Testing NES Games on an AWESOME Retro Space-Age CRT! – Erin Plays


0:00 – “It’s the JVC VideoSphere.  This is something that I’ve been wanting for a very long time.”

Give us the timeframe.  When did you decide that you wanted a little television from the 1970s?  

I’m going to guess that it was within the past six months, when some horndog in the chat told her about this thing, and she was desperate for new “content”.  

Why didn’t she just say that?  Why does she try to imply that she wanted this obscure television since she was a child?  This television set that was manufactured 20 years before she was born.

0:15 – Then she reads from Wikipedia dot com.

1:15 – “This thing is black and white but I want to play some NES games on it.”

Why?  Why would anyone want to do this, least of all Erin?  

Because she’s desperate for “content”.  This video is two and a half minutes long, by the way.  We’re a minute in.  She’s already desperate to pad this thing out.

“I played several sci-fi themed games.”

For the purposes of this video.  And they’re mostly games that she also played on stream, for money.

2:00 – Then there’s just extended footage of Erin (I guess) playing some game on this thing.  It’s only like 20 seconds but it goes on too long.  Then the video just awkwardly ends.

But here’s some back story on this tv.  This was a gift from Mike to Erin.  And Mike sent it to somebody called RetroRGB to get it in working order.  Then Madam Fomo took a picture of herself with RetroRGB and the tv (in box) and tweeted about it.  Then she deleted the tweet a few hours later.  I talk about this bizarre chain of events here:


Who’s RetroRGB?  Some guy who sells cables and shit for hardcore retro gaming nerds.  He must be doing pretty well for himself if he’s spending time with Madam Fomo.  But is this somebody you want to support, knowing that he’s blowing all of his money on the painted ladies?

How much are these things anyway?  There are a few on Ebay.  About $500.

So another fairly expensive gift from Mike that Erin doesn’t even want.  

I just don’t get it.  What is she going to do with this trash when the relationship is over and/or she finally decides to give up on this gamer grrl scam?  Sell it, presumably.  But that’s a job.  She has to put all of this shit on Ebay, take pictures, box it all up, take it to the post office, stand in line, pay for postage, et cetera.  And she’s probably going to get less than what Mike paid for this shit, not that that really matters to her.  And of course Ebay takes their cut.

It’s not worth it.  It’s not worth the hassle.  

I sold some stuff on Ebay that I didn’t want.  Many years ago when Ebay was a new thing.  It was a giant pain in the ass.  Not worth doing.  

These gifts are just a charade so she has something to show on the channel.  But again, she’s not making money on the channel.  So why bother with this?  All that these gifts are bringing to Erin is a giant chore in the future when she has to get rid of this garbage.

Why not say to Mike, “Hey…maybe jewellery this year”?  Or that car that he promised her.  Or some Britney Spears memorabilia.  Or something that she would actually want.  Or at least something that doesn’t take up much space and can be sold easily.  

Let’s peruse the comments.  Her views are in the toilet, by the way.  This only got 8,000 views after two days.  Actually, I suppose that it’s not too dissimilar from the number of views she’s been getting from the start.  She has videos from 2017 that only have 7,000 views.  When does she think this channel is going to take off?

– “I wonder if non sci-fi games would work on it?”

That witty comment was from Joe from Gamesack.  Oh, you card.  Trying to pick up the love of Mike’s life.  Right there in the Youtube comment section for everyone to see.  Nothing sleazy about that.


This year sucks, but I am very thankful to have a nice lil’ group of folks who support my channel and streams so I can do what I love. If teen me knew she’d one day be able to talk to people about malls and the 80s/90s while playing games, she wouldn’t believe it.

It’s true.  Teenage Erin would say, “Wait, what?  You’re not interested in video games.”

And even in her own fucking tweet, she clearly is not interested in video games.  She’s emphasising talking about malls and whatever.  Not playing video games.  

But yeah, she’s thankful for this handful of horny losers who allow her to make $250/month.  Let the good times roll.

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