James Rolfe is Back in his Covid Bunker


“I’ll be taking a holiday break from the podcast. Lots of my family has been testing positive for Covid. Don’t worry. We’re Ok. All us of age are vaccinated and have no major symptoms, but still, it’s been a lot to deal with. AVGN 200 Part 3 coming soon. Podcast back in few weeks.”

First of all, let’s appreciate how insane it is that Justin Silverman is writing in the guise of James Rolfe.  That’s what this is.  Jimmy can’t even be bothered to tweet his own tweets so it’s Justin Silverman writing these, as though it were Jimmy writing these.  

It’s like how there are two Jewish brothers writing the Iron Sheik’s tweets and I recently heard that they’re doing Virgil’s tweets as well.    People will re-tweet the Iron Sheik’s wacky tweets, thinking that it’s actually the Iron Sheik writing them but, no, it’s these two Jewish brothers who somehow finagled their way into this.  They’re his “manager” or at least his “social media manager”.  

But yeah, Jimmy is petrified of covid.  The man is mentally retarded.  It’s sad to see.  This is how somebody of below average intelligence reacts to the constant scare mongering around covid.  

Maybe he just doesn’t want to do these podcasts any more.  One of the top comments mentions this:

– “Is this gonna be like the ‘break’ from James and Mike Mondays? Should we prepare for the podcast to be the Justin and Kieren show?”

It’s a reference to Jimmy’s proposed 7 month hiatus from James and Mike Mondays, which turned into, “Actually, I don’t want to do this any more.”

Top comment is this one:

– “Jesus. I hope you & your family are okay, mang. I know you’re really responsible when it comes to health, yourself & your family so I have a strong feeling, you’re doing everything you can to protect yourself & your family. Stay safe. We all love you.”

Completely bizarre.  There are a lot of people who will defend Jimmy and seem REALLY invested in Jimmy’s family.  Why do they care so much about Jimmy being a “good father”?  Is Jimmy their surrogate father?  

And of course it’s insane the amount of times that Jimmy will use his children as an excuse to not do any work.  If he’s genuinely that invested in his children that’s he’s willing to sacrifice his job for them, then he’s a fucking moron.  If he’s just using his children as an excuse not to do any work, then he’s unbelievably lazy.  In either case, this is not something to praise.  

Jimmy is refusing to do his JOB so that he can spend more time with his children.  Doesn’t he see any problem with this?  Is Jimmy independently wealthy?  Because when this Youtube shit goes away, and it will go away, Jimmy is working at Wawa for eight bucks an hour.  Full time.  Or he’ll have several minimum wage part time jobs to equal a full time job.  That’s 40 hours a week, Jimmy.  Doesn’t he realise this?  And he won’t be making enough money to support these children.

Have a healthy work/life balance NOW so that you can secure your financial security in the future.  But fucking retard Jimmy Rolfe is completely disinterested in this easy as fuck and fairly lucrative job that he has now so he’s spending all of his time with his children.  It’s just hastening the demise of this gravy train that he’s on  He’s a fucking moron.

Most of the responses to this tweet are cult-level supportive.  Justin must scrub these comments hard.  EVERYBODY cares about Jimmy Rolfe’s family.  And they apparently think that Jimmy works REALLY HARD.  It’s risible.  These people are on another planet.

Let me check the hidden comments at the bottom.  These are usually the best ones.

– “if you all had no symptoms, why get tested at all ? it’s not like people have routine testing unless for their job”

– “You know what’s BULLLLSH*T?! Taking a V-A-Double X and your whole family still gets sick. Future episode?”

– “He never indicated he’s sick or that anyone that was vaxxed got sick”

– “Testing muh vaccines on muh children!”

– “OMG!!! You only have a 99.9% chance of survival. I hope you make it!! This could be bad!”

I wasn’t disappointed.  

Who is even sick?  He just said “my family”.  Does he mean his aunt and cousins who live across the country and he hasn’t seen in 30 years?  We have no fucking idea.

Now let’s get into the conspiracy section of the article.  If every adult in the Rolfe household is vaccinated why did they get covid?  The goalposts were moved and then the story became, “You can still get covid if you’re vaccinated but the symptoms are less severe.”  That’s not much of a vaccine.  

Why do people think that covid will be eradicated by a vaccine anyway?  It has flu-like symptoms.  So let’s look at the flu.

There’s a new flu vaccine every year.  But there have been…I don’t know…thousands of different types of flu, millions, billions.  Who knows?   So they take the most common flu strains for that year and put it in the vaccine.  So it protects you from the most common flu strains.  Sort of.  For that year.  Then you have to get a vaccine the next year because there are loads of new flu strains that come out all the time.

Influenza hasn’t been eradicated.  Why would covid, which has remarkable similarities to the flu, be any different?  

This is where all of these boosters come in.  There’s a new covid variant that’s even more deadly and terrifying than the rest of them combined.  Better go get your booster.  Oh.  Like the flu?  Like how you have to get a new shot for the flu every year?  Yeah, I’m good.  I’m not worried about the flu and I’m not worried about covid.  But if you’re worried about these things, by all means get the vaccine.  What do I care?  

They shut the world down over the flu.  I don’t know what caused covid.  Some scientist in China made a boo boo or some Chinese guy ate a bat or fucked a chicken or whatever.  But what I do know is that it’s completely preposterous to shut the world down over this.

If Jimmy wants to hide in his home, he’s free to hide there.  He’s always been free to hide.  But for the rest of us, for those of us who aren’t mentally retarded, can we just go about our lives undisturbed?  Can we go to work?  Can we go to the grocery store without wearing a useless mask?  This is all a complete farce.  Somebody is making a lot of money off of this, and that’s why this is happening.

How can any rational person believe this shit?  I’m still waiting to find out what happened to Osama bin Laden.  Burial at sea, you say?  In keeping with “Muslim traditions”, is it?  No pictures.  No journalists.  Huh.  Interesting.  You’ve captured the number one terrorist in the world but…just throw him in the ocean.  We don’t need any pictures or independent confirmation that any of this actually happened.  

People bought that.  That’s still the official story of what happened.  It’s preposterous.  

I could swear that I told my Gulf War story before but I’m not seeing it in the archives.  

In 1990, a 15 year old girl from Kuwait gave testimony to the US Congress about how Saddam Hussein’s troops were taking babies from Kuwaiti incubators.  

I was like 12 years old at the time and I thought, “This doesn’t make any sense.  Why would they do that?  There’s nothing to be gained.”

So I go to school the next day and the teacher is talking about this.  She presents this story as factual.  We should all be outraged at what Saddam Hussein is doing.  He’s ordering troops to take babies out of incubators.

People bought this shit.  As a 12 year old, I thought that it was bullshit.  But fully grown adults bought this shit.  Educators.  People with college degrees.  That preposterous story was the catalyst for the invasion of Iraq and it was 100% lies.


Then in 2003, there were stories going around that Saddam Hussein was putting people in wood chippers.  And I thought, “Wait a minute.  That doesn’t sound right to me.  Wasn’t this from a movie?”

It was all bullshit, but again, it was used as a catalyst to invade Iraq.


“What about that Tuskegee syphilis thing?”  Yeah, it’s here:


So James Rolfe is cowering in his home like a little bitch.  But the man is mentally retarded.  Semi-intelligent adults believe this shit.  I don’t know how but…you see this time and time again.  There’s some ridiculous, bullshit story in the news and people believe it.  Sometimes it gets proven to be untrue.  I suspect that this is what will happen with covid.  Some day, we’ll be told what the truth actually is with this.  But by then, the damage has already been done.  I’m thinking that the lost city of Atlantis is somehow involved.  

4 thoughts on “James Rolfe is Back in his Covid Bunker

  1. Bimmy is exactly the kind of fucking midwit who fear mongers over Covid and it's entirely because it benefits him being a lazy piece of shit.I couldn't care less if AVGN never came back – that channel makes no good content any more. I don't hate Justin or any of the other people who are alleged to be “ruining” it – the entire onus really is on James for this one. I talk to Justin sometimes on Twitter and I can just tell the guy is sick of defending James' retarded antics. Oh yes, James has to go away for ten years in his bunker because someone in his house coughed? That's perfectly fine. Nothing to see here, folks. This is normal.I don't know if James is really actually TRULY scared of the rebranded flu or if he's just using it as an excuse to not do any work. I'm thinking the truth is somewhere in the middle. But what I find funniest is the boys on Reddit saw this coming from a mile away. “How long will it be before the podcast becomes the Justin and Kieran show”? “How long before the podcast doesn't have James at all?” “How long until James doesn't 'have time' to do the podcast?” They predicted ALL this shit.Somehow the channel has become more entertaining for the behind-the-scene antics rather than the actual content. It's like the Star Wars prequels of YouTube videos.

  2. It has to be terrible working with James. And then you get all of the blame for James' complete lack of interest in doing his job. Justin has talked about trying to motivate Jimmy into doing his job, for instance. Who needs to be motivated to do their job? If you don't want to do it, go look for another job. Nobody should have to beg you to work.

  3. They're all vaccinated and have no “major” symptoms (probably none at all), and yet they still have to lock themselves in for the next month. Knowing Jimmy, it's likely that he's just lazy, but I'm sure his wife is FREAKING out over the doomsday flu. Meanwhile Florida and other Republican states have no restrictions, and everyone's fine.

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