Erin was visiting her parents again. Alone.

Why doesn’t Mike go?  Is he not allowed in the Plays home?  I can see why he might not be welcome.  He talks about their daughter’s anus on a regular basis on Twitch and Youtube.

But it’s still weird.  This is the love of Erin’s life.  They’ve been together for three years now.  Mike is almost family.  He might be their son-in-law soon.  So why the fuck would he stay in rural Pennsylvania while Erin goes and visits her family in sunny California?  

And while Erin was away, Mike decided to meet up with Jimmy and the Screenwave crew.

God, look at that fucking top on Crystal.  Totally inappropriate.  MAYBE one could wear something like that to a club.  Maybe.  But going to some nerd bar with these losers?  It’s ridiculous.  She looks like a complete fool.  But everything has to be about her and how “hot” she is.  Even when doing something as innocuous as going to a nerd bar with her co-workers.

I’d rather have sex with the fat woman standing next to her.  Not just because she’s more attractive (which she is) but because the fat chick probably has more interesting stuff to talk about.  She probably has a personality.  She’s probably more fun to be around.  

So Erin replies to that tweet saying that when she’s back in rural Pennsylvania, she’d like to meet these people.  She never met them before.  

What?  She’s been there for three years but never met the Screenwave crew before.  

Mike and the Screenwave crew are clearly not friends.  They’re work “friends”.  So why would Mike go to this?  He doesn’t work with these people any more.

I don’t even think that he’s friends with Jimmy any more.

And why would everyone agree to meet up during the one week when Erin is away?

In one of Mike’s recent Legend of Zelda II streams, somebody asked him what he did today.  And he got annoyed by this question.  He said, “I slept and now I’m streaming.”

He also regularly doesn’t know what day it is and says stuff like, “What does it matter?”  Because to him, it doesn’t matter.  When you don’t have a job, it makes no difference what day it is or what time it is.

He does nothing.  I suspect that neither he nor Erin have any friends.  That’s fine.  They’re not children.  They don’t need somebody to go bike riding with or whatever.  But they also don’t seem to do much together.

Here’s Erin showing off her Sailor Moon cards that her mother “found” in their home.  Erin says that she bought these in 1997.

Okay, great.  But what are you doing now, as an adult?  She can’t have an adult discussion because she’s not doing anything with her life.  

2 thoughts on “Erin was visiting her parents again. Alone.

  1. most likely explanation: her real name isn't erin and she doesn't wear glasses so she can pass off as someone else when visiting her parents without any risk of them catching wind of the shady stuff involving her. she probably undies her hair too.

  2. She must be doing something. How humiliating can it possibly be to know that your daughter is a sugar baby for some creep on Twitch who constantly talks about her anus. And she's getting $250/month for this.

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