What is The WORST Ninja Turtles Movie? – Tony from Hack The Movies

Oh, we’ve got Kevin from Pegwarmers here. Maybe this will actually be watchable. Because he’s…okay. I have no idea why he’s still doing the videos from his basement with poor equipment but whatever. Screenwave kicked him out of the studio.

Oh, and two glorious hours of this. I’m going to watch every minute.

Well, I’m ten minutes in. They’re talking about the second movie. It’s…fine.

I’m 20 minutes in. They’ve been talking about the second movie. Tony says that he didn’t like it because it too childish compared to the first movie and it had new characters instead of using characters that already existed. These are the standard complaints that people have about the movie. Kevin agrees but says that he liked the second one because he was a kid when it came out and appreciated the child-friendly tone.

I don’t think that I ever saw it. I saw parts of it as an adult, on tv, but I was in the 9th or 10th grade when it came out. I wasn’t interested in that shit. Even the first one I wasn’t interested in, although I did see it. It was one of the few movies I saw in the cinema as a kid.

But yeah, I remember being disappointed just looking at the commercials and shit. It was clearly for children. And Vanilla Ice and all. Fuck that shit.

I saw the first one. I was like 12. A bit too old to be interested in that shit. But whatever. It’s not like I’m a grown man watching this shit and making a two hour Youtube video on it.

Then the next one comes out a year later. You want it to continue in the vein of the original. Because I’m older now. If anything, I want it to be more gritty. More violent.

No, it’s this fucking bullshit where Michaelangelo is knocking people out with yo-yos and whatever. Fuck this shit. Who’s this for? People who mentally regressed in the past year?

If they were making the movie ten years later, fine. They’re trying to reach a new, younger audience. But this was a just a year between movies. The same people who saw the first one are going to want to see the second one. And if they were old enough to appreciate the slightly “mature” nature of the first movie they’re going to want at least that level for the second one. No. Vanilla Ice rapping.

21:00 – Now they’re talking about the third one. Eugh…I’ll listen to it as background noise.

It’s not that this is bad. Don’t get me wrong. The reason I’m not time-stamping every time somebody says something stupid is because nobody is saying anything stupid. We need more of this, Tony. Not the fucking braindead ladies you so enjoy having on the show.

But…this is nerd shit. I don’t care. With Pegwarmers it’s a little more tolerable because he’ll show the toys. So you can say, “Oh…that’s what it looks like.” But here it’s just these two fat bearded guys talking about nerd movies. Sometimes they’ll show a clip and you say, “I don’t care about that.”

I made it to 35 minutes. It’s fine. Whatever. I’ve got other stuff to do, Tony. I can’t watch your two hour videos. Have some respect for your audience.

2 thoughts on “What is The WORST Ninja Turtles Movie? – Tony from Hack The Movies

  1. About 4-5 years into the original show they took away Michaelangelo’s nunchucks. Replaced with a grappling hook. No idea why. Probably because kids were imitating it. But swords are ok?

    There is a trend where a lot of movies that were rated R got popular, had a second life on cable and VHS and then the sequels were PG. Major League, Vacation, Ghostbusters and Back to the Future were not rated R but toned down in language. This happened a lot and I think that would be a good topic too. We will know who’s reading this by who makes that video first.

  2. I believe that people producing movies are so out of touch with the regular folks that they are literally throwing stuff at walls and see what sticks. People see Ninja Turtles and go to the movies anyway, so why bother? People will like what they are told to like.
    Two hours of fat men talking about twenty-year old movies. Who cares? Well… At least we know that they aren’t doing it for the money. They must know from the beginning that this video will not become viral or anything.
    So, they are fat, they like talking about old movies and they just happen to record it on video. Good for them.
    It’s more honest than those girls stripping and faking interest for money.

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