Top Ten Gamer Grrls of 2016

I won’t link to the “article” because it’s just some generic spam site but here are the “Youtubers” they mention:
21 million subscribers.  She hasn’t made a “gaming” video in many years.  Now she just does “reaction” videos.  She looks like Mia Khalifa in all her thumbnails.  This is intentional.  A lot of suggestive thumbnails.  
Absolutely obnoxious videos.  I think it’s literally about two edits a second.  And I don’t know if she’s actually attractive or it’s the makeup.  I think that makeup is doing a lot of the heavy lifting.  Annoying voice as well.
But she’s apparently the most subscribed English-speaking female “Youtuber”.  So whatever she;s doing, it’s working.  She seems to post a video a day.  All heavily edited.  So she must have a team of people working on this trash.  
It’s all flavour of the month shit.  “Karens”, Tik Tok.  Yeah.  This is shit.  I can barely even understand what she’s saying.  The fast editing doesn’t help.  
Totally manufactured.  It’s an average looking woman with a lot of makeup, suggestive thumbnails, and “trending” topics.  That’s the recipe for success on Youtube, apparently.  The videos themselves are unwatchable to anyone with any semblance of intelligence and you learn NOTHING about this woman.  It’s all superficial trash designed to maximise profit.  
She plays FIFA and has 1.5 million subscribers.  
Her latest two videos are about her OnlyFans.
Jesus.  How old is this woman?  People are paying for THIS?  
What the fuck?  And she’s not even nude in these things.  
“People are like, ‘This is stupid.  You’re not even nude’.  I’ve said it so many times.  I’m never going to show my nipples or my cha cha or anything like that on there but I am trying to get my sexy back as a mom.”
Good god.  Where to begin with this?  
Well, people in the comments have already covered some of this ground.  Apparently, the lowest tier is $15 and she says that she has 1000 subscribers so that’s $15,000 minimum in a month.  And they’re paying for “sexy” lingerie photos of a middle aged mother.  
The top comment is “Who tf is gonna pay for her onlyfans”.  That probably sums up what I was going to say.
And since she plays FIFA, I assumed that she was British.  No.  This is just some clueless American woman.
You can hear about her postpartum depression while she has her tits on display here:
I lasted about ten seconds.
Her videos don’t actually get many views.  She does about three videos a week.  And she…plays games in some of them…maybe?  Is this even a game?  She just always seems to be opening like loot boxes.  Is that what they’re called?  The random shit that you can get in some games.
Anyway, total trash.  I wouldn’t even look at her “cha cha” for free.
5 million subscribers.  She does Minecraft videos.  I guess that those are still popular.  She’s getting a million views on every fucking video.  She makes one video a month.  
Yeah.  These are just Minecraft videos.  She doesn’t even appear on screen.  She just does whatever one does in Minecraft.  Like tells a little story.  And she says “gosh” and stuff like this.  This is obviously 100% children watching this.  
She does appear in some videos.  She’s just an average looking woman.  Has a peculiar accent.  She’s British.  
I mean, whatever.  It’s a channel for children. There’s nothing objectionable about it.  She must be making a fortune from this shit.  Good for her, I guess.
6.7 million subscribers.  Yeah.  Similar premise here.  She does “let’s play” videos for children.  She plays different games but they’re all child-friendly games.  Animal Crossing and shit like this.  She’s been doing this for like 10 years.  She sometimes does child-friendly “vlogs” and “reactions” and whatever.  
I mean, it’s shit, no adult on earth would want to watch any of this, but children are watching this.  I don’t think that this woman or LDShadowLady are presenting themselves as doing something that they want to do.  It’s not like, “Hey, here’s an insight into my life.”  They’re treating this as a job.  They’re making videos for children.  
It’s like Chris BORES and his Puppet Steve channel.  It’s god awful but he’s making money by entertaining six year olds.  There’s nothing to get upset over.  It would be like getting upset over that gay guy from Blue’s Clues or something.  He’s just doing a job, he’s getting paid, good for him.
750,000 subscribers.  The 2016 article says that she plays like first person shooter games.  But I’ve scrolled through four years of videos and I’m not seeing any of that.  She does seem to play some video games in her videos from three or so years ago but they look like RPGs.
For the past two years, it’s been nothing but vlogs.  And her final video was a year ago.
One of the comments says, “This is booooooring make goood content”.  Again, that’s helpful.  That man has succinctly expressed my views.  It’s the most boring fucking video you’ve ever seen in your life.
Apparently, she’s on Twitch now.  
But yeah, she just threw away 750,000 subscribers.  You have to be able to make some money at that level.  Even with a dead channel, she’s making a little more money than Erin.
Whoa.  What?  The article says that she posed for the Playboy website.  
Oh.  Somebody should have explained to Hef that you can have nude pictures on the internet now.
700,000 subscribers.  She hasn’t uploaded in a year either.
The article says that she does let’s plays of popular games (Grand Theft Auto 5, Minecraft, et cetera) but that’s not what I’m seeing.  She must have stopped that shit ages ago.  
Her “content” from the past three years or so is mostly vlogs where she tries to find the most unflattering angle of herself for the thumbnail.  I’m not even joking.  She’s intentionally taking bad pictures of herself for the thumbnails.  Interesting strategy.
That’s a Q&A video about her mental health problems.  Oh.  Yeah.  This explains everything.  And it’s the same frantic editing that one sees in fellow poor mental health sufferer Bobdunga, for example.
Anyway, more trash.  Crazy trash.
She has her subscriber numbers hidden.  Appears to have fairly modest view numbers.  Rarely cracks 10,000.
I don’t even know what this is.  Nobody appears on camera.  They play games, I think.  Oh, yeah.  It’s usually a guy who seems to be talking.  But sometimes it’s a woman but…it sounds like a guy trying to sound like a woman.  Maybe it’s the same person in all of these videos but they just can’t keep the female voice going.  
Anyway, it’s uncomfortable.  I’m not watching this shit.
Melonie Mac
The article says that she plays Tomb Raider and she still seems to be doing that, four years later  
Here’s her latest video:
She’s heavily tattooed, going for the heroin chic look, talking about her cat.  It’s fucking boring.  I turned it off after about 20 seconds.
Most of her videos are just fucking Twitch streams where she plays first person shooters.  She also does some vlogs.
Wow.  Just two years ago, her tattoos weren’t THAT bad.  Now she’s completely covered in them.  It’s a form of self-injury when done like this.  A lot of mentally ill women will do this.  
Anyway, she rarely seems to upload now and the videos, from what little I was able to watch, don’t seem interesting.  But she got 329,000 subscribers.
For comparison, Erin was complaining about not being able to get 50,000 subscribers.  And all of the other gamer grrls who I cover are under 50,000.  Some of them are well under 50,000.  Madam Fomo has 100,000 but I’m not including her. 
These women are producing “content” and it’s terrible but for the most part they continue to post on a regular basis and seem generally happy with how things are going.  
This woman has over 300,000 subscribers and just doesn’t care any more.  
This is another channel for children.  It’s an average looking woman playing…well.  I don’t even know if you can describe this as “playing a game.”  It’s Gacha Life.  I think?  Is that a game?  It looks like these Minecraft videos.
And yeah, just like in these Minecraft videos, it’s a woman like telling a story.  This is obviously for children.  And she makes these stupid faces in the thumbnails.
This is just more trash but it’s like calling Teletubbies trash.  It’s true but I’m not the intended audience.  If three year olds are entertained by this shit, who am I to disagree?  No, you have to watch Masterpiece Theater instead.  
She was called “Yogscast Hannah” in the article.  I don’t know what that is but I’ve seen the word before.  
1 million subscribers.  A million subscribers and her videos rarely get more than 10,000 views.  
The videos are just Twitch streams.  Multi-part.  Like Red Dead Redemption and shit like that.  
I don’t know.  It’s peculiar.  A million subscribers but the videos are just whatever.  A woman playing a shooting game.  And the views are low.  According to SocialBlade, she’s haemorrhaging subscribers.
So that’s the list.  Nothing worthwhile.
What have we learned from this?  Well, first of all, a lot can change in four years.  A lot of these women have stopped making videos about video games or they’ve stopped making videos entirely.
That’s encouraging.  I mean, Erin won’t be making these god awful videos forever.  And it might not be too long before she stops.
Also, the women who are doing well are the ones who are making videos for children.  
It should be possible for a woman to make a “gaming” channel that appeals to adult men but…where is it?  If it were possible wouldn’t it exist?  So maybe it isn’t possible.
OnlyFans was the third lesson here.  You see it with Madam Fomo, of course, but it’s not just for prostitutes any more.  Fucking…I can’t remember her name…that fat psychology chick is doing it, that “sexy mom” from this list is doing it, it’s mainstream.  
How much longer before Bobdunga does a Patreon?  She already has a “sexy” Instagram.  And she’s desperate for viewers.  She’s desperate for money.  She has no job.  She’s mentally ill.  I say that she’s going to be the first to take the plunge out of this Erin/CannotBeEntertaining/RetroAli/Pelvic Gaming group.  

2 thoughts on “Top Ten Gamer Grrls of 2016

  1. Sniper is hot. Ut the first word out of her mouth makes me flaccid. Im sure millions of these views are from YouTube autopsy suggestion feature after their done wanking it or the kids are off playing Legos and whatever minors do nowadays? Fleet. And naynay? Props to compiling this list. You know its rough out there for an average looking dumb bitch.

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