Super Retro Gal Hates America

People who set off big fireworks are trash. It’s just insane around our house. Having an 87 year old with dementia is not fun in general but this is just torture for him. I will never care about being loud in the morning ever again. Trash ass people.

All she ever does is talk about her husband’s…grandfather (I think).  We get it.  He has dementia and you REALLY resent taking care of him.

People are allowed to light fireworks.  They’re kids.  Or, as she suggests, trash ass adults.  But trash ass adults are still people and they have the same rights as anyone else.  

It’s usually people with dogs who make these complaints.  The dogs don’t like the loud noises, of course.  But it’s one day a year.  Well, depending on how trash your neighbours are it might be more than that.  I had some hillbilly neighbours as a kid who would light this shit off for a good four to six weeks before the big day.  You’d see them out with blackened fingers, they lost fingernails, their eyelashes are burnt off, they have open wounds.  I’m not even joking.  But they’d still be out there.  What are you going to say?  They’re patriots.  They have every right to do it.

Are fireworks even legal in California?  I’d be really surprised.  Let me look this up.

No, it’s one of these pussy states that only allows sparklers and shit.  That’s what I thought.  How much noise are smoke bombs making?  Or those snapper things that you throw on the ground?  

Anyway, yeah, it’s either kids or scumbag adults who are doing this, and it’s annoying, but fuck you.  This is part of living in a society.  You think that “Pops” hasn’t experienced worse shit than some fireworks?

Today was an emotional day. Seeing my amazing management team that I had before I got laid off was so bittersweet. They were so supportive and guest talent was such a great department. Performing arts is so important and I’m sure glad it’s coming back to Disney

She was laid off because of coronavirus and then got her job back and she’s happy to see her bosses.  She’s such a bootlicker.  She was the same with Justin Silverman during that fabulous four days that she worked for Screenwave.  

And yeah performing arts are so important!  Umm…well, maybe.  It’s debatable.  But when she says “performing arts”, she’s talking about an underpaid teenager putting a Goofy costume on and cavorting around.  

No.  That is not performing arts.  But she uses these stupid corporate buzzwords all the time.  She probably refers to herself as a “team member” instead of “employee” or “worker”, for example.  

She retweets a message about a stamp that was designed by an American Indian.  Wow.  You’re so progressive, Super Awkward Gal.

What happened to the American Indians was the greatest atrocity in all of history.  But tweeting about stamps isn’t going to resolve anything.  It just makes her feel better.  Makes her feel morally superior to everyone else.

She tweets about “Knotts”.  It’s some amusement park.  Super Retro Gal, who is knocking on 40, goes to amusement parks on a regular basis.  It’s not right.  No healthy person does that.

The best thing about working with the horses is that CMs will just randomly neigh at you

We don’t know what “CMs” are, Super Awkward Gal.  You’ll have to clue us in.  We don’t all share your passion for horses.

Please help if you can!

And it’s a retweet of some fucking bullshit from the Little Tokyo business district.  Fuck Tokyo, Big and Little.  Well, there’s no need to drag Big Tokyo into this but fuck Little Tokyo.  I’m not going to fly over there just to buy some fucking Pocky.  

Stores are struggling all over.  Why would I specifically patron Little Toyko?  

And stores aren’t charities.  They don’t need pity purchases.  There are many reasons why stores struggle to survive.  What do you want me to do about it?  It’s a system-wide problem.  Me purchasing some hentai down in Little Tokyo is not going to solve the problem.

But again, this is just a way for Super SJW Gal to feel morally superior to everyone.  She’s an idiot.

She retweets some shit about “Pride Month” coming to an end.  Again, she’s doing her “virtue signalling”.

In the 5th grade we had to send a business letter to a company explaining why we liked them. I sent a letter to Rainforest Cafe because we had one close to Seattle. Rainforest Cafe sent me back an amazing letter, coupons, and a gift. It was so thoughtful and made me happy!

She tags Rainforest Cafe into this because she wants more free shit.  It’s pathetic.  What did she even say in the letter?  Rainforest Cafe probably has loads of human rights violations, by the way.  They don’t pay staff a living wage, for example, like all of these multinational restaurants.  Doesn’t Super Awkward Gal care about that?.  

I wrote a letter to the Frito Lay corporation when I was…yeah, probably in the 5th grade or so.  It was some autistic bullshit about the recently released Cool Ranch Doritos variety having a ridiculous name that doesn’t make sense.  I supplied the dictionary definitions of both “cool” and “ranch” and asked how this can possibly inform the consumer what the flavour is like.  And I wrote it in red pen to add to the craziness.  I didn’t actually intend to mail it but my father saw it and said that it was written well so I should send it.  I got some fucking coupon in response but I don’t think that they addressed the points raised in my letter.

Oh, I think that my issue was actually with the word “cooler”.  Because at the time, they changed the name from “Cool Ranch” to “Cooler Ranch”.  

Anyway, I was right.  “Cool Ranch” doesn’t make any sense.  Those Doritos are called “Cool Original” in the UK, by the way.  

OH!  Like ranch dressing.  It just dawned on me.  Well, maybe it does make sense then.  I was thinking of like a farm ranch.  Well, “Cool Original” doesn’t make sense then.  I should write a letter to Walkers (the UK producer of Doritos) in red pen, expressing my outrage.  Maybe I’ll get a coupon.

Looking for book recommendations! Leadership, business, inspo, or anything really. I like to get my brain thinking. Thank you!

What the fuck is “inspo”?  Oh.  I looked it up.  “Inspirational”.  You guys all know what “inspo” is right?  I’m really down with the young people.

Even as a young person, I always hated that sort of stupid shit.  But here’s Super Awkward Gal, nearly 40 years old, saying something like “inspo”.  

Oh, JOHN RIGGS replies.  That horny loser.  He recommends Golden Rule of Schmoozing.  Sounds really stupid, John.  I can see the appeal for you.

Here’s the description on Amazon:

So what is schmoozing? According to Webster’s unabridged dictionary, schmoozing is a yiddish word that means to chat or to converse idly.

Whoever wrote this probably writes angry letters to snack companies too.

Oh, it was written by the fat guy from Penn & Teller.  Wow.  This is some real intellectual shit.  I guessed as much from the title.  John Riggs is so erudite.

Maybe Marilynne Robinson will start doing magic shows.

I wonder why Erin didn’t reply.  She has a degree in English.  She must have read a lot of books.  Maybe she could recommend that book by that woman who was in that band.  You know the one I’m talking about.  She wrote a book.  It was some kind of biography.  Erin hasn’t actually read all of it but what she did read seemed pretty okay.

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