The Bald Hypocrisy of TheCinemassacreTruth

Long time poster Jeffrey Sweeney posted a picture of James Rolfe, emphasising his baldness.  The message was deleted.  Jeffrey Sweeney then proceeded to ask why this post was deleted.  This message was also deleted.  I link to it above.

In his post, now deleted, he said something along the lines of, “Why can we make fun of the Screenwave guys being fat but not James being bald?”

It’s true.  Posts about James being bald are routinely deleted but every fucking day there are posts about how the Screenwave crew are overweight.

So one of the “mods” explains:

“Simple reasoning – don’t make fun of things beyond someone’s control. Fatness is mostly a choice, or at least a result of bad choices”

Without getting into the myriad of reasons why somebody might be overweight, let’s just focus on not making fun of things that are out of people’s control.

So like how James has some kind of genetic deformity with his foot?

What about James being autistic?

James having gone to special education and/or being “retarded”?

All of those things are okay.  Apparently James chooses to walk with an odd gait.  And he chooses to exhibit autistic behaviours.  And he chose to go to special education.  So that’s all fair game.

But baldness?  No.  We can’t talk about baldness.  That’s going too far.

What’s clearly happening here is that one or more of these homosexual “moderators” are self-conscious about their own thinning hair so they made it a rule that you can’t talk about James’ hair.  What else can it be?  This “no baldness” rule is insane.  

The entire fucking forum is set up to hurl childish insults at people.  That’s the only thing that goes on there.  But comments about baldness aren’t allowed.  It’s insane.  

Every day, numerous people are posting clearly homosexual “meme” pictures of the Screenwave guys and how repellent they are physically.  That’s okay.  Baldness isn’t.

Every day there are comments about how Justin Silverman should be banned from the forum because he’s “abusive” to the users.  You know…the same users who talk about what a fat, disgusting slob he is every day.  

EggplantDoctor, a “moderator” on the forum, REGULARLY says that Justin Silverman should be banned.  EggplantDoctor also REGULARLY posts needlessly insulting threads about Justin Silverman.

I can’t find the posts where he says that Justin should be banned.  Maybe he deleted them or some other “moderator” did so.  But he definitely wrote them.

I think that EggplantDoctor is some lunatic who used to go to the Cinemassacre sub-reddit and spam repeated anti-semitic comments and bizarre allegations against Justin Silverman.  This lunatic who I’m describing was made a moderator of TheCinemassacreTruth REPEATEDLY.  Every time his account would get banned, for obvious abuse, SlipperyPete would make him moderator again.  I think that the current name of this complete lunatic is EggplantDoctor.

This is why the sub-reddit is how it is.  This is why it’s all homosexual abuse.  This is what the moderators want.  The moderators are overwhelmingly mentally ill and they’re overwhelmingly gay.  So they’ve fostered an environment where people can make homosexual comments insulting the appearance of other men.  This is how some catty gay men are.  They like doing this stuff.  

But not baldness.  Can’t comment on the baldness.  I want to know which one of these moderators is so concerned about his own thinning hair that he implemented this insane rule.  Is it EggplantDoctor?  Or maybe it’s that super gay “moderator” SlipperyPete.

By the way, the person who created that sub-reddit was somebody by the name DumbassJ.  He described himself as “I’m just a teenager on Reddit wasting my life wondering what i’m doing here.”

Then he started wearing dresses and became “trans” and no longer had the desire to “moderate” this forum.  I can’t find this information now but I definitely read it.  He handed the forum over to SlipperyPete because he was no longer interested in it, having reached adulthood and deciding that he’s a lady now.  

These are the people running this forum.  Catty homosexuals who are adolescents mentally and/or physically.  So that’s why the content is entirely along catty homosexual adolescent lines.  But no posts about baldness.  It hurts the feelings of one or more of the bald moderators.  Just shave it, you thin-skinned faggot(s).

6 thoughts on “The Bald Hypocrisy of TheCinemassacreTruth

  1. …………………………………..,-””¯””-,……………………………….,~”……….\……………………………,~”…………,..\………………………,-“………………….|…………….…….,-“……………………/..|………….………/……………………..’…|………………../…………………….……|………………./…………………..,„„…|………………/…………………,-,-~-,-~’,……………../……………….,-“ ( . . o)º)……………./………………./ . . .“-~“ . . ¯¯¯¯¯””~-,……………|………………..| . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,-~“~,……………|………………..| . . . . . . . . . . . . /::::::::\……………|………………..| . . . . . . . . . . . . |:::::::::l……………|………………..\ . . . ._ . . . . . . . . “-,„„„-”……………|..……………..”-, . .(..”~,————~”…………….|.………………..”~,..”~-‘—,………………,–~~-,………….,~” . ¯”~,……………….¯”~~-”,-\………….,-“-,”~, . .”-,……….,-“….,~”,-~”\…..-‘.,„„„………………”-,……….| . . “-, ”-, .………..\,,-“,~”……/…..,-“ . .”-,…………..’-,.”-,……..) . . . .”-,,-………….’-,……..(,–,.,-“ . . . . |…………….”-,”-,,(“-~”-,””~~~”…………….¯”””¯,-“, .), . . . . ,-“……………….”-,\,.”..,-“………………….’-, .”.,“-,„„~”……………………”.”-,”…………………..”~”-,.\,…,–~~~-,………………,~’,…………………………¯”~/ . . . . . .)……………,”-~’,………………………..…./ . . . . . . |–„„„„„„–,~””¯ . . .

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