PlayStation 5 User Experience REACTION – Bobdunga

0:00 – “This is some of the in between content that I was talking about.”

Yeah.  This is what total creative bankruptcy looks like.  “Reactions”.  Fake fucking “reactions” to mundane shit.

And she’s wearing an X-Men shirt.  Hey guys!  Remember the X-Men?  I’m a nerd just like you!

Well, I do remember them.  But I lost interest in that shit around the age of 15 or so.  Like a normal person.

Oh god.  No.  I’m not doing this.  There’s some fucking Japanese guy speaking heavily-accented English.  It’s appealing to fucking weeaboos.  They show a picture of the PS5 and Bobdunga says, “There it is”.

That’s her “reaction”.  You know what my reaction was?  Fucking nothing.  I sat there in stony silence.  Like a normal person.  

I fucking hate these “reaction” videos so much.  Who the fuck is being entertained by these?  The same drooling imbeciles who watch Erin’s shit?  How low does your intellect have to be to believe that these “reactions” are in any way genuine?  It’s on the same level as people who believe in the Tooth Fairy.  

Fifteen fucking minutes.  We’re expected to watch this shit for 15 fucking minutes.  Crazy fucking Bobdunga doing fake reactions for 15 fucking minutes.  

Then they’re just showing other angles of this fucking console and she’s nodding in approval.  What the fuck?  It’s a case.  It’s the case to a video game console.  In different angles.  Who the fuck cares?  

I want to see GENUINE reactions.  And we all know what that would be.  It would be Bobdunga watching this video in silence for 15 minutes.  If it’s anything other than that, she’s completely out of her mind.

Who watches a commercial and gets so emotional that they just have to start commenting on it?  You know?  You’re sitting by yourself in your fucking X-Men shirt, watching a video game commercial, and you’re going to start talking to yourself?  Who the fuck does that?  

And I can’t even understand like…20% of what this guy is saying.  This is the best English announcer that Sony could find?  Sony, a multi-billion dollar global corporation with large subsidiaries in English speaking countries?  The best you could find is this fucking Japanese guy with an accent so thick that it’s almost racist?  “Oh, me honourable Japanese man prease to show you PS5 features.”

And then she’s nodding some more.  Fuck off.  I’m done.  Fuck this shitty “content”.

Here are some more commercials that Bobdunga can “react” to:

Skip to 1:18:00.  That’s where Bobdunga and her shit videos belong.

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