0:00- Come on. Why does she always do this stupid shit with her hair? We get it. You have curly hair. So what?
Her mother is a white woman and has appeared in several videos and I’ve never heard her mention her father. Draw your own conclusions.
Nevertheless, she’s REALLY into being black. Even though she has a white mother and a father who may or may not be in the picture.
She’s just a confused person, I guess. If being “black” helps give her a sense of identity and belonging, that’s fine, I guess. I think that there are healthier ways to go through life, though.
So she starts the video by listing some games that we all know have great “OSTs”. “OST” means the in-game music. I don’t know why she doesn’t just say that.
I have to say that none of this resonates with me. I’ve never played a video game and thought, “Wow! These are some rocking tunes!” I just play the fucking game and don’t pay attention to the music.
Conversely, I’ve never thought, “This music is really bad.” It’s completely off my radar. I don’t notice this shit. I don’t care.
0:30 – She’s doing the weird countdown thing again. She says each number in a strange fashion. I have no idea why.
I can’t. Now she’s giving the composers again. And she admitted that she could only think of four games for this list so the fifth one is just a throw away.
No. I’m just skipping through this video. Look for any weird shit.
2:00 – Well, here we go. She starts doing “80s aerobics”. And she’s in her little outfit in front of a green screen. And then there are three of her.
And then a weird and loud voice over comes on of some guy saying that if she gets 650 likes on this video, she’ll do a five minute aerobics video.
This is just embarrassing. We’re supposed to be jerking off to this? I do not get it whatsoever.
When I was like 12, I would jerk off to Body Electric. But I’m not 12 and Pelvic Gamer is no Margaret Richard.
Is this show still on? Maybe? The only confirmation I can see is from Margaret Richard’s own website.
Here’s a vintage episode from “the 90s”:
I’d give her some loving. She had some big tits but her backup women were always more modestly endowed. She didn’t want to be overshadowed, I guess.
Anyway, back to this Pelvic Gamer trash.
13:45 – Pelvic Gamer dancing. Again, we’re supposed to be jerking off to this. I’m totally flaccid.
I just…I mean…I don’t understand it. I don’t understand who’s jerking off to this. Have these people never seen a woman before? Is Pornhub blocked on their computers?
Then she ends the video by showing some makeup kit that some horny loser gave her and she does some kind of wink and hand gesture to the viewer. This is supposed to be “sexy”.
On the one hand, good for her being confident.
On the other hand, there’s something to be said about misplaced confidence.
I hate to be rude but THIS woman thinks that she’s some kind of sex symbol. It goes to show just what a warped reality so many women have. I blame the internet. You have all of these horny, desperate dudes coming on to every single woman they can find. And these women don’t realise that they’re just one of thousands of women that these are guys are doing this with. These guys are telling EVERY woman how “hot” they are because it’s a numbers game. If you tell a thousand women a day that they’re hot, maybe one of them will say, “Oh. You’re kind of cute too.”
But now you’ve just created 999 other people who have a warped view of reality. “Oh, that guy said that I’m hot. I must really be something special.”
Wow. Margaret Richard wants you pay $25/month to see her internet-only workout shows. Ridiculous. She must be in her 70s by now. There’s no age limit for delusion, I guess. Who’s jerking off to this shit?
Let’s check out some comments for this Pelvic Gamer video:
– “Omg stop no more exercise video”
A rare voice of reason. He hasn’t been banned yet. He will be soon.
A bunch of losers comment about how much they love her hair. Again, this is not at all genuine. They’re hoping to get a date out of this.
-“First, you look fantastic.Second, Shadow of the Colossus is such a great soundtrack and possibly one of the best examples of the music changing dynamically with what’s going on, at least for its time.”
That was from CannotBeTamed. She is also trying to get a date out of this. She’s a lesbian.
– “Bonus points for commitment to the bit – the longer the aerobic fitness commercial went on, the more I laughed.”
Uh huh. “Laughed”. I’ll bet.