Wonder Boy III The Dragon's Trap for Sega Master System – A Review – Hungry Goriya


I will try yet again to get through a Hungry Goriya video.  She’s just soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo boring.  But I’m interested in the game, I have fond memories of playing it in my youth, *nostalgia*.  Let’s try it out.  If I can’t get through this video, I can’t get through any of her videos.

Okay, I’m at four minutes.  I’ve been watching it but for the past minute or two, I’ve been zoning out.  And now I suddenly feel the urge to take a nap.  I’ll come back to this after my nap.

Okay, I’m back.  I slept for about an hour.  I’m alert.  I’m refreshed.  But I just can’t bring myself to go back to that video.  It’s fucking brutal.

I was thinking that maybe the problem is that Hungry Goriya doesn’t appear on screen for her videos.  No.  She could do these videos buck naked and I wouldn’t watch.  There’s just someting about her monotone or how she speaks kind of quickly or…I don’t know.  You fucking zone out.  

Here’s her Twitter:


Description is “Don’t have negative thoughts. Remember your mantra.”  That’s kind of what these videos are: a repetitive mantra.  If you listen to them, you quickly go to some kind of altered state.  But I’m not reaching nirvana with this shit.  I’m not achieving any higher consciousness.  I’m just taking a nap.  

The only epiphany that I reached is that this is one unbelievably boring woman.  

She seems to re-tweet all of Erin’s shit.  She must be gay for Erin.  Makes sense, I guess.  They’re both boring as fuck.  But compared to Hungry Goriya, Erin is just so charming and witty and full of life.

I’m combing through these tweets, desperately trying to find some insight into her personality and there’s nothing.  She doesn’t have a personality.  All of these tweets are just about video games.  Dull, boring, tedious posts about video games.  Mostly about shit that she plays on stream, for money and she wants you to go and watch her (and pay her).

She seems to play golf games a fair amount.  Well, that’s suitable.

She has a blog.  Let’s check it out.


“As the days turn to weeks”.  Awwwwwwwwwww no.  That’s how her most recent post starts.  I’m not doing this.

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