REVIEW | Alliance Alive HD (Switch) – Pelvic Gaming

Oh, she’s not looking like a clown today.  That’s always good.

You know what I just realised? Pelvic Gamer pretty much does nothing but RPG reviews.

When was the last time she did any crazy content?  Like when she went to that nerd convention and seduced herself.

That was five months ago.  Did she do anything for Valentine’s Day this year?

No.  Well, she reviewed Rogue Squadron but nothing weird.  I would have liked to see more “sexy” questions from her horny “fans” like in previous years.

0:30 – She shouts out the horny loser who “gifted” her the game.

Well, I’ve watched the whole video now.  I was drifting in and out of consciousness but from what I processed, she did a competent review of it.  No weird shit.  There was some unnecessary profanity but that’s what she usually does.

Let me check out her Twitter.

She lost her job recently.

That’s unfortunate.  Good to see that she had a job, though.  What makes some of these gamer grrls think that they can just laze around the house all day?  The same sense of entitlement that makes them think that they should get paid to play video games, poorly, I guess.

But this is a good opportunity for Pelvic Gamer to take some chances with her life.  She’s not working, no responsibilities, she can do whatever she wants.  Maybe she has a boyfriend but there are guys everywhere.  That shouldn’t hold her back.

What about “teaching” English in Japan?  I think she’d like that.  Check out the video games and anime and other nerd weeaboo shit.

This was my goal when I was her age.  Not Japan, specifically, I didn’t plan that far out, but I wanted to leave the country so I was looking into “teaching” abroad.  So I got some work experience in schools and researched what the requirements were to get these visas.  You just needed a bachelor’s degree for most countries but China didn’t have this requirement.  I think that they do now, though.

There’s also some TEFL certificate that you can get.  You have to do some shitty little course.

Yeah, I just looked it up.  China requires a bachelor’s degree and some 120 hour TEFL course.  You just know that course is going to be an expensive scam.

I’m seeing one here for about $200.  Online.  Yeah.  I don’t know.  It’s not too expensive, I guess, but what’s the point?  What are you actually going to learn in this shit?  It’s just a cash grab.

Here’s another one for $30.  I mean…what the fuck?  It’s all a scam.  What is a $30 course possibly going to teach you?  And this will be accepted somewhere?

Anyway, this might all be moot because I’m not sure if Pelvic Gamer has a bachelor’s degree.

What about just moving to a different part of the country?  I think that she lives in Orlando.  For some reason that place seems scummy to me.  Indeed, I’ll declare all of Florida as scummy.

So what about moving somewhere colder?  That’s always my concern with moving.  I don’t want to live anywhere where it’s warm because then there’s going to be a problem with bugs.

She could just stay on “the East Coast”.  Fuck New York.  But what about New England?  Maybe try Boston first.  She wouldn’t even need a car, I don’t think.  I understand that they have good public transportation.  So yeah, check it out, look for work, and then just see where things take you.

Wouldn’t that be interesting “content” for your channel?  Wouldn’t that make you a more interesting person?  You’ll get some stories out of it.

I always get anxious if I stay somewhere for too long.  I want to move.  Try something different.

But most people seem content to do the same bullshit day after day for their entire lives.  Live in the same shitty town that they grew up in, do the same shitty job every day, have the same shitty girlfriend.  Why not at least try something different?  Pelvic Gamer is like 27.  Now is the time to do it.

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