Conventions I'll Attend Through the Rest of 2021 – John Riggs

Right off the bat, I thought, “Who gives a shit?”  

I’m reminded of White Castle boxes.  Their burgers and whatnot came in boxes back in the day.  I don’t know how their packaging is today.

But on the boxes, they would have a list of states that have White Castle restaurants.  So they would have, “Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky”, whatever and they would add states as the years went on and the company expanded.  

I always thought that this was insane.  Who’s planning their vacations around White Castle availability?  What’s the possible benefit in my knowing which states have a White Castle?  

So here John Riggs is going to tell us which nerd conventions he’ll be attending.  Why?  I’m not going to plan my fucking vacation around which nerd conventions John Riggs is going to.  What’s the benefit in my knowing this?  John Riggs can go to as many or as few conventions as he wants.  I don’t give a fuck.  It has nothing to do with me.

0:00 – He says that people asked him if he was going to Too Many Games and “Where can I find you?”.  

Really.  So we’re expected to believe that there actually are people out there who want to meet John Riggs at some nerd convention.  I don’t think so.

Oh, and I watched some footage of Tony from Hack the Movies and Johanna at Too Many Games.  As here:

That is painful shit.  These are some unbelievably awkward nerds.  Who the fuck would want to go to such a thing?  Awkward nerds, I guess, but who else?  

Oh, I noticed that John Riggs is wearing a Polybius hat.  Let’s hope that Cat DeSpira doesn’t find out.  John Riggs’ hat is plagiarising her article.

0:30 – Then John Riggs starts singing the praises of his “sponsor”.  That’s what this totally pointless video is about.  He just needed an excuse to plug this shitty company and make a few pennies.

Oh…it’s this thing.  It’s this total scam where you can buy a “share” of somebody’s sweaty shoes, for example.  

1:30 – He’s going to Texas.  Again.  He must want to meet up with Zap “Too Hot to be an Influencer” Cristal again.  And her husband.  John Riggs is into some freaky shit.

2:30 – He suggests buying some homebrew game that he’ll be selling.  “Save yourself the shipping cost.”  What?  Shipping costs are like $3.  The cost of the ticket to these nerd conventions is like $20.  Plus driving there.  Plus parking.  And whatever else.  

3:15 – He’s going to some convention in Milwaukee but…just to “hang out”.  So he’s just buying a ticket to go there.  I guess.  So…maybe you’ll bump into him by chance?  Who cares?  What’s the point of any of this?

John Riggs says that he’s never been to Milwaukee and then lists all of the food there that he wants to eat.  This is how he views traveling.  He always talks about the food.  It’s bizarre.

4:15 – John Riggs then says that if somebody else has a panel and wants him to sit with them, that might happen.

What?  Why would anyone let John Riggs crash their panel?  Fuck off.  Get your own panel, you degenerate.  

5:15 – Now he’s saying what nerd convention he’ll be in February 2022.  But…the title of the video states that he’s just going to talk about conventions he’ll be at for the rest of this year.  So 2021.  This is bonus content, I guess.

6:15 – He’s plugging his cereal book.  Again.  It’s just copyrighted pictures of cereal boxes.  Here’s Reddit’s next plagiarism scandal.  John Riggs is a big fat guy so those homosexuals probably don’t like him.  Talk about how John Riggs is selling a book that’s just copyrighted pictures of old cereal boxes.  And then Photoshop a picture of Mike’s penis into his mouth.

7:00 – Then John Riggs tries to guilt us into going to these nerd conventions as a way to combat coronavirus.  Or something.  Like these nerd conventions have suffered from having to cancel the previous year and we should all come out in force to show that we still love nerd conventions.

8:00 – “I love to travel, I love video game convention, I love meeting people.”

Women in particular.

So that’s horny John Riggs’ itinerary for the next few months.  Why we needed to know any of this, I have no idea.  He’s already done videos talking about where he’ll be going.  What’s the point of any of this?  There was no new information in this.

– “I wish i could get to the Texas one. I’m not doing any cons with a diaper on my face.”

I dislike the masks as well.  It’s preposterous that a mask can prevent the transmission of disease.  People are still getting sick, right?  Not just of coronavirus but everything.  How come?  Mask uptake is pretty good.  Global health must have shot up, right?  Where are the statistics on this?

I got the flu recently.  What gives?  I wear a mask when it’s mandated.  Everyone else does the same.  So why did I get the flu?  

These masks don’t do shit.  But I saw where this was going.  Stores were making you wear masks.  And you had to wear them on trains.  Shit like this.  So I got the shittiest mask I could find.  It’s one of those things that you wear around your neck, kind of like a scarf, and then you pull it up over your face when required.

It does absolutely nothing.  But it stops people from saying, “Hey, where’s your mask?”  

– “Not a care about covid or the real struggles of your country. Pretty selfish”

Here’s this bizarre argument that I’m talking about.  John Riggs said that he’ll be wearing a mask.  So what’s the problem?  Masks prevent coronavirus.  Right?  Why else are we wearing them?  For fun?

– “Its a shame you would promote such garbage as Otis on your channel. Might unsub”

John Riggs replies, “They’re sponsoring one of my convenvention visits to attend so people can meet me in person. If it’s not for you, that’s cool.”

John Riggs doesn’t deny that the company is garbage.  The implication is that the company is perpetrating a fraud, which is what they’re doing.  Buying shares of shoes?  Who the fuck would do that?

But because they gave John Riggs money, that’s good enough for him.  That’s the only thing that matters to John Riggs.  He’ll take money from Hitler himself.  As long as they’re giving him money so that he can go creep on gamer grrls at some nerd convention, he doesn’t care how many people are put in ovens.

Then there’s this separate exchange:

Brady: I  cringed a bit seeing the ad for buying shares of Wata games, ouf. John do you not see enough issues with what’s going on there to pass on feeding into it with a sponsored ad?

Horny John Riggs: I  just pass along the info they’ve given me for the sponsorship so I can attend conventions like these and have the people who happen to see them make up their own mind. I’ve seen this sponsor on gaming channels much larger than mine.

Brady: It’s the first time I’ve seen it and I understand the personal incentives to accept sponsorship. It doesn’t change the fact that if you yourself took strong enough issue with something, or thought that it may be harmful to the community, you would not promote that thing and say “people can make up their minds.” It would be fine to go to one fewer event if meant not promoing something you’re against, it doesn’t break your ability to do what you do.I’m not a hater or anything weird like that, this is a genuine reaction to seeing the ad, and I obviously think that it is your decision to do as you wish. Thank you for engaging with the criticism, I generally enjoy your sharing of the this hobby but thought the Wata investment ad was something that crossed a line. It illuminates a bigger picture of your values or at least a lack of examination of influence.

Horny John Riggs: I know several who love WATA. I don’t tell other people what to do with their money. It’s not for me but might be for some.

Brady: Crushing to hear you say that and side step the reality of a pump and dump scheme. This sort of thing does real damage to people’s lives and the actors involved here, i.e., James Halperin, have had several run ins with the FTC for fraudulent criminal behavior.After the bubble bursts, it should be on your conscience that there are severely damaged lives out there who just maybe got their start from the friendly encouragement of John Riggs.

It’s true.  Horny John Riggs totally evades the issues raised.  This guy totally shot down John Riggs’ ridiculous excuses and John Riggs just continued to repeat the same irrelevant shit.  

2 thoughts on “Conventions I'll Attend Through the Rest of 2021 – John Riggs

  1. You directly referenced mikes junk out of totally nowhere, mister “anyone who references such is garbage for mike and that meme is old news” and types a raging response only to delete it after being told of your hypocrisy. Non comment approving bitch

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