Creator Clash – Results and Analysis – Nathan Barnatt

I gave my predictions in the above article.

So Creator Clash: the “influencer” boxing event.  I watched it on some nerdy 4Chan stream, I think.  Most of the comments were about how “gay” everything and everyone was, and I think that’s par the course for 4Chan, but in this case, it was apt.  This was one of the gayest fucking things I’ve ever seen.

I’m just going to have to review this from memory and using an article I found which gives the results because I can’t find a torrent or anything of this.  The article is here:

That respectable publication: The Mirror.  Also a great source for articles about large breasted Z-list celebrities.

Apparently, there was an opening match featuring actual professional boxers.  Fabian Andre Lopez Nieves vs Rufino Lewis.  I didn’t see that.  

But I just looked it up.  The guy with six names had six professional bouts and the other guy had three.  And they’re both in their late 20s so…these aren’t future world champions.  The second guy has a 1-1 record, and he lost this match.  He’s just some local bum who they scrounged up.  The other guy is undefeated.  Whatever.  I didn’t see it.  Moving on.

There was also, apparently, supposed to be another “professional” match but…there just wasn’t.  These “professional” matches were on the undercard.  

So the stream started for me with the first match of the actual card which was Matt Watson vs Nathan Barnatt aka Keith Apicary aka “Dad”.  “Dad” is his latest cringe and unfunny “character” that nobody gives a fuck about.

We start with a backstage “interview”.  It’s some fat Indian guy who’s a “Youtuber” who I never heard of before.  And his interview style is to tell the same unfunny half-jokes to everybody who he interviews and then say, “Right?”  Like he’ll say, “You’re going to go out there kick his ass.  Right?”  He prompts them for an answer and the only answer anybody can give is “Yes”.  That’s not interesting.  These “interviews” are all about this fat Indian guy.  Oh, the fat Indian guy is gay, by the way.  Just about everybody in this thing is gay.

There are also some obviously scripted exchanges during these “interviews”.  There’s a lot of this.  

So the first interview is with Matt Watson.  It’s some skinny SUPER gay man who has a fake “daddy” tattoo on his chest and he’s carrying a sex doll with Nathan Barnatt’s face on it.  He says some really homosexual stuff, he walks to the ring, and he tries and fails to stomp on this sex doll.  This doesn’t bode well.  He couldn’t even beat the sex doll.

Then it’s Nathan Barnatt’s “interview”.  He says a lot of cringe, in-character bullshit about how he’s a robot or something.  The fat Indian guy prompts him with some gay comedy “questions”.  Then Nathan Barnatt prances to the ring.  There’s some muscular local wrestler with him, as part of his entourage, and this wrestler looks uncomfortable as fuck with all of this gay shit going on.

Nathan gets into the ring, dances around some more, rubs his head against Matt’s head, he’s doing his stupid bullshit and everybody in the ring looks really, really annoyed and uncomfortable.  

After the introductions, the fight begins.  Nathan Barnatt claims to have been training in boxing for at least a year.  I didn’t see much of that training here.  

But the other guy didn’t even know where he was.  I think that he was expecting to do a gay porn shoot and couldn’t understand why Nathan was punching him.  

The match lasted 22 seconds.  Nathan just whaled on this flaming homosexual with his totally untrained punching technique and Matt had absolutely no response.  He was looking around thinking, “What is all of this?  What’s going on?  Where are all of the naked men?  I was told that this was going to be a homosexual gangbang shoot.”

I was surprised by this, though.  I thought that these matches were going to be some kind of exhibition where a couple of fairies prance around and slap each other for a few rounds.  No, this was competitive.  Nathan had limited boxing skills but he was trying to knock him out from the start.  He punched this guy right in the face multiple times.  

Oh, I forgot to mention Nathan’s attire.  He’s wearing pink shorts and one pink glove and one blue glove.

Then after the fight, a SUPER gay man does the in-ring, post-fight interview.  This guy is probably the second worst thing on the show.  He never knows what camera he’s on.  And for the first few “interviews”, he asks if his microphone is on and he asks what camera he should be looking at.  He’s terrible.  And he asks the same fucking braindead question to everyone.  “That was a hell of a fight.  Is there anything that you want to say to your opponent.”  It’s that for every fucking “interview”.  

And again, he’s SUPER gay.  He’s a big fat guy with an effeminate voice.  He must be some other Z-list “Youtuber”.

Anyway, “Dad” says some more homosexual, scripted, unfunny bullshit.

Oh, and I forgot to mention the ring announcers.  One guy is transgender and the other two…are probably gay considering the rest of this event but they’re at least semi-masculine homosexuals.  And the commentary is not good.  It’s bland at the best of times, bad at the worst.  Howard Cosell has nothing to worry about from these buffoons.

Next match is Ryan Magee vs Alex Ernst.  I have it as “Brian McGee” in my previous article, so that must have been how it was on the Creator Clash website because I got the names from there.  I don’t know which is right and I don’t care to find out.

It starts with the usual homosexual “interviews” from this gay Indian man.  Let’s just get straight to the action.

Brian/Ryan had absolutely no boxing skills.  Alex has limited boxing skills.  So Alex beats on this guy for the full five rounds.  There are five, two minute rounds in these matches, and they wear large gloves.  Larger than normal, professional boxing gloves.

Brian/Ryan hits Alex a few times with sloppy punches and they both get gassed out pretty quickly but it wasn’t close.  Alex just beat on this guy for ten minutes but didn’t have the skill or strength or desire to finish the match.  It would have actually been more humane to finish this fat fucker off rather than beat on him for ten minutes.  Brian/Ryan was badly bloodied after the first round and it was clear that he wasn’t going to win.

Then after the match, that fat, gay, incompetent “interviewer” was back and he did his terrible one generic question “interview”.  And then Brian/Ryan and Alex hugged each other probably…this is no exaggeration…TWENTY TIMES.  It literally looked like they were making out at one point.  I was waiting for them to have sex right there in the ring.  

I made predictions on who would win in my previous article and this was the only one that I got wrong.  So if anyone was placing bets on “Youtuber” boxing matches based on my picks, I apologise but other than this match, I did really good with my predictions.

Internet Comment Etiquette with Erik vs DJ Welch was next.  Starts with the homosexual interview with that fat, gay Indian guy.  Then we’re on to the fight.

They’re both wearing headgear because…they’re older?  They’re like 40 years old.  According to the commentary guys…it’s suggested that they’re doing this because they’re older and these fights are somehow sanctioned by Florida.  But Nathan Barnatt is older than anyone and he didn’t have headgear.

I don’t care about the headgear, it would probably be sensible for everyone to wear this, but their explanation didn’t make sense.

I don’t really remember much about this.  Neither one of them knew anything about boxing.  It was just two big, fat guys throwing haymakers at each other and hoping for the best.  DJ Welch knocks that other fat fuck down at least three times and then the fight is stopped after the second round.  The corner stopped it, I think.

Ididathing vs Theodd1out.  

The gay “interviews” are even gayer for Ididathing.  There’s a homoerotic skit where this guy’s trainer takes a mouthpiece out of the front of his trousers, hands it to Ididathing, and Ididathing puts the mouthpiece in his mouth.  Then as they walk to the ring, they’re dancing and Ididathing’s manager is grinding against Ididathing’s ass all the way down the ramp.  Then they do some kind of gay leapfrogging move on each other.  Oh, and Ididathing is wearing some kind of overalls.  And the commentary team mentions that Ididathing often wears assless chaps.

I’m not making any of this up.  This whole event was EXTREMELY gay.  It was openly gay.  

Then Theodd1out did his gay interview.  His interview was surprisingly unscripted and he just gave awkward answers partly because this fat Indian guy’s questions were horrendous and partly because Theodd1out has no charisma.

But I prefer that sort of interview to the gay comedy scripted interview.  At least Theodd1out was genuine.  He was expressing genuine discomfort with this fat, gay Indian man’s idiotic questions.  I can appreciate that.

So then the fight starts and it’s clear that Ididathing has some boxing experience and Theodd1out does not.  So Ididathing is just picking him off with jabs and the occasional follow up and Theodd1out is re-evaluating his decision to appear on this thing.

Oh, I forgot another homosexual element.  It was Theodd1out’s birthday so he came to the ring wearing a little party hat.

It’s the first round and Ididathing keeps asking the referee to stop the fight.  I mean, he’s just beating on him but he’s not landing any big punches.  It’s all jabs.  Why would you stop a fight over jabs?  If you want to end the fight, fucking knock him down.  But these guys just want to have tickle fights with each other while wearing assless chaps.

Anyway, after being relentlessly hounded by Ididathing, the referee stopped the fight in the first round.

It’s the same incompetent, gay, pointless interview afterwards.  

Next match is the women’s fight: Yodeling Haley vs Justaminx.  The 4Chan stream comments all kept suggesting that Justaminx is transgender.  No.  Come on.  She’s not even that unattractive.  She’s a 4/10.

There are the terrible interviews with that gay Indian man.  Justaminx did a bad, unfunny scripted intervew whereas Haley did an unscripted, awkward interview ala Theodd1out.  Again, I prefer the unscripted stuff.  It’s genuine and it exposes people’s real thoughts and feelings toward this gay Indian man’s abysmal questions.

Then the fight starts.  When I saw these people and that Justaminx had a good 10 or 15 pounds on Haley, I predicted Justaminx would dominate but no.  Haley did a relatively respectable job.  Relative because neither one of these women have any boxing experience.  It was just a slap fight and Justaminx got tired really quickly.  

It ended in the fourth round after Justaminx landed a few unanswered shots.  They were both bloodied but Haley was clearly the worse off.  Had it gone on, perhaps Haley could have done something.  It was maybe stopped too early.

Then the fat gay man comes out and does his generic question to which Justaminx does a bad scripted promo.

Oh, are these women also gay?  Possibly?  I have to assume so.  There was a big bull dyke referee for this match.  Whatever.

Hundar vs AB from the H3 Podcast.  There’s the usual bad interview with that gay, fat Indian guy.  Then the fight starts.

I don’t remember anything about this other than these guys actually put on a boxing match.  They threw punches that looked like they took at least one boxing lesson in their lives.  

It ends with a fifth round stoppage.  Hundar wins.  It was competitive and an actual boxing match but I don’t remember much about it.  Maybe that’s telling.  Maybe that’s why they put these gay freak shows on instead.  It’s more entertaining.  Maybe entertaining isn’t the right word, because this was the most entertaining fight, but…more memorable, I guess.

Michael Reeves vs Graham Stephan.  There’s the atrocious interview with that fat, gay Indian guy.  If I recall correctly, both of these guys gave a pretty boring, non-scripted interview, so that’s good.  Well, better than the scripted horseshit.  

Michael Reeves is some nerd who really needs to see a dermatologist and Graham Stephan is a douchebag who makes videos about how to make millions of dollars in real estate.

They’re both 5’3″.  Michael was the underdog and crowd favourite.  I also wanted to see him win just because fuck this asshole and his scammy real estate Youtube videos.

Neither of them know anything about boxing.  The crowd cheered every time Michael did anything.  He’d land some flurries.  Then in the second round, he staggered Graham and went in to try to finish it, and the referee stopped the fight.  The Mirror says that it was a terrible stoppage but I don’t recall being outraged.  It was maybe a bit questionable but he was going in to finish that guy and Graham was just standing there getting hit.

Harley from Epic Meal Time vs Egoraptor.  Harley is a big fat guy and he gives a bad scripted interview with this gay, fat Indian guy.  I don’t remember the other guy’s interview.  Then we’re off.

Egoraptor is wearing pink shorts and pink gloves.  Yeah.  We get it.  You’re gay.  You don’t have to advertise.  Just the fact that you’re on this show is proof enough to show the world that you’re gay.  Every single person involved in this event are gay.  The fighters are gay.  The interviewers are gay.  The announcers are gay.  The referees are gay.  The cornermen are gay.  The cameramen are gay.  The people who set up the arena are gay.  Everyone in the audience is gay.  Everyone watching at home is gay.  I’m gay.  Everyone reading this is gay.  We’re all gay.  We get it.  You don’t have to drape yourself in pink velvet to announce it.

So Harley, who has some boxing skill and is like 70 pounds heavier than this other guy, just whales on him for two rounds.  The other guy lands some punches too and is making an effort but it’s clearly a mismatch.  The referee stops the fight in the second round.  

After the fight, the awful fat, gay interviewer does his, “That was a hell of a fight.  Do you have anything to say to your opponent?” question and Harley does a bad, scripted promo where he challenges some “Youtubers” who I’ve never heard of before.  He also says that his opponent is the real winner because he had the “balls” to enter the ring against somebody 70 pounds heavier than him who actually has some boxing experience.  More gay commentary.  But yeah, the actual winner is the guy who won the fight.

So it’s time for the main event.  By the way, that previous fight was the “co-main event”.  A fight where even the guy involved said that his opponent took the fight on short notice and was grossly out-classed.  

It’s Idubbbz vs Doctor Mike.  Fat, gay Indian guy makes his merciful last appearance and does his bad interview.  I don’t even remember what the interviews were about.  It was like 2:30 in the morning at this point and the thing started at 11:00 pm.  

Doctor Mike is really, really gay, though.

So they get to the ring and somebody called Airsoft Fattie does the national anthem.  This is a fat man.  Do you want to guess his sexual identity?  GAY!  EVERYONE IS GAY!

He also seems to be autistic and has well below average intelligence.  

So he starts singing and he doesn’t seem to be making any effort.  This is not a singer.  Why did they pick this guy?  

And you know what else I noticed?  Where are the hot chicks?  I think that Crystal Quin was at this event and she must have had the exact same concern.  

There were no ring girls.  There were no hot chicks presenting flowers or anything to the winner.  The interviewers were all guys.  The announcers were all guys.  I mean, what the fuck?  

Why does it have to be so aggressively gay?  I’m not saying that it has to be fully heterosexual with big titted ring girls in bikinis and whatnot but would it have killed them to make this thing a little bi-sexual?  Why does it have to be Liberace levels of gay?

So this fat, autistic faggot comes out and barely sings the national anthem.  He quickly forgets the words.  So after a lot of gay hemming and hawing that he probably thinks is cute, he tries again.  The crowd sing along to try to help him and he “forgets” the words again.  

The crowd continue to sing because they don’t want him to re-start again.  But he insists on starting over and there are audible groans from the crowd.  Or maybe that was just me.

So this weird, fat, mentally challenged gay man tries again.  He stumbles through it, doesn’t know the words, says, “da da da” a few times and then shuffles off to get penetrated by any number of gay men who were in attendance at this thing.

It’s disgusting.  First of all, why even have the national anthem?  I know that this is done at American sporting events but…I don’t know why.  

But if you’re going to do this, if you’re going to try to treat this like a legitimate sporting event, get an actual singer.  Not this weird, fat, mentally challenged gay man.  This was insulting.  Roseanne Barr almost lost her job over something similar.  The whole nation was outraged.  How dare Roseanne Barr desecrate the national anthem?  She needs to be fired from her hit show Roseanne.

Roseanne’s rendition of the national anthem was far more professional than this guy’s.

Then the fight starts.  They’re wearing smaller boxing gloves and it’s supposed to be four, three minute rounds instead of the five, two minute rounds of the previous bouts.  But…it’s not.  Somebody fucked up.  So they ended the first round after two minutes, causing confusion by all involved.

Dr Roids is clearly stronger and more trained in boxing than Idubbbz but Idubbbz does a respectable job.  

They decide to switch it to five, two minute rounds.  

The fight goes the distance and Dr Roids wins by decision, although that result will probably be overturned if they did a drug test after the fight.

There was also another professional fight between Radivoje Kalajdzic and Ernest Amuzu.  From Wikipedia, these seem to be more legitimate professionals than the guys in the opening bout.  But I didn’t see it because I turned the thing off after the Dr Roids fight.

So overall, I was pleasantly surprised.  I thought that it would be some hokey, slap and tickle fighting but no, everybody was actually trying to win.  

It was gay.  No doubt about that.  MASSIVELY gay.  But it was the best gay boxing event I’ve ever seen.  

It reminds me of the Edinburgh Fringe Festival.  I’ve been there many times with my female girlfriend.  It’s an arts festival where they have like plays and music and comedy, usually in small venues.  Sort of amateur productions.  EVERYTHING is gay.  

I went to a play about Leopold and Loeb, for example.  Leopold and Loeb murdered a 10 year old boy when they were like 15 years old.  This took place in the 1920s, I think.  

So you might think, “Oh, this play is going to be about the murder.”  Fuck no.  It was about all of the gay sex that Leopold and Loeb allegedly enjoyed.  And historically, there are rumours that Leopold and Loeb were gay but that’s not the commonly accepted theory.  

Nevertheless, the writers of this play made it ENTIRELY about all of the gay shenanigans that they got up to.

Now, I had been to the Fringe Festival before so I knew going in that this was going to be super gay.  So I wasn’t outraged.  You know?  This is what goes on at the Fringe Festival.  It’s all gay.  Everything is gay.  You can either go there and appreciate it for what it is (gay bullshit) or go do something else.

I feel the same way about about Creator Clash aka Fudgepacker Fighting.  Yeah, it’s gay.  SUPER gay.  But it was still good.  This was good homosexual, amateur boxing.  The camerawork was good.  The production value was high. The fights were largely amateurish but competitive.  

I would make changes, sure.  Get rid of both the backstage and in-ring interviewers.  That in-ring interviewer was exceptionally bad.  Maybe try to find better announcers but they weren’t distractingly bad.  That guy who did the national anthem was an absolute disgrace and he should not ever do this again.  

But generally, I enjoyed it.  I’d like to see some other gay “Youtubers” mixing it up in there.  Maybe Nathan Barnatt vs Pat the NES Punk.  Similar age.  Similar weight.  Both gay.  Maybe Fred versus that “leave Britney alone” guy.  I think that guy might be a “woman” now but there’s equality in sports now.  Men or “men” can take on women or “women”.  

There’s a lot that you can do.  I’d like to see Tony from Hack the Movies versus Kieran.  I’d like to see Newt versus James Rolfe.  I’d like to see Erin versus Destiny Fomo.  The opportunities are limitless.

3 thoughts on “Creator Clash – Results and Analysis – Nathan Barnatt

  1. You should really see how many posts Horseface made about that event on twitter. She posted some truly cringe things and videos.I've seen so much evidence already but it bares repeating, she cannot handle being out in public with any kind of tact. She's like the female equivalent of a dude at a party who always tells room clearing “jokes”. I bet even Screenwave people must be embarrassed to be seen with her at times. They have to. You can't just put on blinders 24/7 to it.

  2. You are quite the disappointment, my dude. Commenting on Z list celebrities and YouTubers like you didn’t cream your pants over 10 views a day for a hit “article”. I’m proud of you for being yourself though, really exaggerates how much of a let down you and your blog are. I’m sure you’ll argue that you’re putting on a “character” but for now I’ll just refer to you as the Dad Fan because clearly you took his notes to heart about it being fine to be obnoxious and a waste of space- as long as you’re playing a ✨Character✨

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