I finally played CASTLEVANIA on N64! – Erin Plays


She never played this before!  And she’ll never play it again unless it’s on stream, for money.

Oh, and she also did a Bust a Move 99 stream a few days ago.  What a farce.  She cited this as one of her favourite N64 games of all time and then didn’t know the difference between Bust a Move 99 and Bust a Move 2 and then thought that those two games were the same game and then was unable to start Bust a Move 99.  It’s all detailed here:


Future historians will thank me for chronicling the videos of the biggest retro video game fraud ever on Youtube.

So let’s get to the video.  Oh, she’s wearing that tank top.  She must have recorded this on the same day as she did the god awful video on Wai Wai World.


0:15 – She edited out some unimportant bullshit about how she only played it briefly so it might take a while to figure out the controls.  Why edit this out?  Who cares?

Then she gives a double thumbs up and then looks at her thumbs like “What the fuck are these?  Why are my thumbs up here?”  There’s something really wrong with her.

Then she edits out some boring as fuck greets to the chat.  Some horntard says that he likes her curly hair so she thanks him.  Then it’s “I’m good how are you?”.  She never follows this up, though.  

0:30 – She’s at the difficulty select screen.  There’s “easy” and “normal”.  Erin says, “I’m going to do easy.”

You don’t say.

“Since I’ve never played it before.”


And on the incredibly rare occasions when she plays a game that she claims to have played before, she still puts the game on “easy” and she still has absolutely no idea what’s going on.  

0:45 – “You can be Reinhardt or Carrie.”

No prizes for guessing which one Erin chooses.

“She has a little *poo* attack”.

Oh.  I get it.  The poo attack.  Sounds powerful.

1:00 – She’s reading from the chat, “It has to be better than Superman 64?  Well, I hope so.”

She’s never played the game before.

2:00 – “It’s raining!”

What an aggressively pointless comment.

“Well, aren’t we cute?”

She just topped herself.

Erin also keeps sniffling.  Allergies?  Or is it asthma?  Or something else?  Erin has so many medical conditions, all imaginary, that I’m not sure which one she’ll attribute the sniffling to.

Horntards keep giving her money and she has to stop to thank them.

This is really bad.  I’m at the 7 minute mark.  I know that she’s never played it before but this is absolutely horrible.

There’s a boss enemy, a giant skeleton, who keeps creating new skeletons.  Erin just keeps attacking these newly created skeletons.  This can’t be right.  Why is she not attacking the fucking giant skeleton?

9:30 – “What if I end up liking this game?  Wouldn’t that be crazy?”

You still won’t play it.  Unless it’s on stream, for money. 

God, this is so boring.  Should I just skip around?  Or check if Erin said something stupid on Twitter?  Or write about what I ate for breakfast?  

No, this is brutal.  I have to skip around.

29:00 – “A maiden sings a dirge?  What’s a dirge?”

What an idiot.  I don’t know either but I’ve seen the term because I’ve played fucking video games before.  And when I was in like the 4th grade, I learned about a concept called “context clues”.  From the context clues, we can assume that a dirge is a type of song.  Because it says, “sings”.  And what do people sing?  Songs.  

Let me look this up.  A lament for the dead.  Great.

49:15 – She’s still sniffling and wiping her nose with her hand.  Fucking gross.  When was the last time I wiped my nose with my hand?  I’m not going to say that I haven’t done it since I was a kid because of course I’ve done it as an adult too.  In emergency situations, when you don’t have any tissue, you have to.  But it’s been so long since I haven’t had tissue on me.  I always make sure that I have tissue on hand if I’m out.  And if I find myself caught short, I stop in a shop and buy tissues.

See, the problem with wiping your nose with your hand is that it doesn’t really work.  Your hand isn’t absorbent.  So what often happens is that as you pull your hand away, you’ll just get a bridge of mucus from your hand to your nose and that just makes things a whole lot worse.  

Erin is doing this on stream for the whole world to see.  In her home.  Where she should have immediate access to tissue.  Did they run out?  Of everything?  No toilet paper?  No paper towels?  

1:01:15 – There’s an edit and she put a jacket on.  Let’s see what she edited out.  Maybe it shows her putting the jacket on and you can see…whatever it is that Erin has to see.

No, she went on break and changed into her “hoodie” then because she got “chilly” from the air conditioning.

So turn it down.  It’s July.  The horntards are there to see you in your summer clothes.  We all know this.

Porcelain Pixie says, “I know I may sound like a creep but you are very lovely and pretty and I like your face and of course also your personality”

Holy shit.  Is she going to respond to that?  Just with her usual “Thank you”?  

“Aw thanks so much, Porcelain Pixie.  That’s very sweet of you.”

Why would she respond to these creeps?  Because she knows that this is what they’re there for.  She knows that she’s a surrogate girlfriend for the mentally retarded.


Hi! I’m Pippin, your friendly neighborhood cursing siren and undistinguished ghastly gal. Thank you for joining in on my mediocre gaming shenanigans. :3

So…this is a woman?  There’s no way.  Maybe it’s a guy with a dress on.

Ha.  Then somebody says of that Pixie guy/girl, “Yeah, you’re creepy AF.”

Then Erin is talking about Otter Pops.  Hey guys!  Remember Otter Pops?  No, Erin.  We have no fucking idea.  This is another “West Coast” thing.

Then she goes on a rant about her allergies.  Fuck off.  I’m not listening to this.  All of this shit was cut out of the Youtube version of this stream, by the way.

1:05:45 – Whoa.  Now she takes her “hoodie” off.  That didn’t last long.  Viewers must have been going down.

Then horny John Riggs does a “raid” with his eight viewers.  NewWaveJunkie previously said that there are 222 people watching Erin’s stream.  Unbelievable.  How is this at all entertaining?

1:06:45 – “Thank you John Riggs for the raid.  Thank you so much.  I hope that you were having a good stream.”

She’s clearly uncomfortable.  John Riggs is a giant fucking creep.  

1:22:00 – She puts her “hoodie” back on.

Then she wipes snot ALL OVER her hand.  I can honestly say that I’ve never done this.  Not even as a kid.  I’ve done discreet wipes, ONE time, quickly, but I’ve never slathered snot all over my hand like Erin has just done FOR THE WHOLE WORLD TO SEE.

I used to wear sweaters as a kid and I’d wipe my nose on the sweater.  So after a while, the sleeve would get all crusty.  Maybe Erin can try that technique.  It would be slightly less disgusting than wiping snot over the entirety of your hand.

2:09:15 – Erin starts putting lip balm or something on her lip because she cut her lip…due to allergies.  How does one cut one’s lips from allergies?  I have no fucking idea.  But that’s what she said.

So she slathers this stuff on her lip USING HER HAND THAT SHE WIPED MUCUS ON SEVERAL TIMES ALREADY.  She’s a fucking pig.

2:14:00 – Erin takes her “hoodie” off again.

“Why do you keep putting ‘hoodie’ in quotes?”

This is not an American term.  This is a term that has been used in the UK for at least 25 years but only relatively recently has been adopted in the US.  Why?  We already have a perfectly good term for that garment: jacket.  A jacket with a hood.  Do we need a special name for that?  And especially such a stupid and diminutive name?  

2:45:30 – She puts her “hoodie” back on.

2:59:00 – Erin starts massaging her wrist so you know what that means.  Fun time is over.  Damn that carpal tunnel syndrome.  

So that was Erin putting her jacket on and off for three hours.  And eating her boogers.

– “The girls projectile weapon looks like it really sucks compared to the whip.”

Probably but the girl is a girl.  And Erin is a girl.  So obviously Erin is going to go with the girl character.  Plus, the girl is cute.  Weren’t you watching?  What a dumb comment.

– “Its funny you chose easy, cus you can’t even beat the game on easy, half way through you’re going to get an end message card saying that if you want to continue the rest of the game you got to play it on normal XD”

Erin says, “Yeah, didn’t know that until after posting this. The save file didn’t work anyway so I had to start over, lol.”

It’s pretty common in games of the era.  So of course Erin wouldn’t know that.

– “I watched this live but I am still banned from the chat. I wish I could talk to you live ): all because of corona virus comments. cmon erin that was a hard time for everyone and I respect you enough to tell you when I think you’re being scamned! please unban me.”

So this guy, who has “mentally ill” actually in his username, was apparently talking about some vaccination conspiracy theories and got banned.  Seems excessive but this is what these people do.  Whether it’s on Twitch or Youtube or a video game or a message board or whatever.  If you give people the slightest bit of power, they abuse it.  “You’re not kissing my ass?  Banned.”  It’s pathetic.  But it’s an insight into the human psyche.  The pathetic humans with nothing going on in their lives, anyway.

Maybe Erin can do Boogerman for her next stream.  

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