MASSIVE Mega Drive Bundle in a Charity shop! – TheGebs24 

She puts “*MUST SEE*” in the title but I’m not doing that clickbait bullshit.  She does this a lot, though.

Hey guys!  Remember the Mega Drive?  

No.  I think that it’s the Genesis in North American markets.

She’s driving and her 300 pound American girlfriend is filming.  They’re going to a charity shop.

Hey guys!  Remember charity shops?

No.  In the US they’re called…I don’t know…they were just called “used clothing stores” in my area but I’ve seen “thrift shop” used in videos.  It’s probably a regional thing.  I’ve never been to one.  Not in the US, anyway.  I’ve never seen any.  I did go to an army/navy surplus store once, though.  Similar thing, I guess.

0:30 – “We’re going to snag some cottage.”

What the fuck is she even saying?  She’s really hard to understand.  She was talking about going to an antique shop.  They’re going to “snag” (“purchase”)…something.  Cottage.  Cottaging.  That’s a sex thing in the UK.  You go cottaging.  But I don’t know what it means.  It’s about having sex in the park or something.  It might be a gay thing.  

Oh.  Gay sex in public toilets.  Yeah.  So they’re going to do that at the antique shop.  Interesting.  

2:15 – She complains that they’re selling some Batman game for about the same price as it’s selling on Ebay.  Well, if they sell it for less than Ebay prices, somebody is just going to buy it and put it on Ebay.  

3:30 – She’s talking to some guy who works there and looking at a ZX Spectrum.

Hey guys!  Remember the ZX Spectrum?  No.

The guy who works there is covered in tattoos.  So is TheGebs.  

5:45 – She puts on screen that the guy wanted £55 for some Hobbit game for the ZX Spectrum but the Ebay prices are between £9 and £30.  

She teases that he’s going to make some patronising remark to her but…she never shows the remark.  Why not?  They were filming all of this.

6:45 – Then she has an ad begging you to become a member of her channel (or something) for “only” £1.99/month.

She said this right after she got done bitching about how some games were overpriced because they’re cheaper on Ebay.  She’s pinching pennies but she wants you to give her £2/month. 

For what?  And that’s just the lower tier.  It goes up to £9/month.  You get some emojis that you can use in the comments section.  Who cares?  I never understood this at all.  You see this on Twitch and Steam was doing this for a while too.  Maybe they still are.  You were able to “win” custom emojis by purchasing games.

7:30 – They didn’t buy anything from the first place so they’re on to the second place.

She’s complaining about PS2 games that cost between £3 and £5.  Unbelievable.  HOW CHEAP DOES SHE WANT THEM TO BE?  Pretty soon, they’ll be paying you to take them away.

10:30 – She’s excited to see a Jar Jar Binks life size statue.  There are two possibilities here. 

1) Her enthusiasm is genuine because she’s a giant nerd and that’s pathetic.

2) Her enthusiasm is fake because she’s trying to get money from giant nerds and that’s pathetic.

14:45 – Now she’s back in the car.  She’s talking about the guy who worked in the first shop.  Apparently, he said some odd things but…none of this was caught on film, it would seem.  

He just made some weird jokes.  Jokes that working class English people might make.  Trying to “have a laugh” as these folk are wont to say.  I’d be uncomfortable, as apparently she was, but you have to look at the intention.  He was trying to have some “banter” to get a sale.

15:45- She complains for the tenth time about this guy calling her “love”.  He apparently said, “It’s a charity shop, love” after she complained about the prices being higher than on Ebay.

Of course it’s patronising but again, it’s part of the culture.  The working class culture of Great Britain.  

And it’s not a sexist thing.  I’ve had female cashiers at grocery stores say this to me.  I had a MALE cashier say this to me just recently.  They’re not coming on to you or trying to be patronising.  It’s just what they say.  It’s the vernacular.

Even if he was trying to be patronising, which he may have been, he was right to do so.  She’s in a shop and complaining that the prices aren’t as low as on Ebay.  How fucking annoying is that for these shop workers?  They must experience this all the time.  If you want to buy it on Ebay, buy it on Ebay and get the fuck out of the store.

But getting back to “love”, you also hear “pal” as you go further north.  Mostly from working class men.  And you hear “geezer” in the south, again from working class men.  “Let me ask this geezer what time it is”, for example.  It doesn’t mean “old man” as it does in the US, it’s just a jocular term used by working class English men.

I’ve also heard this shit in banks.  Not that a bank teller is a member of the bourgeoisie but you just don’t expect to hear it in a bank.  

You just have to roll with it.  I know this as an immigrant.  Why is this seemingly news to TheGebs24, who I think is English and judging by her many tattoos and somewhat challenging accent, a member of the working class?

16:15 – So then she says that she told this guy that she’s not going to pay £55 because she just bought a house.  Why is she saying all of this?  If you’re not interested, leave.  Nobody cares about your house.

Then the guy responded by saying that he has three houses.  And she doesn’t like that he was boasting.

He said that precisely because she was boasting about just buying a fucking house.  She doesn’t seem to get it.

18:00 – “Then I said to him,  ”Do you want to subscribe to me on Youtube?’  ‘No, no, no, no, no.  I don’t want to watch people play games.  I want to play games.'”

This is like children talking.  But again, she was at fault.  Why is she talking about her fucking Youtube channel?  She went in there with an attitude, feeling superior to everyone because she bought a house and is a big Youtube celebrity, and then she can’t understand why she got attitude back.  

Then she shows a list of names of people who are giving her money every month so that she can buy a house.  It’s a real sausage fest.

The horntards in the comments all agree that that guy was a terrible, sexist person and that TheGebs24 is totally righteous.  And hot.

Oh, and I just realised.  That “MASSIVE” Mega Drive bundle was about 15 games.  

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