Newt seems to have been fired from Screenwave

Due to major mental an physical health issues since Summer and trying to get better before I turn 40 next week I decided im no longer gonna be on Hack the movies. Thank you to everyone who watched and interacted with me during my time on the show. It means the world to me

thanks everyone for kind words and even the not so kind words. I am in a bad place. In my head and heart. I over did it in the last 2 years. and its got me really needing help. I am taking steps towards not being this person anymore. I am gonna miss the shows. and all of you

Somebody asks if that means that he just won’t be involved at all or just won’t appear on screen.  Newt says, “At all.”

nah i think im done creating. but i know johanna and crystal was do a spooky show and i hope they do. i look fwd to seeing everything everyone does

Eugh.  When God closes a door, he opens a window…of pain and misery.  Who the fuck wants to see a show with Johanna and Crystal Quin?

no why would you do that. this is on me. not them. they have done everything to help me get help. and even if im not involved they are still my friends. I am a broken person and mask a lot of sadness with jokes and it got harder and harder to do. please dont blame them

I think that this is in response to somebody saying that he’s going to boycott Screenwave over this.

I still suspect that James was responsible for this plagiarism.  But let’s assume that it was all Newt.  Who cares?  These are shitty Youtube videos.  

And why did Jimmy ask somebody else to write movie reviews for him in the first place?  Movie reviews are supposed to your own opinion.  As far as I’m aware, Roger Ebert never asked somebody else to write his reviews for him.  It doesn’t make sense.

So the whole premise is dishonest to begin with.  And Jimmy knew this.  Everyone knew this.  It was presumably Jimmy’s idea.  Get somebody else to do his work for him and then try to pass it off as your own.  That’s what he’s been doing for years.  Why isn’t Jimmy fired?  

As for where this leaves Talking About Tapes aka Hack the Movies…eugh.  The most recent episodes have all featured the horrendous Crystal Quin and the merely bad Johanna.  It’s wholly unwatchable.  I can’t even watch that shit just to write a review talking about how bad she is.    

Newt was terrible when he was with Crystal Quin on these things but when he was there without her, he was fine.  It was watchable.  Crystal is the fucking problem.  

In any event, it’s for the best.  Do something better with your life.  I don’t even know what he was doing for a living.  He seemed to have regular jobs like working at Screenwave or working at a movie theatre but he also did this weird shit with Crystal.  Like he would make fake commercials with her in a bikini and whatnot.  Is somebody buying this shit?  Why is he making these videos?  Is it just for his personal spank bank?

Let’s see…career advice.  I always advocate leaving the US.  I think that he has a German name but probably doesn’t have ancestors close enough to be able to get citizenship or even a visa to live in Germany, what with the large German immigration to the US being in the 1820s.  All of his known relatives are probably Americans.

There’s always teaching English in Asia or Eastern Europe but…well, it’s a dead end job and you have to dance like a monkey and the pay is bad.  But other than all of that…it’s an option.  Something better might come along while you’re there.  Maybe get a wife.  Things happen.

I was thinking in terms of medical care but it’s probably similar in Asia and Eastern Europe as it is in the US.  You need health insurance and shit costs money.  

Let’s look at jobs in the US.  Fucking anything, really.  Get a job in an office.  Let me check Craiglist.  Yeah.  New Jersey.  Receptionist.  Part-time.  It’s $14/hour.  That seems pretty good to me.  How much can Screenwave possibly be paying?

Experienced plumbers wanted.  Yeah, that’s something I’ve always pushed as well.  I’ve suggested that Erin should get a job as a plumber.  Why not?  Learn a trade.  But don’t go to some fucking bullshit scam school.  Surely, you can find a plumber who will take you on as an apprentice.  

Then you actually have a skill.  When you don’t have a skill, you have to compete for these shitty unskilled jobs.  But when you have a skill, you dictate the terms.  

I’ve done both.  Job interviews for unskilled jobs consisted of me grovelling to some condescending asshole for the slim chance of getting some low-paid job.  

Then once I learned a trade, job interviews suddenly changed.  It’s me or nobody.  I’m the only qualified person interested in the job.  So here’s what I want.  Oh, you can’t do that?  No problem.  I’ll work on a self-employed basis instead.  Cut out your middleman bullshit and keep all of the money myself.

So plumbing would be good.  Or whatever.  Be more esoteric.  Elevator repairmen are said to be among the highest paid people in the US.  Air traffic controller is another good one.  

Of course any of this shit takes time and effort to learn but you’re setting yourself up for a better job.  

Also, he has experience doing editing and producing videos (of sorts).  Maybe he can do something with that.  I don’t know how saturated the market is.  It’s something that he can maybe even do from home.  Edit people’s shitty Youtube videos or something.  

So anyway, best of luck to Newt and his future endevours.  Oh, and disassociating yourself with Crystal Quin would also be a good idea.

2 thoughts on “Newt seems to have been fired from Screenwave

  1. my goodness, you weren't kidding when you said that memes are unfunny. that reddit still keeps at it. but this is what happens when there is nothing new going on. Unsurprisingly, they're still going on about screenwave ruining cinemassacre and all, and that james should dismiss everyone and do all the work himself. like he ever did anything on his own at all, he's always had handlers and people doing the grunt work for him and coming up with the ideas.

  2. Yeah, it's endless. They cost somebody his job and they're just doing it because they're bored nerds with no lives. There's also a clear homoerotic element to all of it.

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