Retro Ali's Shockingly Low View Numbers

She hasn’t uploaded in three weeks and her last two videos got about 1300 views (edit: she recently uploaded a commercial for some piece of shit that some company sent her).  Indeed, I’ve been studying the numbers and none of her non-“reaction” videos do well.  Here’s a graph that I carefully prepared:

If you can’t read the numbers, it doesn’t really matter, but the x-axis is just the number of videos in sequence and the y-axis is the number of views.  The blue line is “reaction” videos and the red line is non-“reaction” videos.  
So I took all of her videos from the past two years and plotted the data.  The two lines don’t match up in time but that’s not what I’m trying to show.  She did more non-“reaction” videos than “reaction” videos so that’s why the non-“reaction” line extends further out.  But she basically does “reaction” videos as frequently as she does non-“reaction” videos.
Her non-“reaction” views are in the toilet and always have been.  It’s only when she does “reaction” videos that anybody watches.  And even then, unless she’s making the “O” face in the thumbnail, they don’t usually do well.  
Her “reaction” videos do so much better than her non-“reaction” videos that it’s hard to see anything on that graph because the non-“reaction” line ends up looking like a straight line.  So let’s check out a graph of only her non-“reaction” videos:
Same data, these are her non-“reaction” views, but we can see a clear downward trajectory.  Of course older videos are going to have more views but not to this extent.  Most of the views come in the first week of uploading the video.  

For the sake of completeness, here’s the data of just her “reaction” videos:
It’s more or less consistent.  

It must be disheartening.  Her normal videos get 1500 views and then she does a fake “reaction” video with her mouth agape and she gets 50,000 views.  Where are these people coming from?  She only has 23,000 subscribers.  And why are so few of these subscribers watching her normal content?  
Why aren’t these people who stumble upon the “reaction” videos then subscribing?  Well, maybe after they blow their load they’re no longer interested.  They just want to go get a sandwich or something.  Then by the time they come back, they’ve forgotten all about Ali’s horse cock sucking face.
And the less said about Retro Ali Live, the better.
One hundred views is considered phenomenal on there.  It’s just her Twitch streams.  And they’re like three hours long.  How many times can you watch somebody play Pokemon?  
Oh, she plays piano in this one:
She’s no Myra Hess but at least it shows that she has some hobby outside of playing Pokemon.  There’s also a guitar in the background.

3 thoughts on “Retro Ali's Shockingly Low View Numbers

  1. I recently got out of a relationship. One that was a heavy drain on my wallet. Since then iv noticed so many women are content not making any advancement in a profession. (My ex) with no attempt to better themselves. I know its scary but I digress. Im way off topic. I only meant to illustrate my heads pace. Anyways Iv only recently noticed just how many women will try harder to avoid working than it would to work and be self sufficient. On average most women start losing their fight with gravity and time around the mid 30s. So from 18 to 35. That's a lot of time if you devote yourself to anything.What do you think Ally will do when she hits what the red pill community calls the wall? There's likely 10 more tight young 18 year old “Allys” with their O faces ready and their hands on the gameboy of whatever the equivalent will be…ready to jump in to take over the recently vacated niche… similar to the huge push to get on onlyfans.A friend showed me this fat chick who will put almost anything in her ass for 3 dollars. Now I know you can get a sandwich and a drink for that but I feel like the time could be better spent. Like im not kink shaming. And that's 3 dollars more than iv ever made with my asshole. I just can't see what the goal is. Like this is the end? Or is it a means to an end? I'll finish with a guess. My best guess. Maybe one day “pokemon champion” will get her a job at the zoo? Pets mart? She's been at this forever. Is it her fault? Or are we collectively to blame because we tolerate the same reaction videos over and over again? Essentially telling her thats what we want with the views?? Some of these gamer girls are making 130k a month. I don't make that in a year! Social blade is useless.. says ally makes between 2k and 28k or something like that. Im obviously missing something. Like Erin has Mike. Who does Ally have? We know how fomo makes her cash. And more power to her except when she wants to act like she is above showing her tits on onlyfans. But ally? No tits and likely on speed. The future doesn't look too bright. Lol and that's a commentary on the last couple generations more than I intended. Idk maybe I'm just jealous I can't make 130k a month showing my body and taking money from chumps. So much salt over here all in my vagina. I have a career though. 40 hours a week and destroying my body in the mean time. Maybe I'm the sucker and my ex was onto something. Keep up the entertaining posts. With your line graphs and shit. Awesome.

  2. Lol im an idiot. Social blade was giving me numbers on Ally the financial company. For loans and shit. RETRO ALLYS social blade is laughably sad. 6 – 95 dollars a year… a year. I bet the 23 cents a day kids make more than that. Where you at Sarah McLachlan? ALLY needs help!

  3. I think you were looking at the monthly income for Retro Ali. $68-1,090/year. I take the average so that's $579. I wouldn't want Ali to be short-changed. She's making a whopping $579/year. But yeah, this obviously isn't working. And to humiliate yourself for five hundred bucks a year, it's insane. There are jobs out there.And yeah, as poorly as this “job” pays, it's not something that she can keep doing. Some people obviously find it “cute” for a young woman to make the “O” face but they're literally masturbating over this. This is pornography for them. They're not going to jerk off to a 40 year old woman “reacting” to Pokemon. And again, why would Ali even want to be doing this at 40? She's not making any money from this now, in her 20s.

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