Wildest Arcade You've Never Played – Lucky & Wild – Cinemassacre


More fun with the autistic shut in.  He’s going to play an arcade game now.  Without leaving the house.  

0:30 – “But first, a message from our sponsor.”

This is trash.  He’s selling wine.  Does anybody actually click these links?  Does anybody actually buy the product?  

1:30 – Justin’s acting is really bad.  Oh.  I should talk about the format.  

Justin Silverman and Jimmy Rolfe are “reviewing” an arcade game.  But…virtually because James can’t leave his house.  

“So how is that going to work?” you might be asking.  Poorly. 

They’re reading a script and they switch off every few seconds.  It’s like a bad school play.  

2:45 – “Before talking about the gameplay, I really want to get into talking about the cabinet itself.”

I don’t even get this.  James just played the game through MAME, I assume.  James has never fucking seen this thing.  So how is he going to talk about the cabinet?  They’re just showing what I assume to be stolen pictures of this thing.  

Oh no.  Then there’s footage of Justin playing this thing.  So it was his picture.  He took the picture.  But…James was just sitting in his home playing with his faeces when Justin was out playing this game.  

I just don’t understand this.  How is James going to review the cabinet when he never fucking played the game before?  

When is he going to get over this fear of covid?  They should have an intervention.  This is not normal.  It’s not normal to seclude yourself in your home because you’re afraid of the big bad cold.  NOBODY does this.  

James is a healthy, reasonably young man.  What is he so afraid of?  

26,000 people died of covid in Pennsylvania.  Allegedly.

28,000 people died from cancer in Pennsylvania last year.

Is James freaking out about cancer?  Well, maybe.  Sitting at home self-administering prostate exams all day.

32,300 people died of heart disease in Pennsylvania last year.  

Is James worried about heart disease?  He’s eating right?  He’s exercising?  He’s abstaining from alcohol?  No, he just did a fucking commercial for alcohol.

James doesn’t give a fuck if you and your entire family die of heart disease.  Or alcohol related deaths in general.  

10,000 people died from accidents last year in Pennsylvania.  

Is James just going to stay in his house the rest of his life?  Not that that’s even a guarantee of safety.  Most accidental deaths occur in the home.  

He’s a fucking moron.  The media has whipped that poor retarded guy into such a state of fear that he refuses to leave his fucking house.  

Why does Screenwave enable him?  It’s affecting the channel.  It’s affecting their meal ticket.  Nobody wants to watch these fucking shit videos with a suicidal James (2,000 suicides in Pennsylvania last year) cowering in his home, doing some bad greenscreen bullshit.

4:00 – “Let’s talk about the actual gameplay.”

Yeah.  Because that’s the only thing that James can talk about.  Thank god for MAME.  But I bet that he didn’t even do that much.  James is just reading a fucking script.  He never played this game in his entire life.  He’s pulling an Erin Plays with this shit.

5:00 – So it was Justin and Tony from Hack the Movies who were at this arcade playing the game.  Why didn’t they just do the video themselves?  James has absolutely nothing to do with this.

I’m eight minutes in and I think that I’m done.  This is fucking shit.  It’s a farce.  James is just reading a script while his lackeys went out and did all of the work.

I get it.  The homosexuals on Reddit don’t want to watch a video that just has Justin and Tony from Hack the Movies in it.  Really, they don’t want to see these people in the videos AT ALL.

So if that’s your concern, if you’re catering to what a handful of sexual deviants on Reddit want, find something that James can do by himself at home.  Something OTHER THAN playing Super Mario Bros levels that his daughter allegedly made.  

There has to be something.  What about video games?  Maybe James can review a video game.  Wouldn’t need to leave his home for that.  

What about a house tour?  I always like those.

What about showing his poop collection?  You just know that he has one.  

It’s just so much fucking shit.  These videos are unbelievably bad.  

Why do people throw away successful Youtube channels like this?  You see it all the time.  

It’s an easy job.  But often it’s the only job that these people have ever had.  So they don’t know any better.  

Then when they’re working at Jiffy Lube, they turn around and say, “Oh shit.  I probably shouldn’t have thrown away that Youtube channel.”

All you have to do is make videos about video games.  That’s too difficult?  You feel your creativity is being stifled?  You want to farm the work out to some incompetent stooges?  

James doesn’t like making Youtube videos any more.  That’s okay.  Maybe he’ll like working at Wawa better.  There’s nothing wrong with that.  Find what you’re passionate about.

This video should have been called “Wildest Arcade (Game) I’VE Never Played…Me…James Rolfe”

7 thoughts on “Wildest Arcade You've Never Played – Lucky & Wild – Cinemassacre

  1. at first his morbid fear of covid was slightly amusing. now it's a major source of annoyance, like any joke that has grown stale over time and starts to stick out like a sore thumb. i don't know what the comments on the video are like (no time no check them out), but i assume that people are starting to notice the disparity between Justin and Tony getting together to make stuff happen and mr nerd himself, who is little more than a spokesperson for the channel now, not even bothering to meet anyone in person anymore.

  2. The funny thing is, if he really insisted on reviewing arcade cabs, then there are plenty of at home arcade machines. He could've made videos about making his own arcade cab, or even just reviewing a pre-built machine. While it isn't cheap, $1,500 is enough to buy a pre-built mame machine that runs anything. $200-300 is enough for an arcade1up cab. He could easily review arcade games without ever leaving his house, but that would take effort. Eventually, a lot of youtubers just stop trying at all.

  3. You guys know that footage of Justin and Tony playing the game is from like years ago when they checked out that guy's arcade place right?

  4. Okay, so this is gonna be awkward for you…but Justin literally says it's old footage from their visit to that place in the literal video you reviewed here.A person hardly needed to be an almanac on their history. All you had to do was watch the video man lol.

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