Moving, Hollow Knight, an Immortals save bug and other January updates – Cannot be Tamed

These are desperate times.  I’m having to review a Pam aka CannotBeEntertaining monthly update video.  Well…I’ll just think of it as an endurance test.  How much smug tedium can I withstand?

0:00 – She moved.  And as I guessed in a previous post, she hired professional movers.  So why she talks about stress is anyone’s guess.  It’s stressful to stand around and watch other people work?  

0:30 – “Usually I just want to cry after moving because I’m just so stressed out and tired.”

Why?  What’s tiring about watching people work?  What’s stressful about watching people work?  

I’ve moved, I don’t know, 20 times?  Something like that.  When I was younger, I’d put my shit in my car and move.  That’s it.  Not stressful.

There were times when I had enough to just fit in two suitcases.  So I would put my shit in my suitcases and take a taxi to my new place.  This was when I didn’t have a car.  Not stressful.

When I finally broke down and bought furniture, things got more difficult.  I had to hire the services of a man and a van.  But even then it’s not stressful.  It’s just Ikea furniture so I disassemble it the day or two prior to moving and then move the shit in the van.  It’s tiring because I have to help move everything.  It’s not like a full service moving set up like Pam aka CannotBeEntertaining obviously used but it’s still not stressful.

I moved recently and there were two guys helping with the move instead of the usual one.  I still helped but it wasn’t required.  And it was £60.  How are they making a profit on that?  It was like two hours of work and then I assume that they split it so that’s £15/hour each.  Plus, there’s the cost of the gas and general maintenance of the van and insurance and whatnot.  Not worth it.  I paid £80.  Usually, it’s like £60-100 and there’s just one guy.  

Oh, there was also a time when I was too cheap to pay for a van so I just moved everything by hand over the course of like three weeks.  Furniture too.  And it was like…fuck…a half hour walk?  Something like that.  And over a steep hill with heavy traffic.  So I’m carrying like a huge sofa frame down the street and I’m having to take breaks at various points to regain my strength.  Fortunately, I didn’t have a bed at the time.  I wouldn’t have been able to haul a mattress like that.

Even that wasn’t stressful.

1:45 – The shoot oot.  She brought this back.  For a long time, she didn’t do shoot oots.  

It’s a guy.  Very disappointing.  She ran out of gamer grrls to shoot oot, I guess.  

4:00 – She says that she uses a Retron5.  The nerds who talk about this shit really don’t like the Retron5.  They talk about “lag” and whatnot.  Do they even still make these?  It seems so.  

Anyway, I don’t buy this “lag” argument for one second but I just don’t see the point of these products.  We all have PCs.  Emulators are free.  What’s the problem?

4:45 – Some of her friends gave her an X-Com t-shirt as a house warming present.  Umm…okay.  And she shows off the goods.  Whoa!  Turkey’s done!  When can we expect a Pam aka CannotBeEntertaining try on haul?

Okay, I made it to 9:45.  I know that I was like two-thirds done but I couldn’t power through.


– “Just as an aside, sometimes your Canadian accent is imperceptible and then you say “house” and I’m like… oh yeah, she gets healthcare from the government like someone who lives in the first world. This is not a bad thing, I would take every single person around me saying “Howouse” all the time if it meant living in sane governance but… as an American living north enough to get a Canadian channel on his cable system, it pops out.”

This guy expects to get a date with this?  And what a bizarre…I mean…the populace pronouncing “house” in an odd way isn’t a prerequisite for free healthcare.  

– “Love that t-shirt, Pam, was a huge fan of UFO: Enemy Unknown back in the late 90’s……hence why I was so keen to get the XCom remake during the early 2010’s ;).”

I hear that.  Show off those melons, Pam.  At least be honest about it.  You don’t give a fuck about the design of the t-shirt.

– “”Movers”. Holy shit, that’s cool. I mean, I’m for one a lonely person and we don’t have this service around here even. Good for you =)”

I think that this guy is from Russia.  But yeah, it’s kind of true. I’m sure that there are moving companies in Russia but it’s for bigger jobs like cross country or international.  

In the UK, there’s these “man with a van” people for local moves mostly, although they also do cross country.  It’s mostly self-employed people who just have a van and they’ll move your stuff.  It’s all a bit shady and it’s word of mouth and a lot of them aren’t reliable but that’s how it is.  It’s a service that doesn’t really exist in the US, as far as I’m aware, because most everyone drives in the US.  And if you have too much stuff to fit in your car, you can rent a van.  U-haul or whatever.  

You can also rent a van in the UK but I don’t know how many people actually do that.  

– “Thumbs up for the T-shirt”

There were A LOT of comments on her top.  Come on, guys.  We all know what’s going on here.  You liked that she showed her tits.  You don’t give a fuck about X-Com.

Love the shirt!  Take it off, baby!

– “Was this a divorce move?”

I didn’t even think about that.  Did she leave her lesbian beard partner?  There was no mention of this guy.  She talked about her pets, though.

Are you telling me that Pam is back on the market?  Maybe I can be her next lesbian beard partner.  Dare to dream.  Let me get close to those big X-Com titties.  And of course, there’s that *sparking* personality of hers.

Edit: Oh my god.  I wrote all of that this morning (02/02/21…so yesterday from the day I’ll be publishing this) and then in the evening of that same day somebody left a comment on this fine blog confirming what this guy said.  It’s in this post.

“Pam moved because she and her bf or whatever broke up. She was tweeting about how “tinder sucks” a month or two ago.”

Then he gives a link:

Pam aka CannotBeEntertaining writes:

“Downloaded a dating app, went “ooh what does this button do?” then was told I had ‘super-liked’ someone… deleted the app and threw phone. I’m good at this.”

Umm…god, I mean.  I could do a whole other article just on this.  That’s what I’ll do.  These gamer grrls aren’t uploading anything anyway so it’s good to have some other material.  So tomorrow I’ll analyse the ramifications of Pam being newly single, her bizarre usage of Tinder, and popular pick up spots for lesbians.

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