House of the Dead 2 (Dreamcast) – Erin Plays

 Not even worth a review.  

I was there for the “premiere” of this video.  She did that annoying thing where you can “premiere” a video.  It was the usual cast of characters: Shishi, NewWaveJunkie, Sergio, Shishi’s ladyboy friend.  Pam aka CannotBeEntertaining was also there.  She said “hello” and the horndogs all greeted her.  But that’s all she said.

Nobody in the chat said anything related to the video because the video was boring as fuck.  Here’s my summary of the video:




That’s it.  It’s that for 20 minutes.  It goes without saying that she never played the game before.

It’s just fucking Erin shooting this fucking gun (which was a stealth commercial for RetroBit, by the way) one inch from the monitor.  All you hear is “click click click click click” and Erin saying, “OMG!  WHAT WAS THAT?”  She’s not even making her usual stupid “jokes” and “observations”.  It’s fucking trash.  There’s not a single comment about the game or about ANYTHING.

I’m not watching this shit again to confirm this.  

Then she quits because her wrist was hurting.  Carpal tunnel.  Although, she hasn’t used that term in quite a while.

She ends the video with, “If you want a game that will get you in the Halloween spirit, I don’t think that there’s a better game than House of the Dead 2.”

Who’s benefiting from this information?  Every single person watching this video has played more games than Erin.  Every single person is in a better position to declare which game is most suitable to get one in the Halloween spirit.  Erin doesn’t know shit about video games so her opinion is totally worthless.

It would be like me declaring who the cutest 1990s boy band was.  I don’t know anything about that shit.  What value would my opinion hold?

I was sitting there in this “premiere” and thinking, “Isn’t Erin embarrassed by this?”  It’s an absolutely shit video, she has 200 people watching, and nobody is saying anything about the video.  It was awkward.  

Nobody was saying, “That’s funny” or “Good point” or anything like that.  Because the video was as I described.  *Click click click click click* “WHAT WAS THAT?”.  For twenty fucking minutes.

Mike was also there.  He just said one thing, I don’t remember.  “Hello” or something.  It wasn’t anything substantial.  So he must have some engagement with Erin and these videos.  Why doesn’t he help her with these?  

I’ve gone over this many times before.  The reality is that there’s nothing that he can do.  You can’t teach somebody how to have a personality.  And she has absolutely no experience with video games.  But then why doesn’t he say, “These videos are terrible.  You can stop now.  I have enough money for both of us.  Don’t worry.”

Absolute rock bottom shit.  And she wasn’t even in a “sexy” costume.  Same with her streams.  She apologised for not being in a costume in her stream.  She was “sick”.  As always.  Too sick to put a half-assed costume on.

It’s just absolute zero effort from her.  How does she expect that this is going to work?  Terrible content, no knowledge of the subject matter, and zero fucking effort.  

Oh, but somebody “donated” like $2 right at the end of the stream..  Maybe that’s what Erin was hoping for with this “premiere”.  She just wanted the two bucks.

Are packs of Juicy Fruit with five sticks of gum in them still 25 cents?  Let me Google this…no.  35 cents.  So she could only get five packs now instead of eight.  

I remember as a kid buying a big bundle of like ten Tootsie Pops for $1 or so and my father saying, “When I was a kid, these were only five cents.”  Oh…I think I finally get it.  He meant each individual Tootsie Pop was five cents.  I thought he meant the whole fucking bundle was five cents.  Thirty years later and I finally understand the “wisdom” in that comment.

Tootsie Pops were awful, though.  It was all smooth sailing until you hit that gross Tootsie Roll centre.  What was the best flavour?  Raspberry, I guess.  No, the mystery flavour.  Wait…I’m thinking of Dum Dums.  I’m so *nostalgic* for mystery flavour Dum Dums.

2 thoughts on “House of the Dead 2 (Dreamcast) – Erin Plays

  1. It reminds me of when I was a kid and we rented a Nintendo. I was playing Duck Hunt and was kneeling in front of the tv with the gun right in front of it. My father walked by and said, “Well, that looks like fun” in a sarcastic manner. My excuse is that I was 10 years old. Erin is 32.

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