Erin's Boring as Fuck Twitter

“I love coffee.”

That’s the tweet.  She’s a big coffee fan, guys.  She wanted the horntards to know this.

So some right wing conspiracy nut asks, “How do you like your coffee?”

And before we get to Erin’s riveting answer, let’s explore this guy’s Twitter.  This is one of Erin’s fans, bear in mind.  These are the people watching her videos.  The horntards.

Every crackpot, right wing conspiracy theory that exists, he supports them all.

Ukrainians are all Jewish Commie-Nazi Freemasons.

“Fuck your god damn fucking pro nouns. Loser”.

A noun that lost its amateur status.

He also ends a lot of his tweets with “Loser.”

Various stuff about how mass shootings are hoaxes.

He calls some dark-skinned person a “monkey”.

A lot of stuff about child molesters, most of whom are members of the Democratic Party.

Ukraine is also full of child molesters.

Will Smith slapping that guy at the Oscars was a hoax.

A lot of shit anti-“trans” shit.

“I’m tired of hearing about these sick fuck trannys competing in women’s sports and winning against actual women. Let the freak show compete amongst themselves”

Anti-“vax” stuff.

This is every fucking tweet.  He never tweets a picture of his dog or something, for example.  Or what he had for lunch.  Every fucking tweet is some right wing nut job bullshit.

This is one of Erin’s biggest fans.  “So what kind of coffee do you like, Erin?  And do you agree that the Ukrainian people are all commie-Nazi Freemason child molestors like Obama?”

So Erin replies, “plain ol’ half and half with sugar :)”

Riveting stuff, Erin.  It goes well with her favourite snack from Disneyland: unbuttered, unsalted popcorn.

She retweeted this:

Some guy “preserved” (scanned and uploaded) every issue of some PC Engine magazine that I’ve never heard of.

Erin is a big PC Engine fan, guys.  She doesn’t know jack shit about the PC Engine but I explored this topic numerous times already so let’s move on.

She re-tweets Mike’s recent Talking About Games.

I watched this.  Mike talks about his “carpal tunnel” NUMEROUS times in this episode.  It’s fucking ridiculous.  He claims that his “carpal tunnel” really became aggravated from playing Heroes of Might & Magic III.  Even Ryan pointed out the absurdity of this.  “Isn’t it just a strategy game where you’re issuing commands?”  Mike claims that his “carpal tunnel” gets aggravated because he’s not used to playing games “with mouse and keyboard.”

He talks about his wrist brace.  He talks about his ergonomic mouse.  He does all of this shit because he’s in constant pain from playing video games.

Then go see a doctor, Mike.  Why suffer?  Go to the same quack doctor that allegedly diagnosed Erin with carpal tunnel syndrome.  I’m still waiting for the results of those nerve tests that Erin promised us.  This was back in October.  Where are the nerve test results?  When is the surgery?

He doesn’t see a doctor because it’s all made up bullshit.

“I’ve been wearing ear plugs when I go to shows since my early 20s. And if I forget my ear plugs, I stuff pieces of tissues in my ears”

She’s a big ear plugs fan, guys.  Spacerebellion left a message saying that only transgender child molesters use earplugs but some guys in black UN helicopters quickly deleted the message.

But yeah, when Erin goes to concerts, she always brings the earplugs.  She’s all about that crazy rock ‘n’ roll lifestyle.  And when she forgets the earplugs, she just takes some of her snotty tissue and shoves that up her earholes.

Metal Jesus replies, “I suffer from tinnitus and it’s no joke. I hear a high pitched squeal 24/7 and it’s been happening for more than 20 years now. Really sucks. Too many live metal shows with no earplugs…”

What are you retarded?  That’s not from the wild Twister Sister shows that you enjoyed in your youth.  That noise is a subliminal message from the Democratic Party brainwashing the sheeple into trading our guns for covid vaccines.  

Joe from Gamesack also replied.  “I went to an AC/DC concert when I was 8 or 9. Permanent tinnitus, though I still seem to be able to hear details other people don’t.”

You think that you’re going to get a date with this shit?  AC/DC?  Really?  Well, I suppose that Erin does pretend to enjoy things from before she was born.  I was wrong to doubt Joe from Gamesack’s romantic machinations.

But no, it’s not tinnitus, you fucking loser.  That high-pitched sound that you’re hearing is the death cry of every one of Spacerebellion’s spermatozoa every time he cranks one out to Erin.  That’s why you hear it so often.

These are the people watching Erin’s videos.  Literal retards.  People with serious mental health problems.  And she’s taking money from them.

I was watching a Mike Matei stream recently and Games and Movies gave a bunch of “gift subs”.  Games and Movies Entertainment.  In case you’re new, here’s his channel:

He also regularly goes to Erin’s streams and gives her money.  They know exactly who this guy is.  He’s a seriously mentally retarded man.  I’m not saying this as a joke or as an insult.  He has videos on his channel where he’s at Disneyland and he’s hugging the costumed characters.  This is every single video.  He walks with an odd gait.  He positions his arms in an odd way.  Facially, you can see that something is not right with this man.  Every comment that he leaves on Youtube or whatever is “HUGS!”  

Anybody with a brain can see that this man is mentally retarded.  Not a little bit.  Serious mental retardation.  And they’re taking money from him.

Then you have this lunatic talking about grey aliens injecting covid into transgender Ukrainians in order to help the Democrats elect a loser monkey.  They’re taking money from these people.  It’s grossly unethical.  

5 thoughts on “Erin's Boring as Fuck Twitter

  1. That Games and Movies guy has hardcore Chris Chan vibes. God damn.Also “proudly unpoisoned” lol. Proceeds to die from something vaccined 60 years ago.

  2. Chris Chan has autism or something but seems to be of normal intelligence.Games and Movies is mentally retarded and is clearly of below average intelligence. WAY below. It's not right to take money from him.

  3. Uhhh I would definitely not consider Chris Chan to be of normal intelligence, just higher than this other guy by comparison.They're both highly retarded people that I wouldn't trust around children or women ever.

  4. i dont think anything any of these girls could do would ever please you. Bob for example, was very ambitious with her new projects, she is essentially making her own short films, even still, you are making things up about these girls and just sounding downright mentally ill. Also, i wonder when someone will slap you with a liable notice, im sure its already happened as youve been very quiet about some of the other girls you hate on quite often. get a job, or a hobby, cause this isnt it

  5. I always go in with an open mind when watching these videos and they always disappoint. I gave Bobdunga's video a chance but it's just unwatchable. All of this shit is bad. It's not that I go in wanting to shit on the videos, it's just that the videos are always shit. I don't think that these women are capable of producing good content. But if they somehow ever do, I'll give them the appropriate credit.What am I making up? There have been no “liable” notices. Who have I not written about lately? There's Pelvic Gamer but I've explained why. She's just really, really boring. I don't write about Madam Fomo much any more because she doesn't upload Youtube videos much these days and I don't want to delve into her seedy bullshit.

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