Yongary Monster from the Deep – Castzilla VS The Pod Monster – Tony from Hack the Movies


4:00 – Johanna starts talking about her boyfriend.  I refuse to say “fiance”.  And then she goes to get him so that he can retell some boring domestic story.  This is brutal.

Then it turns out that he said something really weird.  I won’t even sully the good name of the Gamer Grrls blog by copying and pasting it.

4:30 – Tony, rightly, says, “What did that have to do with anything?”

It’s true.  What the fuck do any of these weird domestic conversations have to do with Yongary Monster from the Deep?  But she’s just so happy to have a “fiance” that she brings it up into conversation on a regular basis.  

It’s like a guy who gets his first girlfriend and he’s excited and he wants to brag about it so he keeps bringing her up in conversation.  Yeah.  We get it.  You have a girlfriend.  You don’t have to mention her every two minutes.

4:45 – So Johanna replies, “I’m just bringing up your politics, Tony, because you’re so left-leaning.”

I…what?  She’s making a joke about Tony’s right wing comments but what does the comment possibly have to do with politics?  It was something about Johanna being “submissive and breedable”, by the way.  I apologise that I had to mention this but it got to the point where it was necessary to understand what’s going on.  Or attempt to understand what’s going on, anyway.

So…apparently Johanna was referencing something that Tony wrote in his notes.  But not even he knows what she was referencing.  Certainly the audience doesn’t know. It’s just so bad.  

6:45 – The movie starts with a newly married couple and then Tony asks Johanna something about her upcoming wedding.  Oh fuck.  Just move on.  Why encourage this?

9:15 – Tony again asks about Johanna’s wedding.  This is bad.  Come on.  Talk about something else.  The movie, for example.

11:00 – Shout out to Mint Salad.  Again, it was…basically a totally off-topic comment by Johanna.  I know who Mint Salad is because I saw that horrendous Talking About Tapes episode that she was in and that video where she harassed people at Walmart, but obviously not everybody has seen this stuff.  

Here are the reviews of those videos, by the way:



So then Tony has to explain who this is.  He shouts out the It’s Mint Salad Show, which I discuss in that second review above.  The first episode.  Apparently, there’s now a second episode.  I’ll have to check that out.  

So this is helpful for me but am I the only one watching this shit?  It kind of seems that way.  

Then Tony shouts out his birthday.  It was yesterday (so 19 September).  So happy birthday but can we maybe get back to the movie?

11:45 – Johanna says, “I think I’m going to get you a present that you got me for my birthday a little while back.  Tony replies, “I think I know what that is.”

Well great.  This is the sort of thing that you can maybe discuss at work or if you’re out socially.  This isn’t suitable for a podcast.  We don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about nor, frankly, do we care.  No discourtesy to anyone but I don’t care what gifts Johanna has given to Tony for his birthday or vice versa.  

Then Tony again references Johanna’s upcoming wedding.  God…do I want to listen to any more of this?  There’s another 20 fucking minutes.  Let’s just plough through it.

Then…wait…what?  I’ll have to type this out.

Tony: The wife is questioning her husband and he says, “You’re not going to be a nagging wife now, are you?”  It’s like looking into Johanna’s future.  And she says, “Let’s not talk politics now.”  And I’m like, “Never mind, this girl is not Johanna because she loves talking politics.”  That’s the joke.  I forgot I wrote that joke.

Johanna: Ha ha ha.  That’s what I was talking about earlier.

I…what?  Let me go back and see what she said.  

At the start of the podcast, Johanna told a story about how her boyfriend came home and, upon seeing Johanna, greeted her with, “You’re looking so submissive and breedable today.”  

How is that political?  I don’t get this AT ALL.  

12:15 –

Tony: So the worst thing that can happen: he gets called on his honeymoon about a nuclear test in the Middle East.  Where in the Middle East?  Who knows?  They never say.  Just the Middle East.

Johanna: No, just like with any American movie.  It doesn’t matter.  It’s the Middle East.  They’re the bad guys.  We’re the good guys.  White people.  Woo.

Tony: It’s like, that’s a pretty big area.  We got to be more specific.

I can’t believe that Tony went along with that SJW bullshit.  What’s wrong with saying “Middle East”?  Isn’t it less offensive than pointing out a particular country as being the villain?  

And yeah, you see this all the time in movies.  What’s the problem?  Tony doesn’t like broad geographical designations?  Has he ever said that he lives on “The East Coast”, for example?

And then Johanna brings race into this.  What?  This is just exposing her own biases.  America is a country comprised of people of all races, not just white.  I appreciate that rural Pennsylvania is overwhelmingly white, but do some fucking travelling outside of fucking Disney World, and maybe you’ll see how things are in other parts of the country.

Aside from Johanna’s covert racism, Tony just lets that comment promoting white guilt slide.  It’s ridiculous.

13:30 – Shout out to Mystery Science Theater 3000.  This was apparently an episode.  I don’t remember it.  I haven’t watched that show in 20 years.

21:45 – Johanna says that she was drinking while watching the movie.  And she watched the movie recently, specifically for this review.  Good to see that she takes her work so seriously.

25:00 – Johanna talks about a “butt period” and her “cycle”.  I won’t give the context.  Let’s just move on.

31:45 – Shout out to Talking About Tapes.  Tony says that Johanna was in two episodes recently.  Yeah.  I tried to watch them.  I made it about five minutes in, Johanna kept talking about how hot Crystal Quin is, and I said, “You know what?  Life’s too short for this trash.”

This was not good.  I’m sorry.  I still don’t get Johanna’s story about her boyfriend.  How was that at all political?  

And what did Johanna even  bring to this?  Other than bizarre asides?  Tony had to keep prompting her for comments.  Then at the end Johanna said that she’s refusing to watch the North Korean Godzilla rip off even though it’s an interesting movie, with an interesting back story, as Tony alluded to.  Why would she dismiss it out of hand?  

I have an article in my bank of emergency articles explaining what a movie review should sound like.  Because all Tony does is give a run down of the plot points.  That’s only half of the equation.  Yes, you should give a summary of the movie.  A BRIEF summary.  Not necessarily a point by point rundown.  

But then after you give the summary, there should be a fucking analysis of the film.  What did you like about it?  What didn’t you like about it?  Shit like this.  It’s not hard.  

I mean, I guess that he does this to a very limited extent but it’s insufficient.  I want more analysis and less summary.  But I wrote a whole article about this so I’ll save it for that.

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