Lost DestinyFomo videos – Destiny Fomo


(This is a vintage Destiny Fomo review that I’m re-uploading)

Madam Fomo deleted loads of videos. Everything older than from eight months ago. I assume that nobody archived them. What a loss to society.

All I can do is describe them. I hope that that’s of at least some assistance to future historians. It’s like the lost Faberge eggs. We only have vague descriptions of some of them but it’s better than nothing and maybe one day we’ll find these Faberge eggs/Madam Fomo videos.

The first video that Madam Fomo deleted was the one where she offered to buy Stadium Events for $25,000. The video started at a low angle and Madam Fomo entered through a door. She was wearing some kind of black harlot outfit. I can’t remember exactly. There was a lot of cleavage. She might have been wearing a leather hat as well. Like a flat cap. Yeah, I think that’s right. In fact, the whole outfit may have been leather or PVC. Maybe a skirt as well. Like a PVC skirt.

There’s nothing said for the first 30 seconds or so of the video. She’s just setting the mood. She’s clearly presenting herself as a prostitute in this video. Is this merely cosplay or is this something more? That’s for the viewer to decide.

Then she sits down at a desk and brings out $25,000 in unmarked bills. She fans them out. Then she says that she’s willing to spend up to $25,000 on Stadium Events. She invites the viewer to let her know of any potential leads. She’s a cash buyer, of course.

This was probably the shadiest video I’ve ever seen in the world of retro gaming on Youtube.

Then there was a later video where it’s announced that she has purchased a Stadium Events. She’s sitting at her desk again. These videos were all a different setup from what she uses now, maybe it was a different property, Anyway, she’s at her desk and there’s like a knit hat or something over some object. She removes the hat (or whatever it was) and reveals a copy of Stadium Events. She then goes on to say that she purchased this game for $15,000 from an anonymous seller. I don’t remember what she was wearing but it’s a safe bet that cleavage was on display.

There was another video where she actually played the game. She was wearing some kind of sports bra or something. A lot of cleavage.

The game involves a lot of running on the Power Pad. So she starts running on this thing but she’s clasping her arms to her chest. She’s clearly doing this to reduce jiggling and perhaps some form of modesty.

But all of that quickly goes out the window. She starts running and jumping and whatever with her arms to her sides. Titties all over the place.

Then I think she gives a brief review and says that the game isn’t very good.

The final video in this saga, at least from what I can recall, is when she meets Pat Contri aka Pat the NES Punk aka I don’t know. Contri isn’t his real last name, though.

So Madam Fomo is at some convention. Just as a regular visitor. And she’s at Pat’s booth. She’s giggling a lot. And Pat is holding the copy of Stadium Events and he says, “Are you sure you want me to sign this?” And Madam Fomo is still giggling and answers in the affirmative. Pat suggests that it’s going to devalue the game but Madam Fomo, still giggling, instructs him to go ahead. Pat signs the game on the actual cart, as opposed to the label, and suggests that this would make it easier to erase if she ever wants to sell it. Madam Fomo continues to giggle.

There’s also a point where Pat says something like, “I’m here with…Destiny Fomo? That’s right, isn’t it?” and Madam Fomo giggles. So Pat clearly didn’t know who this was. This was back before she was the Youtube superstar that she is today. She was still doing “pool streams” in those days.

Then she did at least one video where she addressed critics of this signing. Apparently, people were giving her shit for being stupid enough to devalue her copy of Stadium Events by having Pat sign it. But she said that it’s her game and she can do what she wants with it.

Here’s one final video that I can remember. It was an early one and nothing to do with Stadium Events. She was at a Hooters and talking to some of the waitresses. You see the manager in the background pointing at her and having a conversation with, I don’t know, employees of the eatery, I guess.

Madam Fomo talks to one particular waitress who says that she’s from Peru. Madam Fomo exhibits a shocking lack of charisma but I can’t give any examples or explain why I say this. I just remember it being awkward.

Madam Fomo is also talking into the camera during this video. Just to herself, effectively. One of the things that she’s talking about is how the manager was trying to give her shit for livestreaming in his establishment.

At the end of the video, the manager approaches Madam Fomo and tells her that he spoke to someone at Hooters corporate headquarters and apparently it’s against company policy to livestream in the restaurant. He also says that some of the waitresses have complained. Madam Fomo agrees to stop streaming but once the manger leaves, she expresses scepticism at this whole scenario.

So why did she delete all of these videos? For a while, that’s what she was known for: the woman who’s trying to buy her way into the retro gaming Youtube community. Then for a while she was known for being the idiot who devalued her copy of Stadium Events by having Pat sign it. This was all a pretty big part of her…whatever…persona, for lack of a better term.

I suppose that these videos do raise a lot of questions like how did she get $25,000 in cash? I know the answer to that, it’s blindingly obvious, but perhaps it’s not something that Madam Fomo wants in the public domain any more. Now she’s a comic book writer. Oh god. It’s just so stupid. How does she expect anyone to believe this?

Let’s see what dazzling word play this professional writer is exhibiting on Twitter of late.


Ugh I wish they would just lock down the city and get it over with already so we can get it over with already

Come on. I’m not even trying. That was the first fucking thing I saw. I’m not hunting these out. She can’t write for shit. She wants us to believe that she has a two year contract with a major comic book company to write a series of comics for an original character of hers? It’s fucking impossible.

She never mentions her job in any of these tweets, by the way. She talks about trying to mentally prepare herself for some sort of “lockdown”, for example, but doesn’t say how it’s going to affect her job. Either job. Either the comic book job or her real job.

Wouldn’t that be a big concern? “Oh, I’m working on the comic from home now.” Something like that. Or “I’m afraid that I’m going to lose my job”. You know? None of this. It’s because this comic book job doesn’t exist. That’s why she doesn’t mention it.

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