Severin Films: Mardi Gras Massacre review – Newt Wallen

Oh.  More tits and gore.  This never gets old.

So he got a DVD from some vendor who was at this nerd convention.  The vendor made the DVD but…this movie is from 1978.  I doubt it’s the same company who made the movie.  

No.  It’s just a company who buys the distribution rights to old, shitty movies.  

1:15 – This DVD was some kind of “deluxe” edition so it came with a tits and gore comic book.  Newt shows the cover and some pages.  He notes that there’s a lot of nudity in the comic.

2:00 – There’s also a novelisation of the book.  Well, that’s interesting, I guess.  Even the comic book is unusual.  But doing a novelisation of a 45 year old, little-known, tits and gore movie?  It’s a total waste of time but it’s interesting that somebody would go through this much effort over something that can’t possibly be a financial success.

And who’s going to read this thing?  Not even Newt is going to read this.  

So somebody wrote a book that quite possibly NOBODY is going to read.  There’s something intriguing about that.

2:45 – Newt describes the movie as “surrealist art porn”.

It’s just boring.  I’ve never been so bored with nudity in my life.  Hearing this weirdo go on about tits and gore several times a week really debases the whole naked lady thing.  

6:45 – Newt goes on an odd tangent about being “woke”.

8:15 – Newt suggests that he would show this movie to people who come over and ask, “What’s a fucked up, fun movie that we could watch?”

Isn’t it gay to watch porn with your friends?  And if they’re women, it’s just creepy and totally inappropriate.  

That’s the video.  This is short.  There’s nothing on Newt’s Twitter to pad this out.  Just his usual mentally ill bullshit about bad scripts that he wrote in two days.

Oh wait.  Here’s one.

“Shot out 4 reviews today at the studio with ceeceepoliz  and FallonVendetta”

I omitted all of the spammy hashtags.

But is this his movie review project that he was talking about?  Because neither of these women are PVC Bondage Girl or Mel.  

FallonVendetta is a prostitute who was in some shitty movie that he was somehow involved with and the other woman is…a makeup artist and mother who I assume he also met while somehow working on some shitty movie.

These people are not good.  We don’t want to see fucking prostitutes and “nerdy” vegan soccer moms.  We want PVC Bondage Girl and we want Mel.

Why the fuck would he put a prostitute on this thing?  It’s not even about pulling in the horntards in this case.  Newt just wants to be around prostitutes.  So he’ll pay these women to be on his shitty Youtube show.  

This right here ruined any chance that these videos are going to be even remotely watchable.  This is pathetic in the extreme.

Obviously, even having PVC Bondage Girl and Mel as his co-hosts would be pathetic and an obvious attempt to pull in horntards and pay sluts to hang out with him.  But at least they worked with him.  There was some plausibility that they were on the show because they were friends and they all enjoyed movies.  

But some dumb prostitute, covered in tattoos, and her big fake tits?  No.  Go get a fucking girlfriend.  

And look at the body language in that second picture.  Newt is trying to put his arm around that prostitute and she’s all covered up in a defensive position.

There is no chance that this is going to work.  None.  It screams desperation.  Instead of looking for people who might have interesting things to say about movies, he just got local prostitutes.  He’s paying these women in crack.  

Every move is the wrong move with Newt.  How can somebody make so many bad decisions?  I’ve made the same observation about Erin.  I don’t know.  Some people just don’t make good choices.  Maybe there’s an element of wanting to ruin your life.  There’s a self-destructive thing going on.

3 thoughts on “Severin Films: Mardi Gras Massacre review – Newt Wallen

  1. Yeah if he starts making a lot of content with those two that's gonna be pretty weird considering one is indeed a prostitute (also, I have to imagine that farpoint toys guy's wife being jealous of him spending time around that chick since they seem to have a bit of an old married couple spiteful vibe going on in their marriage and it is objective fact the two women are not equally attractive lol), and another woman whose entire identity appears to be that she's vegan, pooped out a baby, and is a nerd. This is…awful. My gf happens to despise vegan women based on experience at her workplace with them being the most pretentious twats of anyone there and constantly try to make her vegan. So I can already tell that there's a huge likelihood this woman is a kook and her kid(s) are kooks in training.Oh and of course, they're clearly dumb enough to fall for Newt's bullshit. Or perhaps he just thinks they both are since he definitely knows what he is doing and why.

  2. How is the woman from Farpoint Toys involved in this? I must have missed that.My girlfriend is a vegetarian but she's not sanctimonious about it. Like sometimes in a fast food restaurant, the cashier will tell her that there aren't separate grills or whatever for vegetarian and non-vegetarian food and she doesn't care about that. The idea is that some people don't want their food “contaminated” with any meat products. Or they'll ask if they should put the vegetarian food in a different bag from the non-vegetarian food and, again, she doesn't care. She's never suggested that I should start being a vegetarian. She doesn't talk about the terrible lives that the animals have. None of this stuff. If you bring up the topic, she'll give her opinions but I don't bring it up.

  3. The farpoint guy has done “films” with that woman. She has posts with him on twitter. Most likely Newt related.And yeah it's not every vegan of course, but especially here near the big city it's a shitstorm of the worst of the worst of these types. They're not subtle and they're exactly how I described. Most of them are obsessed with bicycling to and are mega feminist because of the two combined. I've seen so much shit at this point. They have no ability to maintain themselves and not come across like lunatics.

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