This first guy did a video about Madam Fomo two months ago. I talked about it here:
It was just some crazy guy talking about his fondness for Madam Fomo.
But in this new video…I think that he’s…what’s the word…”dissing” her? This video is chock full of Ebonics so I had a hard time with it but this young man seems to be claiming that he received oral sex from Madam Fomo.
He goes on to say that he called Madam Fomo “DF” (presumably for “Destiny Fomo) and she called him “BF” (presumably for “boyfriend”).
He threatens to leak screenshots of something (I’m not sure what) but then says, “no expose, just recognise hoes”.
He claims that Madam Fomo isn’t a “gamer” and that in fact, he taught Madam Fomo about video games.
He finishes the video by saying that Madam Fomo’s true interest is in selling nude photos of herself.
It seems plausible to me. Indeed, I think that this guy lives in Florida. I can’t tell you why I think that. I must have seen it somewhere. And this would coincide with Madam Fomo’s recent trip to Florida for “candy apples”.
So this is some disgruntled john, perhaps. Or it could be completely made up.
Here’s a different guy talking about Madam Fomo. He has a playlist of Madam Fomo videos on his channel so he’s obviously a fan.
He talks about some Batman video game for four and a half minutes of this video.
4:45 – “I’ve been seeing a lot of ridiculous videos. What I’ve always liked, whether it was video games, whether it was anime, just good movies in general.”
Oh. It’s yet another anime nerd. And this is a black guy in his late 30s, I’d guess. I don’t know. Just seems weird to me. I suppose that nerds who happen to be black like anime. Why wouldn’t they? Why would race be a factor for anime fandom? I can accept Asian anime nerds. I can accept white anime nerds. But for some reason…black anime nerds…I don’t know. I have a harder time with that. It’s my own biases, I guess.
5:45 – He says “john-ra” for “genre”. Where is this guy from? I don’t know. But James Rolfe pronounces it that way too so I thought maybe it’s a Pennsylvania thing.
Then he starts talking about “clout chasing”. This is people who post videos on Youtube critical of other “Youtubers”.
He suggests that if you don’t like Madam Fomo’s videos, you shouldn’t watch them. He includes Sunpi as well. That’s some completely batshit crazy “Youtuber” who I wrote one or two reviews on but she’s absolutely unwatchable.
9:45 – He compares Madam Fomo’s videos to Soul Train. His father used to get upset when Soul Train came on. “They’re gyrating and shaking their behinds”, he would say. And this guy would say to his father, “Wouldn’t it be easier to change the channel than watch something that you don’t like?”
12:00 – He starts talking about people who are overly dedicated to particular consoles. For example, “If you like X-Box, you’re a jackass.”
He goes on, “If you’re that fucking dumb that you can hate somebody because they like a different console than you, then I’m pretty sure that skin colour is also something that you guys…you’re probably all racist as hell as well.”
It’s an interesting theory. Playstation fanboys, for example, as racists.
I get what he’s saying. Something as trivial as console preference or skin colour isn’t a reason to hate anyone. But is that the reason? And does anyone really hate fans of other consoles?
Take the Nintendo Gamecube adherents versus the Playstation 2 adherents. Proponents of Playstation 2 would say that it’s a more powerful console and more mature games, whatever. The Gamecube enthusiasts would counter that the Gamecube games are more fun, better controller, et cetera.
But was there any genuine hatred? Was violence erupting in the streets over this? I don’t think so.
Anyway, the video is basically 30 minutes of this guy saying, “If you don’t like it, don’t watch it.”