Justin Silverman AMA on Reddit


There are like 500 questions and he’s answering all of them.  This is his full-time job now.

And almost everybody is so sycophantic.  These people went on about what a fat, disgusting slob he is FOR YEARS.  But then he shows up to answer some questions and most everyone is talking about what a swell guy he is.  

Oh, you’re such a good actor.  Where did you learn to act?  Your role as Spawn was reminiscent of Laurence Olivier.  I love your Gengar collection.  Rental Reviews was super awesome.

It was the same thing when Mike posted there.  For YEARS it was homosexual messages about Mike’s penis, homosexual Photoshops of Mike as a woman, Mike is a scumbag for firing that sexy guy Bootsy, Mike is a big fat ass, et cetera.

Then he posts a message on the forum and everyone is sucking his metaphorical penis.  They like that stuff over there.  They’re all about Mike’s penis.  They should put a picture of it on the sidebar.  Oh wait.  They did.

Then Mike stopped posting there and it was homosexual business as usual.  Back to the grind of Photoshopping pictures of Mike’s penis into his own mouth.

But then he got fired and the ass kissing began anew.  How could you fire this awesome guy who we spent YEARS shitting on over stuff that he did over a decade ago?  

So I suspect that this love for Justin Silverman will be short-lived.  As soon as he stops posting there, we’ll be back to Photoshopped pictures of him as Jabba the Hutt getting ass fucked by Mike Matei while James Rolfe watches.

Some people stayed true to form but they mostly got downvoted to oblivion.  So it’s the exact opposite of what would normally happen.  Under normal circumstances, if you say something positive about Screenwave, you get downvoted.  But now it’s the people saying negative stuff about Screenwave that get downvoted.

But here’s an example of a guy who kept it real and wasn’t all about that Justin Silverman ass kissing.

For someone who put so much thought into this post you really haven’t answered anything but maybe that was the whole point.

-Was the whole taking a break from James and Mike Mondays bullshit or did they really plan on coming back to it later on like all great tv shows?

-Why is James so busy at home with muh kidz when he has a full time stay at home wife. What is she doing all day / night?

-Is Mike still getting checks from Screenwave / Cinemassacre. And if so why?

-What is a bigger failure Talkaboutgames 2.0 or Erinplays?

– What the fuck is with Ryan’s hair?

You mention Tony and The Caveman are the only two working full time. I think we might have found the issue.

That was from MustardTiger1337.  I think that he posted on the Erin Plays sub-reddit.  I could be wrong.  

But Mr Silverman replies.  I’ll just post the part about Erin.

Umm, I know you’re being a dick, but Retail Reviews was fun for a bit. It sucks being forced into a schedule though. And Erin Plays makes good stuff, she likes showing people retro shit and learns a lot from doing it. Props there, regardless of her connection with us and Mike. Wish we could do more Spice Girls content together.

I mean…there you have it.  Everybody know what Erin is doing.  

This guy is clearly saying that Erin is a fraud who doesn’t know anything about video games.  It can’t be much clearer.  She’s doing these videos and “learns a lot from doing it.”  

He answered all of these questions in a fairly straight forward manner but also heavy doses of PR.  “Oh, I fully accept what you’re saying but I disagree.”  Shit like this.  

Obviously, he’s not going to go along with a lot of this horseshit but whenever he didn’t want to answer a question, he would say, “I wasn’t there for that.”  So homosexual questions about Mike’s penis or Draco banning people from the official Cinemassacre sub-reddit and shit like this.  By the way, I’ve never been banned from there.

And with this Erin thing.  Come on.  Her content is indefensible.  So the most he can say is that “she learns a lot from doing it.”

It’s like Joe from Gamesack’s response when I asked him what he likes about Erin’s videos.  He said something about how he likes when she points out stuff in the background that he hasn’t noticed.  I mean…come on.  Really?  You’re tuning in every week to find out what background shit Erin is going to talk about?

It’s ridiculous.  He’s jerking off over these videos.  That’s the only reason that anybody watches them.  And why are people jerking off to videos of a fully clothed, below average looking, 33 year old woman playing video games?  I HAVE NO FUCKING IDEA.  But that’s what’s happening.  It’s like foot fetish videos.  You can’t explain it but we all know that this is a fetish that some people have.

Anyway, it’s just distasteful that everybody’s opinion changes as soon as he posts a message there.  “Oh, he’s an okay guy, after all!  Anybody who posts here has to be cool!”

They spent fucking years of their lives demonising these Screenwave people in a childish, homosexual fashion.  It’s disgusting.  

I mean, I talk about these gamer grrls but I realise that these are real people and I try to be as respectful as possible, given the fact that they’re all terrible people.  Even terrible people deserve some respect.  So I mostly talk about the content of the videos.  

I wouldn’t say that I give constructive criticism because their videos are completely beyond help but I’m not often talking about their appearance or engaging in childish name calling. I don’t go on about what fat bitches they are and “Here’s a Photoshopped picture of Erin’s face on a sumo wrestler’s body” and, “Here’s Madam Fomo getting fucked in the ass by Tuan X.”  That shit is stupid.  

I think that all of the gamer grrls I talk about are awful, immoral people.  But I don’t think that they’re sitting around plotting their next evil move.  They all probably think that they’re good people.  

They’re just mentally ill be it narcissists or psychopaths or sociopaths or whatever.  Some of them are victims of society.  Some of them are really, really stupid.  Some of them are simply misguided.  Or any combination.  It’s a pick and mix but ultimately, these are people who have been failed in life and/or have mental health problems so one can’t be too angry at them.  

With these friends of Dorothy over on Reddit, it’s just a mindless game with them.  They aren’t even talking about the actual Justin Silverman, for example.  They’re talking about the “meme” version of him, that they created, where he’s a big evil fat guy whose sole purpose in life is to destroy Cinemassacre.  It’s an excuse to vent mindless hatred against an imaginary figure representing supervillainy.  

And then he posts on the forum and everybody is his best friend.  It’s fucking pathetic.  And why would you even want these losers to be your best friend?  Some fucking mental midgets creating gay erotica in their mothers’ basements all day.  Sitting there in their semen-encrusted underpants.  “Oh yeah….Mike in a wig….they’re going to love this shit!”.

Edit: I wrote all of this in the morning of 1/1/21.  By the early evening of the same day, people were already shitting on Justin with hilarious “memes” and whatnot.  So that was an accurate prediction. 

2 thoughts on “Justin Silverman AMA on Reddit

  1. Ah, I knew you were going to mention the AMA! At least he confirmed that all the responsibility falls on the shoulders of James Rolfe – the client of Screenwave, hence, professionalism is required but one can easily read between the lines. For example, when addressing the 'huh' and 'yeah' in Rental Reviews: he said that's how Rolfe normally is; 'shy'. The latter is pampered by Screenwave who are doing their very best. Most of the users can't stand the implications… that their sacred cow they've been following for years has, well, mental deficiencies which cannot be hidden when put in front of a camera. They've been tricked, in a way, because they always assumed he was some sort of creative genius and yet his condition is only getting worse. It's clearly the taboo subject of their subreddit. It's never brought up or discussed, apart from the 'special education' reference which gets quickly brushed aside (“oh, could happen to anyone, it means stricly nothing” or “Rolfe has probably Asperger's”). I mean, good for him and it's pretty impressive given his condition. I hope his book will shed more light on the matter.

  2. Yeah, that's true. They do always defend James and make up preposterous excuses for his time in special education. Maybe this is why they're so hostile to the Screenwave guys.

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