Erin's Disney Power Pad Video One Week On

It’s a failure.  It’s at 21,000 views.  That’s about her average number of views.  

Obviously, it’s only been a week (about ten days, actually).  People are still going to watch it.  But I think that the lion’s share of the views are already in.  So…it performed about average for her.

By contrast, her video where she sits on the floor and wears fishnet stockings is currently at 54,000 views.  So it did twice as well as average.

Other recent videos that got 50,000+ views are the video where she “reviews” the most rented games from Blockbuster and…that’s it.  This explains why she did a “sequel” to this video.  The sequel only got 30,000.  So better than average but not by much.

The Power Pad video is currently at 222,000 views.

So why did the Power Pad video take off?  Because it was aggressively marketed by Mike Matei using the Cinemassacre Youtube account and probably other accounts like Twitter and whatnot.

Also, the Power Pad was something new and unexpected whereas the Disney Power Pad video was a carbon copy of the Power Pad video.  

In the absence of new, original, interesting content (something that Erin is incapable of) we have to rely on aggressive marketing.  With Mike no longer owning the Cinemassacre Youtube account, Erin is completely fucked.

I predicted this back when Mike first left Cinemassacre.  Did he not think this through?  Erin is only with Mike for the Youtube promotion.  Now he can’t uphold his end of the bargain.  

Suddenly, Joe from Gamesack is looking a whole lot more attractive.  

What’s the difference in income between a video that gets 25,000 views and a video that gets 50,000 does Socialblade say that?

Not that I’m seeing.  But I’m just looking at her yearly income: £157 to £2,500.  It’s fucking hilarious.  Even if it was at the high end, which it isn’t, nobody would do a job for £2,500/year.  That’s like…I don’t know…$3,500.  The actual pay is probably the average of £157 and £2500 so she’s probably making about $1,800/year from Youtube.  For making a video just about every week.  And completely embarrassing herself just about every week.

But let me try to DuckDuckGo this 25,000 views versus 50,000 views question.

It’s between $2 and $5 per 1000 views according to that.  So let’s see if this works out.  Let’s say $3.50 per 1000 views.  That would be $87.50 for a video that gets 25,000 views and $175 for a video that gets 50,000 views.  Can that be right?  She makes, let’s say, 40 videos a year, averaging 25,000 views, that would be $3,500.  Yeah.  That’s dead on what Social Blade estimated.  For the high end, anyway.

I don’t know.  Getting $87.50 per video doesn’t seem too bad.  I mean, she shits these things out in no time at all.  She puts no effort into them whatsoever.  So on that basis, why doesn’t she make a video every day?  

She probably wouldn’t get 25,000 views per video if she did that.  I mean, if she just went down the NES library and “reviewed” each game, alphabetically, having never played them before, one game per video, how much of that would people be able to endure?  Even Shishi would be saying, “This is getting kind of boring.”

It’s a shockingly low income, though.  And she puts absolutely no time into this.  She must “work” two hours a week on these videos.  And that’s it.  Then she plays games, on stream, for money, for probably another two hours a week.  So four hours of “work” A WEEK.  Sounds like a sweet life until you realise that she’s getting eighty-seven bucks for the week, at the absolute most.  She’s probably getting half that.

This is somebody who has totally given up on life.  It’s sad.  She’s working at the record store and then she gets the bright idea, “I’m going to be a fake gamer grrl on Youtube!  I heard that they make a lot of money for doing no work!”  Eighty-seven bucks.  And that’s after YEARS of doing this.  For a long time, she was making less than that.  WAY less.

I’ve been unemployed and I’ve had shitty jobs and it’s not pleasant but I never gave up.  I never said, “I’m going to be a fake gamer guy on Youtube.”  I kept applying to jobs and going to interviews like a normal person.  I planned shit.  How am I going to get a job that I like?  I strategized.  And then I executed the plan.  There were setbacks but I kept at it.  Then there’s the whole thing of changing employers every three years to maximise salary.  I did that too.

This is what normal people do.  And while I was doing all of that, in a foreign country, mind you, Erin was working at the local record store and hoping that a millionaire would walk in and ask her to marry him.  She had no plan for her life whatsoever and was doing nothing to better herself.

Fake gamer grrl on Youtube.  This was her brilliant idea.  Spam bigger Youtubers and hope to get into a buttsex for Youtube promotion agreement with one of them.  And then…Mike Matei.

She could have been anywhere now.  Real estate.  Dental nurse.  PA to a big Hollywood movie star.  All she had to do was a put a tiny bit of effort into her life.  But she doesn’t do it.  She doesn’t put effort into anything.  You see it in the videos.  

I knew a woman from California.  Similarly aimless.  She was working in a bank.  She was a recent graduate.  But then she just got it in her head that she wanted to move to London.  I tried to talk her out of it and that she has a good thing going there with the bank.  And you need a visa to move to the UK.  You can’t just rock up.

But she insisted that she was going to do it.  So I met her, she was a world class drunk and a giant bitch, so it didn’t work out.

Then she travelled all over Europe and the Middle East.  I’m pretty sure that she was a prostitute at that point.  Then after a few years of that, she moved to New York and got some job there for a company who organises club nights or something.  Then she got another job at a company that sells used video games.  

She’s 40 years old now, lives with her parents, single, unemployed, still a drunk but now a drug addict as well, and she talks a lot about wanting to go to Switzerland for some suicide clinic.

She had no plan.  And look where it got her.  And she went out with loads of guys.  What happened?  Nobody met her standards.  Who’s going to be interested now?

It’s just people wasting their lives.  

4 thoughts on “Erin's Disney Power Pad Video One Week On

  1. Ha. Yeah. You're clearly a bright guy. I made one “meme” in my life and mine is actually good. Actually, is it even a “meme”? Mine is original. I'm not just beating the same old joke over and over again. I created something new. Mike references that “meme”, for lack of a better term, semi-regularly, or at least I think it's a reference to the “meme”. He sometimes calls himself “Bigfoot” and the like, for example.Anyway, I was going to write the following in my post tomorrow, but I'll put it here instead since you're so eager to talk about “memes” :I posted on the Cinemassacre Reddit recently, the non-gay one, suggesting that they ban memes. And holy shit, those nerds went ballistic. They must have started 20 threads about this. No exaggeration. I'm licking James' ass and I love Screenwave and the subreddit should be shut down because they want to ban memes.They're talking about Photoshopped pictures of Justin's face on Jabba the Hutt's body. THIS is what they're freaking out over. “Don't take away our right to make Justin look like Jabba the Hutt.”And it's ONE PERSON who said that. NOBODY agreed with me. But these fucking morons framed it like they're genuinely going to ban “memes” on this sub. Because one person suggested it.I barely use that account, or any Reddit account, and I link to the blog in one of my messages. It's easy to find if you just look at the history. So I was thinking, “If any of these imbeciles just look at my posting history and see the blog, they'll realise what complete fools they are.” I have like 200 articles talking about how shit James Rolfe is and my disappointment with Screenwave's work.So finally, one guy actually did that and then he retracted whatever dumb comment he made.But I was laughing my ass off. These are the dumbest fucking people on earth. Raging over MEMES. These people don't have an original idea in their head, that's why they love “memes” so much. “Let's just keep doing the same joke over and over and over again. That's funny, right?”If you're retarded, I guess.

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