Remakes, my dream job and advice for my past self | Cannot be Tamed 40k Q&A

Let’s see if this is any more insightful than Bobdunga’s dreadful Q&A.  Judging from the title, I’m cautiously optimistic that there’s going to be some insight and introspection as opposed to the “What’s your favourite cartoon” type questions that Bobdunga grappled with.

0:00 – “Hi.  I’m Pam and I’m here to talk about video games?”

Aw yeah.  We got Pam starting the video off like every other video she does.  She’s wearing the dark top, of course.  Same dead expression as in every video.  This is how you get to 40,000 subscribers.  People like routine.  They want the same fucking boring bullshit in every video.  Pam is a master at this.

“Last month, this channel hit 40,000 subscribers which is amazing and a bigger number than I ever thought this channel would reach.”

Is Pam “throwing some shade” at Erin’s recent tweet where she bitched about her “low” subscriber numbers?  Let’s hope so.  I want to see these ACTUAL gamer grrls banding together and agreeing to ostracise fake gamer grrl Erin Plays.

0:15 – “I hope that you will continue to watch and I will continue to make videos that are interesting.”

Yeah.  When are you going to start, Pam?

First question is will she stream on Twitch.  Her answer is no.  Let’s hope that the questions improve from here.  Nevertheless, that was still a better question than anything that Bobdunga answered.  I talked about it here:

1:15 – “Being entertaining, live, for possibly hours on end sounds exhausting to me.  Like something I wouldn’t be very good at.”

Never mind exhausting, it sounds impossible.  You can’t even be entertaining with scripted content.  At least she seems aware of this.

1:45 – Next question: “How are your dog and cat doing?”

Ummm…I don’t give a fuck.

Then some boring fucking video game question.  Come on.  I’m done with this stupid shit.  I’ll just wait for good questions.

7:15 – Here’s the question that was teased in the title about giving advice to your past self.  Unfortunately, the actual question is about fucking Youtube growth.  “What advice would you give to yourself as a “Youtuber” with only 1,000 subscribers?”

Who gives a fuck?

12:45 – Some horndog asks if she’s going to dress as a vampire prostitute again for the upcoming sequel to that game.

She is not because she, “Had to delete hundreds of comments about my boobs.”  Huh.  Make a video where your tits are out and then get surprised when people say, “Hey, your tits are out.”

“A few hundred bad apples have ruined it for everyone.”

She takes no responsibility for this whatsoever.  What kind of comments do you expect when you make a video dressed as a vampire prostitute?  She expects comments about the game?

Now she’s “interviewing her pets”.  This is fucking brutal.  It’s the second fucking question about her stupid fucking pets.  NOBODY CARES!

19:00 – “How did you get into IT?”

She claims to be working as a “business systems analyst”.  That’s news to me.  Good for her.

So that’s the video.  It was boring as fuck.

Let’s check out the boring as fuck comments.

– “It’s unfortunate the (not so) few misbehaving commenters have dissuaded you from dressing up for the next Masquerade game which I know you are so hyped about.”

Nice try, Mr Ramirez.  It’s YOU who was hyped for that vampire prostitute video.  And by “hyped” I mean, “furiously masturbating.”

– “Congrats Pam! keep going ! You help me a lot to improve my listening english ability! And of course, each of your video is so interesting !”-

Imagine living in a country so bereft of entertainment that even Pam’s awful videos are considered interesting  Where is this guy living?

It reminds me of this old film that I was watching.  It was from like the 1920s, I guess, and it was 70 minutes of a guy tap dancing.  And as I’m watching this, I’m thinking, “Holy shit.  People actually paid money for this.  They left the house for this.  And they enjoyed this.”

People were more easily entertained.  There weren’t as many options.  Stuff like this, of course.

– “I’m sorry a bunch of douche canoes ruined your interest in expressing yourself (cosplay or otherwise).”

Uh huh.  There are ways to express yourself that don’t involve dressing as a vampire prostitute.  But I understand if that’s your preferred method of self-expression..

And she replies to every fucking comment…this is desperate.  And her comments are always SO FUCKING BORING.  Maybe try something other than “lol” once in a while.

– “Congratulations on 40K! Q and A videos are always fun to listen to. You received some good questions!”

Well, that’s a boring as fuck comment.  Why did I even bother posting it?  Erin wrote it.  This is what she does.  She spams boring as fuck comments on people’s channels.  Maybe she’s trying to have sex with Pam aka CannotBeEntertaining.

2 thoughts on “Remakes, my dream job and advice for my past self | Cannot be Tamed 40k Q&A

  1. Hey bud. I found this chick named nukeEle she seemed like a legit cool chick that plays games. But I stumbled upon a video of her saying she could probably only play 1 game this month because of her depression and here's my question. Have you noticed that most women on youtube (that game) have some sort of mental health problems? Be it depression to being bipolar. They get so much sympathy. Enough to make a video about it instead of you know… just doing it. Im not trying to say they can't have mental problems but I never put it all together until now. Have you noticed anything similar? Maybe I'm being sexist.

  2. No doubt about it. Mental illness is rife among gamer gamer grrls. This is something I've talked about a few times. Virtually all of them have some sort of mental health issues.I think that there's a higher percentage of mental illness in male “gamers” on Youtube too, relative to the general population. But with the female “gamers” on Youtube, nearly 100% of them have mental health problems.

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