The Problem with Cloud Surfing in TaleSpin – Mike Matei

0:00 – “Recently, I’ve been streaming some Turbo Grafx 16 games.”

See? This is how it’s done, Erin. Erin would have said, “Recently, I’ve been PLAYING some Turbo Grafx 16 games” which is intentionally misleading. But Mike is saying, “Hey, I’ve been playing these games on stream, for money.” Okay. No problem. It’s not the streaming that’s the problem, it’s the lies.

During the stream, Mike said that he watched the show but wasn’t that into it. But he seems pretty acquainted with the show in this video.

I don’t think that I’ve ever seen it. I think that I was too old. Let me look this up.

Yeah, I would have been like 12 or 13. But interestingly, Mike has obviously seen this. He would have been 10 or 11. Mike usually says that he stopped watching cartoons when he was like 8 and that the only cartoons he remembers are things like Mr T and the Dungeons & Dragons cartoons: cartoons that were on when he was like 3 years old. It’s ridiculous.

But here’s one that actually makes sense. Appropriate age and the dates line up.

0:15 – So he presents the problem. This character has like a hoverboard and he jumps out of an airplane, holds on to a rope, and “cloud surfs”.

He, rightly, points out the absurdity of this board not immediately falling to the ground when he jumps out of the plane. It just magically stays on his feet.

1:30 – He says that if he falls while doing this “cloud surfing”, it means instant death. It’s true. I’ve never heard of any of this, but it looks extremely stupid.

2:00 – “I asked Erin about all of this and she said, ‘Well, maybe there’s honey on his feet.'”

It’s death. Any conversation with her is death. How does he do it? She seems to be just as boring, brainless, awkward, and unfunny in real life as she is in her videos.

“Oh, it’s honey, Mike. Hehe. Isn’t that funny? Like how bears eat honey? Get it?”

Terrible and painfully unfunny, Erin.

But Mike goes on about this. He dissects it. Why even spend a second on that dumb, unfunny bullshit? Just move on. Don’t mention it.

So he continues with the various problems that “cloud surfing” presents in terms of physics and whatnot.

I thought that the video was interesting, the god awful mention of Erin’s brainless bullshit notwithstanding.

The boys on Reddit didn’t seem to care for it much.

  • “Imagine being this autistic.”

This was the top comment. From “nanners” who usually has good takes. The video is raising an interesting discussion about the absurdity of “cloud surfing.” I don’t see it as unusual.

  • “Mike’s back with another unfunny installment of “I Have Too Much Time On My Hands””

Well, what are you doing? You’re spending all of your time copying and pasting the same three “memes” with other homosexuals. Mike came up with something original.

  • “I don’t care how wealthy Matei is, even though I suspect he isn’t nearly as well off as some people on this sub make it seem, doing this for a living is embarrassing. This dude is in his mid fucking 40s, obsessing over baby cartoons from 40 years ago. Being a porn fluffer is less humiliating than this.”

There a number of comments along this “man baby” line. It’s done light-heartedly, you fucking retards. What do you want him to talk about? Pension advice? Adult diaper reviews? I don’t think he’s staying up at night wondering about this. It’s a video he made based on streaming this game recently.

Let’s check out the heavily-scrubbed Youtube comments.

  • “I love that this video now exists. The content we needed, thank you.”

That was from Erin. See how pointless and unfunny it is? This is Erin. Erin is pointless and unfunny. Negative charisma. No personality. Couldn’t say an interesting thing to save her life.

2 thoughts on “The Problem with Cloud Surfing in TaleSpin – Mike Matei

  1. I’ve noticed this about Mike too, his memories of cartoons line up almost exactly with mine. Only issue is I’m almost five years older than him. My best guess is he had an older brother or sister and watched tv with them growing up, and formed his memories around that. He’s otherwise too young to remember these shows (not nearly to the extent of Erin, of course.) He talks about Turbo Teen, that’s a show that was never in syndication, only had 13 episodes and likely was off the air in less than a year. He should be too young to remember it, but somehow he remembers. He’s either got an uncanny memory or had an older sibling.

    1. He might really just have a memory like that. I see him constantly getting shit for remembering cartoons from when he was 3-5 or whatever but I remember watching cartoons at that age. they’re probably my earliest memories but I definitely remember specific episodes and shows I haven’t seen in decades or went back to from before I started school. I can’t remember a whole hell of a lot from my later elementary school self like 8-11 but those early childhood memories I think are particularly vivid because I had nothing else going on in my life besides just watching tv, playing, looking at and reading picture books and that was about it.

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