Discovering the Lost American Gundam Adaptations | Ep 1 | The Vault – Ray Mona

You guys like Gundam, right? And lost media? And the Library of Congress? Then you’ve come to the right place.

What the fuck even is Gundam? I’ve heard of it, I think it’s some old anime, but that’s the extent of my knowledge.

Giant robot anime from 1979. Are there people in the robots or not? The Wikipedia page isn’t clear. They use “robot” and “mecha”. Well, who gives a shit? I’m an adult.

I’ll tell you an adult who gives a shit: Bobduna, or as she likes to called now: Ray Mona.

Shes talking about old anime and whatever. Who cares?

Heres’ an anime question that I’ve never been able to solve. I used to watch an anime series…probably in the early 2000s about a detective (I think) and there was a giant robot. He’d go in the giant robot maybe and…I don’t know…do something. I remember “Big O” was said a lot. Like there might have been a song that played that had “Big O” in it. But I can’t find what this anime is, and the one time that I mentioned this in my real life, with some Chinese nerd woman I met from the internet, she gave me a weird look, I suspect because she thought that I was making some veiled comment about “big orgasms”.

It wasn’t Cowboy Bebop, although I think I watched that too. This must have been on the Cartoon Network. It was at night. I just remember that detective, possibly smoking. But I remember liking it. That’s why I’ve periodically searched for it. It probably sucks dick.

Wait a minute. It’s here:

Why was I never able to find this before?

Oh, it’s all coming back to me. Roger Smith. The Batman rip offs.

I swear that I’ve search “big o” a hundred times and could never find anything about it. Well, that’s that mystery solved. Back to…eugh…crazy Bobdunga.

1:45 – Interesting pronunciation of “separatist.”

I’m nearly five minutes in and losing the will to live. It’s one of those videos where the person puts a bunch of public domain images and videos in the video that are related to whatever they’re saying that second. For example, Bobdunga is talking about aliens in the Gundam universe and she shows a public domain video of a green skinned, large-eyed, stereotypical alien shaking an astronaut’s hand. Even though these are not the aliens that appear in the comic…or whatever she’s talking about.

I hate these kinds of videos. “Oh, I’m talking about the Coca-Cola company now so I’ll splice in a public domain picture of a business meeting here.” Fuck that shit. It’s stupid.

What’s the solution? I don’t know, but it’s not that. My personal solution is to not watch those kind of videos.

5:30 – Finally, Bobdunga talks about the first…whatever it even is that she’s looking at. It’s a script or something. A Gundam script.

At least these videos are shorter than her other series that had fucking 20 minute intros and went on for 90 minutes. She’s also not doing the whole X-Files shit here where shadowy government agents are trying to stop her from discovering the lost Jem cartoon. She doesn’t appear in these either, which is great, because it was so fucking annoying the way she did it in the other videos, where she staged obviously fake little vignettes like her sitting on her bed, using her laptop, and then placing a finger on her chin as she pensively looks up. FUCK OFF!

No voiceovers so far either. God, those were awful. Some fucking jobless Youtubers doing insulting accents of people who leave Youtube comments or comments on message board or whatever. My favourite was the guy who did a stereotypical dumb hillbilly accent for a comment that was clearly written by a German guy.

5:45 – Fuck. As soon as I wrote that, the voiceovers started. This is brutal.

The guy can’t just read this script, he has to do it “funny”. It’s not funny. It’s annoying.

I’m at 7:00. I’ll give another three minutes. Hopefully this guy shuts up. He’s just reading from…whatever this is. I don’t even know. It’s not a script. It’s…something else. I think Bobdunga called it a “treatment”. I don’t know what the fuck that is.

9:15 – “Wreaking” pronounced as “wrecking.” Who’s the dumb hillbilly now?

Okay. I made it to ten minutes. This guy is still reading. And we see the text and it’s interspliced with public domain bullshit.

That’s all this is. What’s the point? She could have just linked to the files and we can read them ourselves.

I can’t even bring myself to look at the comments. I’m bored out of my mind.

Well, since I probably won’t be talking about Bobdunga for another few months, we might as well check out her Twitter. Is anyone “gaslighting” her again?

“Many YouTubers are quitting not only because its harder to stay afloat with all the changes, but having to deal with people always ready to drag you down, complain, scrutinize you, belittle you, is a lot to deal with too. Its very hard to ignore jealousy in plain sight”

And she goes on and on. But comments are basically locked.

People are entitled to not like your shit. And it’s such a small minority anyway, possibly because Bobdunga, like all of these thin-skinned “Youtubers”, block anyone who says anything even slightly critical.

Get over it. This video where a guy reads a Gundam…thing…in a stupid accent isn’t going to change the world. Did you honestly think it would? I’m sure that the video took a long time to edit. You had to put all of those public domain images in and whatnot. But the video is pointless. I could have just gone to the Library of Congress website and read this, same as you did.

“‘Getting over someone by getting under someone’ is one of the worst pieces of advice you could give someone who is truly trying to heal wounds, and only really serves to temporarly numb feelings that need to be felt. That only really works for the emotionally unavailable”

More whiny, cryptic, relationship bullshit from Crazy Bobdunga. Who can’t she get over this time? Relax Alax? That guy who she was going to move in with and then suddenly we stopped hearing about? Some new beaux? Who gives a fuck?

Anyway, that tweet was basically locked for comments too.

God damn. I’ve been scrolling for like five fucking minutes and I’m still only on tweets from TODAY. What is she doing all day besides posting shit on Twitter?

“Some people will never know the depths of your character and will choose to perceive you based on assumption”

More cryptic bullshit that nobody can reply to. You’re a clown, Bobdunga. There’s no depth. There’s just mental illness.

“I did my audition just now and i was in a room with like 4 other girls for the same role and they were all hot, so im gonna take that as a win and an ego boost”

She auditioned for some commercial for a fast food place and didn’t get it. Maybe they were looking for actors.

2 thoughts on “Discovering the Lost American Gundam Adaptations | Ep 1 | The Vault – Ray Mona

  1. Yeah what happened to that guy she was with? He must have bounced. She’ll say he raped her in about six months time. I was wondering about PVC Bondage Guy’s fake name. Metz. It seems like it’s pronounced Mets like the baseball team. Some letter combinations you can have a different sound if you add an S or a Z. But the letter T it seems. Weird. Her real name is probably Lori or Julia or something.

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