My 100,000 Subscriber Silver Play Button + my kids got one, too! – John Riggs

I rarely watch John Riggs’ videos but when I do, I intentionally don’t watch videos that feature his children.  They’re uncomfortable as fuck.  And I certainly don’t like reviewing them.  It’s not his children’s fault that John Riggs is a massive creep.  

But he puts them in his videos a lot.  And this is like the second video I’ve seen of his that just feature his children.  And it’s the second time that he’s said creepy fucking shit to his children.

I did a review of this video:

He eats Israeli candy with his children.  I never uploaded the review because I didn’t think it was appropriate.  But this is now the second time that I’ve seen him behaving like this.  Two times in two fucking videos.  

So if you go to 1:15 of this Israeli candy video, John Riggs is encouraging his children to read the name of a candy called Tortit.  

John Riggs: Do you want to read that out loud?

Son: (meekly) Tortit.

John Riggs: Excuse me?

Son: (louder) Tortit.

John Riggs: Say it like you mean it.

Son: (louder still and making boob motion with hands) Tortit!

John Riggs: What is it, Lily?

Daughter: I want to eat it.

John Riggs: She’s not going to pronounce it, she just wants to eat it.

She was obviously uncomfortable.  The son was also uncomfortable.  

So now we have this latest video with John Riggs and his silver play button from Youtube.  He ordered two extra plaques for his children.  This is going to be a “reaction” video.  Trying to exploit his children for pennies again.

4:30 – He’s talking about how you can put any name you want on the plaque.  So he says, “I could have changed my name to Harry Johnson” and the kids laugh nervously.  He continues, “And it would have said, ‘Congratulations, Harry Johnson for passing 100,000 subscribers.  I’m not going to do that.”  Then his son says, “Harry Johnson”.

So once again, John Riggs making bizarre sexual comments around his children.  

I don’t even know what to say.  Can you at least stop this shit around your kids?  He’s fucking disgusting.  

It’s like he has some obsessive sexual compulsion.  It’s CONSTANT with him.  

And come on.  This is a 45 year old fat man.  He’s hardly Casanova.  At his age and at his weight he probably has erectile dysfunction.  Believe me, I don’t want to think about John Riggs’ penis but that’s what it’s come to.  

Speaking of which, here’s a recent video where John Riggs tries to sell you a product to shave your testicles:

He puts it on his face and his tongue for some bizarre reason.  This is probably after he shaved his balls with it.  Then he shaves a kiwi.  He probably ate the kiwi after that.  

In the comments, somebody says, “Well, just explained to my seven year old son what Manscaped is. He thought it was weird.”

It’s disgusting.  What is wrong with these people?  

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