Six minutes of lies from Erin. Hey guys! Remember Blockbuster?
I remember them, Erin. But do you?
0:00 – “Back in the late 80s and 90s, renting video games was a fairly common occurrence for people in the Gen X and Millennial demographic.”
Okay. So tell us about YOUR experiences with renting video games from Blockbuster, Erin. I’ll wait.
“I have fond memories of renting Super Nintendo and N64 games at Blockbuster, Hollywood Video, and even at the grocery store from time to time.”
Really? She said that she got her Super Nintendo from an antique store or something. And this was long after games were no longer being released.
Let me figure this out. I’ll charitably say that Erin got her Super Nintendo when she was ten years old. That would have been in 1998.
According to Wikipedia, the Super Nintendo’s lifespan was 1990 to 2003. I don’t know anyone who was playing Super Nintendo anywhere near 2003. Oh. It was discontinued in North America in 1999. That sounds about right.
Renting games. Let’s look at this. I was never big on renting games but the last time that I rented a game was probably…about 1993.
The Playstation came out in 1994. Was anyone renting cd games? Not that I’m aware of. There was an issue with piracy. You can just copy the game. So I don’t think that this happened. Not on any wide scale, certainly.
Erin was apparently renting games no earlier than 1998. At Blockbuster and Hollywood Video. Two companies that were clearly on the way out by then.
So I’m searching for “rent N64 games blockbuster”. The first result is here:
I remember seeing this in the video section at my grocery store for the longest time. My mom told me she would rent it for me when I learned how to tie my shoes. When I eventually did, we immediately went to rent it. It was gone. They stopped renting it.
I found it very peculiar that Erin mentioned renting games from a grocery store. But it sounded like something that nobody would just make up. It’s too weird to make up.
I suspect that she just Googled this shit like I did and found this comment. Then she stole this guy’s story. First result. First comment. It just happens to be about renting games from a grocery store.
People there do mention renting Playstations and even Playstation 2s from Blockbuster so maybe it was happening.
I see another Reddit thread where a guy specifically mentions renting Nintendo 64 games in 1997 or 1998.
So…maybe? I mean, maybe SOMEBODY was doing this. But I still don’t believe that Erin was doing this.
0:15 – Remember when you could rent games AND videos at the grocery store?”
No. But that guy from Reddit claims to.
Oh my god. Then she starts describing the typical experience of renting a video from Blockbuster. But this is all theoretical with Erin. Why doesn’t she describe HER OWN experience of doing this?
0:45 – “I recently stumbled upon a list of the most rented games at Blockbuster.”
Some horndog on Twitter must have told her about it when she did a recent tweet about how *nostalgic* she is about Blockbuster.
“If you guys like this, maybe I’ll cover other years and consoles as well.”
This is fucking idiotic. She’s just going to read from a list.
Holy shit. All she’s doing is mentioning a game and then giving like a generic description of it. “Some people really like this game.” Shit like this. She has to frame it this way because SHE NEVER PLAYED THESE GAMES BEFORE! This is fucking ridiculous.
Oh, and you know what else is happening here? She’s “reviewing” NES games. Even by her own account, she has no experience renting NES games. Why didn’t she pick a year and a system that she alleges to have experience with?
4:15 – She talks about the Family Feud game and how much she loves watching Family Feud. Here’s a tweet about her fondness for old Family Feud games from ten days ago:
Watching old Family Feud episodes with Richard Dawson. I want to be the person who rings the bell when someone wins DING DING DING DING DING
That was the first and last time that she ever tweeted about Family Feud. But now she’s all about it. This show that was on twelve years before she was born.
In that same tweet, somebody mentions Press Your Luck and she says that she never heard of it until Mike told her about it. So I guess that she isn’t quite the fan of retro game shows as she’s leading you to believe.
It’s fucking ridiculous. Why is everything a lie with her?
I’m genuinely somewhat interested in old game shows. I watch this shit. And I can tell you about games that were on before I was born. Press Your Luck was on while I was alive and I watched it but it’s hardly obscure. Super *nostalgic* game show fan Erin never even heard of it.
Somebody else in that thread tells her about Pluto TV which apparently has a lot of old game show content on it. Erin says that she’s familiar with it but “always forgets” that it exists. We’re sick of the lies, Erin. Just talk about stuff that you GENUINELY are interested in. What’s so hard about that?
4:45 – “Richard Dawson was creepy as hell but he was also my favourite host so I love the fact that this was based off of the Dawson era?
What other era could it have been based on? The game was released in 1990. Well, Ray Combs started in 1988. I guess it was possible? Maybe? I don’t know how long it takes to make these games and the licencing and whatever.
And I assure you that Erin knows NOTHING about Family Feud. She only started watching this shit recently, for the purposes of this video.
There’s also that “classic” video of her playing the NES Wheel of Fortune game with Mike AND SHE DOESN’T EVEN KNOW THE RULES. She has never in her life watched WHEEL OF FORTUNE. But now she’s portraying herself as a big time game show fan. She watches all the game shows, modern and classic. But not Wheel of Fortune. Or Press Your Luck. Or, truth be told, Family Feud. Or any game show. This is all just another ridiculous lie from her.
Somebody in that tweet that I linked to mentioned what a creep Richard Dawson was. So that’s why she mentions it in the video. She doesn’t know anything about this shit.
5:30 – She’s talking about the GI Joe game and makes a references to Castlevania III. It’s just so fucking tiring.
So that’s another complete shit video from Erin. And once again, she doesn’t appear in the video at all. How is Shishi supposed to jerk off?
This video was just like five shitty “reviews” of NES games. There’s no particular connection to Blockbuster. She apparently got a list of the most rented NES games from Blockbuster and then just “reviewed” them, without the benefit of ever having played the games before. This is complete shit.
You know what might have been good? Not with Erin but I mean with a real person who has real experiences in life. Maybe a video where the person talks about their ACTUAL experiences going to Blockbuster. Games that they rented, good games that they got, bad games that they got, whatever. A normal person should be able to get six minutes out of that. Not Erin.
– “This is awesome. Love this video. Ive been going back and watching a lot of og toys r us videos. These catch me right in the feels.”
Get a job, Justin.
– “Wow, in Europe the concept of renting in the grocery store is fucking outlandish.”
Never mind Europe. I never heard of this as an American.
She doesn’t even appear in the fucking video but this guy is still all horned up.
– “I was 12 when Blockbusters first opened its doors here in the UK in 1983! (Yes I am old enough to be Erin’s Grandpa!!)”
What? Why even say that?
And is that right? So this guy was born in let’s say 1970. That makes him about 51. Erin is like 33.
No. I don’t need a calculator for this one. Unless people in your village are having children at 9, you can’t be Erin’s grandfather.
– “In 1991 you were not even born, tell the truth…”
Erin replies, “‘I’m 33. I’ve been very open about my first console being a SNES. Not hard to imagine someone getting into things that existed before they were alive or old enough to be into a certain hobby . . .”
Yes, but are YOU interested in this shit? YOU PERSONALLY? Nothing I’ve seen indicates that she is. This is a giant fucking scam. A scam to get $200/month.
If I was going to plan some sort of a heist, I’d set my sights a bit higher than $200/month. Rob a bank or a big drug score or something. And then I’d go into meticulous detail to make sure that all bases are covered. There needs to be no margin for error here. I’d plan this shit out for months. Maybe years.
Erin DID plan this all out. From starting the channel to exchanging buttsex for Youtube promotion in a fake relationship. This was all planned out well in advance. And THIS is what she came up with. Fake gamer grrl on Youtube. $200/month. It’s a complete failure.
Go back to California, close the channel, and work on your next scam. I don’t know. Pyramid scheme or something.
– “Show us a pic of what u looked like back in these days . We Erin fans would really appreciate that”
I’ll just leave that comment there.
– “Erin I Remember Renting A SNES Console Before My Mom Got One I Miss BLOCKBUSTER”
That was from Games and Movies Entertainment. This is the highly autistic man who has numerous videos of him hugging various costumed characters at Disney theme parks. He usually just says “HUGS!”.
And Erin replied, “That’s awesome!” to this obviously mentally challenged man.
We expect a lot more from one of Youtube’s “Women on the Rise”.
There were various grocery stores local to me (Washington state) that would rent out video games. That's actually how I rented a SNES console with Super Mario World. Console case and everything. Video store was next door in the same plaza. I would find games at one place that I couldn't find in the other. Wasn't too bad of a deal. Blockbuster wasn't anywhere near where I was living. Closest business to that was Hollywood Video/Game Crazy.
Yeah, I saw somebody in California and somebody in Arizona or somewhere mention this grocery store thing. Maybe it was a “West Coast” thing.