list.  And by “officer”, they’re including something as low-level as “channel manager”.

I’m not seeing any obvious relatives of Ryan, other than his sister. 

If you do some more sleuthing, you’ll find more comprehensive lists.  Some of them have Newt on them, which is kind of funny.  And I found the in-house lawyer at Screenwave.  Even he’s obese.  What’s going on there?

Anyway, in this video Ryan is in front of his arcade machines.  He’s spending lavishly.  He’s making all of this money off of the labour of other people.  Everyone in his family seems to be feasting on this.  They’re parasites.  But you can still feel good watching this because you know that this wealth is fleeting.  How much longer can this Screenwave venture possibly last?  I don’t even know what they do.  Does anyone?  They just take 20% of a channel’s Youtube earnings…for nothing.  And they ran Cinemassacre into the ground with their mismanagement.

4 thoughts on “Kristin Epstein – The Elusive Operations Director of Screenwave Media

  1. Yeah, “Disney Parks fan” and the two of them would definitely be friends. Both pretty obsessed with all that. Pretty normal obsession though compared to a lot of the actual freaks at Screenwave.That's funny Newt is listed on anything still. They get a call years from now for a job reference for him (I know, I'm really suspending belief here lol) and they have to tell them what really happened. That's why I always want a cleaned slate if bridges get burnt because they can keep burning years later and you might not expect how and still get fucked over.

  2. I've never known anybody in my life who was interested in Disney shit. Maybe it's a regional thing. Maybe I just didn't get to know these people well enough. But this seems like an extremely common interest on the internet.

  3. Yeah it's mainly a girl thing to be into, and it's also more an east coast U.S. thing to be into (simply because World is on that side, and the shittier Land is on the west coast).I don't know a whole lot of people above age 30 that are big into it still though. It's usually something you are into as a kid and maybe into your 20s. So this is purely nostalgia based and even then it's a bit much as a grown adult. But again could be a worse obsession.

  4. Also, more dumbass shit”Hah I don't need that to cause break ups! I'm so fucking self-deprecating teehee!”

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