DestinyFomo Game Room Tour 2020 – Destiny Fomo

(This is a vintage Destiny Fomo review that I’m re-uploading)

0:00 – Boobs jiggle. She did this intentionally. Starts the video off with her tits bouncing. Good to see that she’s wearing a bra, though. Her shirt is so tight that we can see that she’s wearing a bra.

0:15 – “Hola. Soy Fomo. And this is a tour of my gaming living room.”

I thought that Madam Fomo was black. Well, of course black people can speak Spanish. And there are black people who were born in Spanish-speaking countries. Still…Madam Fomo insists that she’s black and doesn’t seem to like people thinking that she’s Hispanic. So I don’t know.

0:30 – “You pan, you can see it’s just a living room. Can you say ‘living room’? Muy bain (sic).”

I don’t understand why she’s being patronising. I didn’t ask to see this shit. This is your decision. If you don’t want to show your games, don’t show them.

“Now for everyone who thinks I’m fake or this is not real or I’m a phoney…there’s someone behind me, I have a manager or a team, any of that, it’s not true. This is just my living room. It doesn’t take much to point a camera at a wall or shelves of games and sit and talk into a camera.”

This seems to be a direct reference to a recent post of mine.

I know that Madam Fomo reads my posts. She responded on the Erin Plays sub and she got the Destiny Fomo sub shut down.

Think about how sad this is. One guy writing very occasional messages about her videos on a sub with 39 members is worth this much attention. Like I’m her number one fan. Or her number one detractor. It’s probably true. But that just shows that nobody gives a fuck about her or her videos. Not to be insulting but that’s the reality. You’re making videos, people are watching them, fine. Do your thing. You don’t have to concern yourself with my little-read messages.

But yeah, I believe that she has somebody behind her, say, a “manager” or a “daddy”. The production value is quite good. Compare Madam Fomo’s videos to somebody making videos by themselves and there’s a huge difference.

1:15 – “A lot of you are like, ‘It’s expensive to live in New York City and it can be if you live in Manhattan or any of the hipsteresque type places but if you live anywhere outside of Manhattan, it can be pretty cheap.”

Just out of interest, let me check Craiglist. I’ll search for 1 bedroom or less apartments.

$1700/month seems to be the cheapest that I’m finding. Maybe $2000 is about average.

If you set your search to no more than $1000, you do get a handful of results. Most of these don’t have pictures and/or the listing is in Spanish. They’re also all studios or shared apartments.

I’m not here to shame anyone but there’s also an ad reading:

Queer black individual in search of safe housing. Hello, I am a queer non binary black individual looking for safe housing. Looking for late February/ March 1st Need a place with radically left politics and pro qtbipoc. Somewhere dedicated to community and elevated consciousness.Budget is 750. Need washer and dryer please and renovated. Can’t fill out applications cause will start work upon getting back to Brooklyn.

Good luck with that. None of these places are as low as $750, but presumably she’s looking for a shared place. Still…well, good luck with it.

So…Madam Fomo has a nice place. She’s not on the low end of the scale. Let’s very, very conservatively say that she’s paying the average price for a one bedroom place of $2000/month. That’s a lot of money. For $2000/month you should be making $6000/month, which would be $72,000/year. Not many people are making $72,000/year. But of course, Madam Fomo makes that no problem with her “video editing” job.

1:30 – “I lived in New York my entire life so it’s just all I know and I was born and raised here so it is what it is.”

I have a distinct recollection of Madam Fomo saying that she’s NOT originally from New York. Yeah, I mention it here:

Here’s the video:

Go to the 46 minute mark. Somebody asks, “Are you from NYC”. Madam Fomo replies, “I’m not originally from New York but I live here.”

Just caught her out in a bald-faced lie. So now the question becomes “why?” Why lie about something so trivial? Whether she’s from fabulous New York City or somewhere else, what difference does it make?

Maybe she’s just a compulsive liar like Erin. Or maybe there’s something that I’m not seeing. Maybe there is a reason why she would want to lie about this.

“For everyone wondering what I do for a job, if you don’t know me, as of January 1, I started working with a major comic book company. I signed a two year contract. I’m not going to get into details because there are stalkers on the internet and creepers and people who will try to email my editor or people in my job and talk shit about me because that’s popular on the internet.”

I appreciate all of that. You don’t have to give the name and address of your employer. But what were you doing before 1 January? How are you able to afford this nice apartment in New York City? How were you able to amass $15,000 in cash to buy Stadium Events? How are you able to get this fairly large collection of video games? How are you able to take frequent trips to Japan?

Madam Fomo will tell you that she’s a part-time video editor. Come on. This is all insulting to the intellect.

I have it on good authority that Madam Fomo was on a website advertising certain services in exchange for money. Whether she still does, I don’t know, but I have to assume that she does. How else can she continue to pay for all this? A fucking nebulous comic book job since the start of this month? What experience does she have in the comic book industry? She’s expressed no interest in drawing. I don’t think that writing is her forte. So what is it? It’s apparently a contracted job so it must be something of some importance.

Let’s say that it is writing. She’s writing a comic for an original character of hers called Escort Woman. She fights crime in New York and also has sex with people for money. You think that Marvel is picking that up? Or DC? Or Image? Or Dark Horse? Or Slave Labor? You have to go deep…deep…into the murky world of super independent, niche, underground comics to find a publisher who will give a job to somebody with no experience in the industry. And apparently give a two year contract. I just don’t fucking buy it. It doesn’t make any sense.

But even if she does have such a contract with some comic book publisher that nobody has ever heard of, how much is this going to pay? How much is Marvel paying writers? I don’t think that it’s much. Some guy cranking comic books out in his fucking basement isn’t paying ANYTHING. He’s not giving out fucking two year contracts.

Look. What Madam Fomo does for a living is nobody’s business. I’m not speculating on what Bobdunga does or Pelvic Gamer or Pam aka Cannot Be Entertaining or any of these people. But Madam Fomo presents herself as a $500/night “video editor”. She’s flashing thousands of dollars in cash, she’s dressed as a “video editor”, she’s doing “video editor” type content. Every fucking video screams, “I EDIT PEOPLE’S VIDEOS FOR MONEY”! That’s why people ask the question. They already know the answer but they don’t like being lied to.

I don’t think that Madam Fomo should do a video where she announces that she does certain stuff in exchange for money. That would be stupid. What I’m suggesting is that Madam Fomo should start making videos about video games and stop presenting herself as somebody who does certain stuff in exchange for money. Then people would stop asking what she does for a living.

Fucking two year comic book contract since January. That’s her job. Come on. It’s insulting.

Yeah. Then she goes on to explain a bit more. I stopped the video too early. She says that the job will be her working on her own comic. Come the fuck on. I’m not saying that she’s lying, but she probably is. It’s possible that she found some comic book publisher that gave her some kind of deal to make a comic, in spite of the fact that she has no experience whatsoever in the comic book industry, and is not an intelligent woman, and can not write for shit. That’s possible. But what publisher would be that foolish with their money? Any publisher who would give Madam Fomo a two year contract to make a comic book is desperate as fuck and cranking this shit out in their basement. They’re not handing out million dollar deals. They’re not handing out $10,000 deals. That supremely underground level of comic books, which is a dying industry, of course, would MAYBE offer some kind of profit share. “If we sell 500 copies of your comic, we’ll give you $200.” They’re not giving out fucking two year contracts.

Anyway, we haven’t even started the tour.

2:00 “As you can see, this is a couch. Doing couch things because this is a living room.”

Not sure why she’s being patronising again. But she continues like this. She shows her systems. They’re all on shelves. She has a lot of them. Then she says, “Muy bain” again. Bizarre. Maybe I was taught incorrectly. By all four of my Spanish professors. Who were native speakers.

She also has the biggest television that I’ve ever seen in my life.

3:30 – “Here you see a camera because living in the ghetto means that you need security.”

Come on. I’m sick of this shit. She has a nice apartment. This thing is $4,000/month at least. There aren’t any fucking $4,000/month apartments in any ghetto. And why would she live in a fucking ghetto? She has $15,000 in cash lying around and is able to purchase tens of thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of video game shit and electronics. Stop the fucking lies. You have your place rigged with cameras in case the gentlemen who come over want to buy a souvenir.

3:45 – “Now for my massive gaming collection that a lot of people think is a big deal, ‘super expensive’, here it is.”

She makes air quotes for “super expensive”. It’s true, it’s not a massive collection. But it’s a lot. You’re not buying any of this shit as a legitimate part-time video editor. A real part-time video editor would not even be able to afford a shared apartment anywhere in New York. They’d be living with their parents or they’d be living with a boyfriend/girlfriend or they’d be homeless.

We’re not fucking retards. Why does she insist on insulting our intelligence? This is not the apartment of a poor person living in a ghetto. If she actually believes that, she’s on another planet.

4:30 – Close up of Pat the NES Punk’s books. Keep trying, Madam Fomo. Erin also tried to get something going with Pat but he wasn’t interested. But Pat seems to be interested in Madam Fomo.

She keeps talking about how cheap these games are. It’s just awful.

4:30 – “Here is my NES collection. Only about 20 games in this collection are actually really expensive.”

That guy says that he had a near complete NES collection and sold it for $11,000. And he says he was missing a few of the higher priced games.

It’s not a huge amount of money but I used to be a poor man living in ghettos in London. Similar property prices to New York. I had shit jobs paying £8/hour or whatever. I ate peanut butter sandwiches every day for every meal and I lived in tiny properties that had six people in three bedrooms. I didn’t have the money for a complete NES collection, I didn’t have the space for a complete NES collection, and I didn’t have the desire to get a complete NES collection. I had more pressing concerns. It’s disgusting that she’s presenting herself as poor.

“It’s not a complete collection because the NES community sucks. The N64 community was awesome and I thought that the NES community was going to be as equally awesome and it wasn’t. So I’m actually thinking about selling these, only keeping the games that I really enjoy and have fond memories of and getting rid of the rest because that community sucks. Can you say ‘suck’?”

Well, I’m sure that Madam Fomo hears the word “suck” a lot. But she told this story before. She was on some Facebook group or something and they banned her because she kept posting pictures of her in front of her collection. Why this means that she has to sell her collection, I have no idea. “Oh, those guys on Facebook were mean to me so I’m going to sell my collection. That will show them.” Bizarre.

5:45 – Weird pronunciation of “Famicom”. Muy bain? No. Muy milo.

6:45 – You briefly see her very nice, very modern kitchen.

7:15 – “Muy bain”.

7:30 – Then she leans over and shows her tits.

She was really annoying and patronising in this video. Like she was speaking to children. I don’t get it. What was the point of that? It’s something a crazy person would do.

I’m disappointed that we didn’t get to see the bedroom. God knows what crazy shit is in there.

Also, does she have a dedicated dungeon room or what?

Is it worth checking out the comments? This post is already long as fuck.

Oh. The pinned comment is about some guy not digging the patronising way she made this video but then figuring out that it was a Dora the Explorer “parody”. Madam Fomo asks how you didn’t get it straight away. Personally, I’ve never seen the program. Does Dora mispronounce “bien”?

– “This is gonna sound weird but I really like your floor. Been on the look out for flooring myself lately”

Yeah, I was going to mention this too. She has nice floors. Not like anything I’ve ever seen in any ghetto.

The rest of the comments are from guys saying that they’d like to have sex with Madam Fomo. Bring cash.

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