WTF Wednesday Review: MANIAC (1980) – Newt Wallen

Fifty-five glorious minutes of Metz, better known as PVC Bondage Girl, in Newt’s kitchen.  What could be better than this?  They’re going to talk about a tits and gore movie, I’ll bet.  

0:00 – So PVC Bondage Girl starts by signalling her allegiance to Satan.  That’s her normal greeting.

They indicate that it’s 4:00 am.  Why is PVC Bondage Girl in Newt’s kitchen at 4:00 am?  It’s not something that I want to think about.

Oh, and I can’t see PVC Bondage Girl’s entire outfit but she’s wearing a dog collar.  She must have filmed this shortly after her shift at the cinema.

0:15 – Newt says that PVC Bondage Girl went to a furry convention a couple of weeks earlier and got covid.  How is that possible?  Surely, everybody there was wearing a mask.  

But yeah, this is another weird sex thing that PVC Bondage Girl is into.  You know, I’m officially putting PVC Bondage Girl in my “dislike” category.  I had such high hopes for PVC Bondage Girl.  But no.  She’s just some freak who’s into a lot of weird sex stuff.  She wants attention.  She wasn’t hugged enough as a child.  Maybe she’s going to start crying about this like Newt did in a video not long ago.

0:30 – Then she drove to Minnesota to pick her girlfriend up.  So…in addition to being a furry and into BDSM and “hook stuff”, she’s also a lesbian.  But…she can’t find a woman to date anywhere in rural Pennsylvania.  Or even the whole of “The East Coast”.  The closest woman she can find lives 1500 miles away in Minnesota.  

Wait…maybe the girlfriend was just visiting Minnesota or something.  

No.  Because they say that she picked the girlfriend up to take her to Pittsburgh for another convention.  Another furry convention, presumably.  Or maybe some other weird shit.  Then she drove her girlfriend back to Minnesota.

So yeah.  This girlfriend definitely lives in Minnesota.  Why can’t she find somebody more local?  I suppose given all of the weird shit that she’s into, it’s hard to find a compatible person.  

1:00 – Then Newt makes a joke suggesting that PVC Bondage Girl wants to have sex with him.  It’s just fucking pathetic.

1:30 – “About a month ago, an insane person sent me a message on Twitter saying that I got fired from the theatre because I sexually harassed you and that you were my employee at Water Tower.  But they also contacted the theatre and the theatre went, ‘a) that person never worked here; and b) no, he left to do his other shit.'”

I don’t recommend that anybody contacts Newt or certainly his employers or possible employers but it’s definitely plausible that Newt got fired for sexual harassment.  If he wasn’t fired for sexual harassment, he should have been.  His behaviour was appalling in those videos.  

2:15 – Then PVC Bondage Girl says that she hasn’t worked for Newt in three years.  Then what the fuck was she doing in the theatre making the videos?  This was the theatre that Newt was working at, presumably.  So she took time out of her day to go shoot these terrible movie reviews?  She travelled to the cinema for that?  

2:30 – “I don’t know what they hoped to get out of that.  Have I ever sexually harassed anyone?”

Oh, Newt.  You are beyond delusional.  “Let’s go make a porno”.  Show me the workplace where that phrase wouldn’t lead to an instant dismissal.

Apparently, she wasn’t working there, though.  But he was.  So…it’s a grey area, I guess.  

2:45 – PVC Bondage Girl says, “You do not sexually harass me.  If anything, I sexually harass you.”

You have a girlfriend, PVC Bondage Girl.  In Minnesota.  Who you to take to furry conventions and do “hook stuff” with.  Why are you flirting with The Ideas Man at 4:00 am in his kitchen?  Won’t the girlfriend get jealous?  

But this does answer the question about whether or not PVC Bondage Girl wore PVC bondage gear at work or if she changed into the bondage gear before making the video.  Apparently, she wasn’t working at the cinema at all.  So she just came in off the street dressed like that, solely for the purposes of making the videos.

Does PVC Bondage Girl still work in a cinema?  We don’t know.  That question remains unanswered.

3:00 – Then Newt says, in defence of him NOT sexually harassing PVC Bondage Girl, that he “saved her from being sex trafficked by an off-brand John Travolta.”

How is that a defence against sexual harassment?  Does Newt know what sexual harassment is?  It’s constant fucking sex comments, for example.  Like this one.  

3:45 – “I guess it’s because I’m a little fucking troll, there’s no reason why women would ever want to be around me.”

No, you fucking cretin.  It’s because you constantly made sexual remarks to PVC Bondage Girl.  IN THE VIDEOS.  

4:00 – “Now that we have that out of the way, now that I’ve lured you into my sex dungeon.”

See?  Like that one.  Just review the fucking movie, you creepy loser.  I’ve got another fifty minutes of this shit.

10:00 – They’ve been talking about the movie Rocky and Newt suddenly says, “Did you know that Sylvester Stallone was in a porno?”

Uh huh.  Again with the sex talk.  Of all the things that Sylvester Stallone has done in his life, Newt goes right to the sex talk.  Because he’s trying to have sex with PVC Bondage Girl.  I wouldn’t be surprised if he is having sex with her.  

11:30 – PVC Bondage Girl starts rubbing her head.  Newt says, “Are you okay?” and PVC Bondage Girl says, “I guess the aspirin started to kick in.”

I’ve never experienced this.  I’ve never experienced any sort of negative effect from taking aspirin.  Maybe this isn’t aspirin.  Maybe she shouldn’t be doing the video if she feels unwell.  Because it’s her who suggested doing this video.  She texted Newt at 4:00 am asking if he wanted to make this video.  And Newt, instead of saying, “No, it’s 4:00 am, fuck off” like a normal person would do, said, “Okay.  Hope you’re in your bondage gear.  I’m all horned up and am going to make dozens of sexual comments on the video.”

12:30 – He says that all of the women in the movie are “1980s adult film actresses”.  And a bit earlier he said that Carolyn Monroe is in the movie.  That’s a porn star of some description but I don’t think that she was working as far back as 1980.  Could I be wrong?  

Not according to IAFDB dot com  Her first movie was in 1990.  And she died this year.  Maybe he’s talking about a different Carolyn Monroe.  But one who was also in porn?  I don’t know.

Anyway, I’m bored as fuck with this.  I might stop soon.  I don’t give a shit about these tits and gore movies.

13:00 – Newt tells a story about being in film school and a porn star came in to talk about unions or something.  I DON’T CARE, NEWT!

I was about to say “talk about the movie” but he is.  This is a porn movie.  All the actresses are porn stars.  And it’s tits and gore.  So he’s being on topic but…I just don’t care.  I don’t care about any of this.  Who does?  Who’s the audience for this?  

17:30 – Now they’re talking in detail about their favourite graphic rape scenes in cinema.

19:30 – PVC Bondage Girl says that she was imagining herself in some rape scene and…going to see a guy to “hook up”…and…I don’t even care.  I don’t care about any of this.  This is stupid.  There’s no entertainment value here.  This is two giant losers sitting in Newt’s kitchen at 4:00 am talking about rape porn.  I mean…no, I’m not going to waste any more time on this.

8 thoughts on “WTF Wednesday Review: MANIAC (1980) – Newt Wallen

  1. Why would a bondage gear im-a-lesbian care about monogamy? Obviously she's pandemicsexual or whatever the fuck bullshit term they use to normalize degenerate hedonism now.

  2. Lol this was both unexpected and something I predicted as a joke in my head might happen; him actually having one of them at his place to record one of these. I definitely did not think it would be such a late at night affair however. That has red flags all over it. I mean, if the only barrier to her not fucking him is not being straight then I do not see how they have not done it yet, and god help the fly on the wall from vomiting.I laughed a while ago and didn't want to dash your hope for her, but I always thought she was a freak and hopeless. I just didn't want to hark on it and down your stance lol. She's totally damaged in the head though. A theater kid that never grew up and never stopped wearing edgy shit from high school or cutting herself for attention. This is not someone you bring home to mom and dad.The comment section is the usual predictable nonsense of only people simping him and supporting how crazy all this is image wise, and mysteriously zero comments in the opposite direction as usual. There isn't a single HTM video without a dozen or more negative comments. So it's just not subtle anymore how he's obviously deleting comments.Personally, I'd be interested in knowing what Horseface thinks of this bizarre path Newt has carved for his life since last Fall. Especially doing weird shit like this. It reeks of desperation, loneliness, and trying to fill a “muse” void. As much as I have issue with certain things Horseface thinks or says, there is no way I do not totally agree with her that Newt is a fucking nutjob and an obsessive sex pest. He's soooooo deluded and OCD. No wonder he got fired. Screenwave knew too. It wasn't just the plagiarism. I think this had been building to a decision.

  3. If all she did was wear weird goth shit, it would be fine. But the endless list of bizarre sexual stuff that she pretends to be interested in is way, way too much. Speak to a therapist, but not the incompetent one who Newt is using.I was recently reading the “article” I wrote shortly after Newt got fired and was reminded that he initially said that he was done making videos. He wasn't going to do anything “creative” ever again. This is what he was thinking ten months ago.How did we get from that to Newt selling all of his shit and quitting his job to make these horrible, plagiarised comic books and movies? His initial instincts were right. He should have stopped making videos and doing anything “creative”. Just get a job like a normal person. He has no talent whatsoever in any creative endeavour.And yeah, as soon as Horseface was done with him, he looks up these skanks that he used to know like PVC Bondage Girl. It's ridiculously transparent what he's doing. And the constant sexual comments. Just get a job. Get a girlfriend. You're done. Problem solved. Stop this desperate, deranged bullshit.

  4. 'Girlfriend' is often used in the US for platonic female friends, so she may not be a lesbian or bi or whatever…But on the other hand, “hook stuff”? Like… BDSM 'suspension'? Yeah… she's damaged goods.

  5. Yeah I'm gonna say there's about a 10% chance she hasn't thought about or actually hooked up with all her female friends. It would be genuinely surprising to me if she was 100% straight.

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