Erin is Visting her Parents For the Thousandth Time

Erin seems to visit her parents literally about twice a month. She lives in New Jersey with the love of her life (and sugardaddy) Mike Matei and her parents live in fabulous Los Angeles, California. She’s there twice a fucking month.

It’s not a good sign. If she was happy with where she was, if she was happy with Mike, if she was happy with her life, she would not be going back every two fucking weeks. And she’s an adult. Why is she visiting her parents so much? If they lived down the street, fine, but they live 3,000 miles away.

Every two weeks with this shit. And we’re going to get some awful pictures of Erin in Disneyland too. This is an adult?

So she’s on the plane for her twice-monthly trip to visit her mommy and daddy and some guy is eating hard boiled eggs. Actually, it could be a woman, I guess. She always seems careful to say “they” instead of using more specific pronouns.

Anyway, 35 year old Miss Plays doesn’t appreciate having to smell this individual’s eggy flatulence. Well then fucking do something with your life. Stop this bullshit, scamming relationship and this bullshit, scamming job.

The reason I think this might possibly be a woman is because from my experience on trains, it’s always a woman who’s eating. Always. Well, let’s say 90% of the time. There was even a blog called Women Eating on the Train or something which showcased pictures of women eating on the London Underground. It was shut down for “sexism” but it was true. It’s virtually always women who were eating on that fucking train. And it’s digusting. If you don’t want to be featured on that blog, don’t eat on the fucking train. It’s not difficult.

A crowded fucking train, people are packed in like sardines, and this dumb bitch is going to start eating a kebab or whatever. Even an apple would be too much given the crowded conditions. Wait until you’re off the fucking train and THEN eat. You can’t wait? You have to stuff your face on a dangerously crowded train?

You’d see women putting their makeup on. That fucking nauseating smell and they’re putting sharp pencils right near their eyes and whatnot. One bump and they’re blind. There was no time to do this at home? You have to do your makeup in the train?

I’ve never seen a guy shaving on the train or cutting his nails or anything like this. Why not? Why is it always women? Women don’t have time to do their morning routine at home, like normal people? Why can men manage it? I know that there’s probably more than an average woman does in the morning than a man but then manage your time better. Wake up ten minutes earlier than usual. Or just eliminate this makeup routine. Nobody gives a shit what you look like anyway. Get over yourself.

I remember Retro Ali making a video or something where she talked about living in South Korea. She went there for some program for college, I think. She was there for a few months or something. And some people were giving her looks for eating while walking. She thought that this was a peculiar Korean cultural thing where they look down on people who are eating. But she was indignant. “I don’t have time to eat. I have to walk and eat.”

No. This is not unique to Korea, North or South, and you have time to eat. Nobody wants to see this.

I’ve eaten while walking. I can recall one time at least. I got a sandwich at lunch and there was no place to sit in the restaurant so I had to walk and eat. There wasn’t a place to sit at my place of employment either.

There was another time when, again at lunch, while at a job, I got a sandwich and same deal. No place to sit. So I brought my sandwich to a bench and sat down. A few minutes later, a homeless guy sat next to me and lit up a tiny cigarette that he obviously found on the ground. I don’t think that I ever ate a sandwich faster in my life.

So ThatBaldyBloke responds to Erin, “Very shell-fish behaviour”. You know…because eggs are a fish now.

Erin says that they were the de-shelled variety. Is this a product that people can buy? Hard boiled eggs? I’ve never seen this.

I haven’t eaten an egg since I was a kid. Not on its own. Obviously, I’ve had cakes and meatloaf and shit that had eggs in them.

But an egg? Hard boiled, sunny side up, poached, scrambled, fuck no. They’re disgusting. Just a runny mess on your plate. Why would I want this?

So that’s Erin Plays once again visiting her parents in sunny California. And a fellow passenger, probably a person with a job, was eating eggs on the flight. Riveting stuff, Erin. Keep entertaining us with your fascinating life.

3 thoughts on “Erin is Visting her Parents For the Thousandth Time

  1. I have no job no car and no girlfriend so I talk about Mike’s dick all day and no one likes me

    1. I don’t know what this is a reference to but if you’re talking about “Fuck you” above there, he’s not Jeffrey Sweeney. I think that you’re suggesting that I’m Jeffrey Sweeney but no. Maybe you were suggesting that GarbageStabber is JeffreySweeney. He might be.

      And I have an interesting story about that guy. He used to use Express VPN and post death and rape threats on the various blogs that I’ve had. With this current blog, I can install plugins. So I installed a plug-in that blocks VPNs and proxies. That seemed to work.

      So then GarbageStabber said, “I can just post on my regular account then.” Indeed, you can, retard. That’s what I was hoping for.

      So he started posting just on his normal account, no VPN or proxy. He posted death and rape threats without the use of a proxy.

      Oh, that’s convenient. So I copied and pasted these posts, along with his IP address and the time he posted and I sent them to AT&T, who are his ISP. And I told AT&T that he’s been doing this for two years, it’s totally unprovoked, I do nothing to encourage this, and he’s not going to stop until something is done about it. I told AT&T that I was going to send them daily emails containing his messages until this is resolved.

      I did that three times. Three days in a row. Sent AT&T his death and rape threats where he said he’s never going to stop doing it. Messages where he said he was going to have sex with his children. Children which he doesn’t have, of course. It’s very difficult for the mentally retarded to find partners.

      Then the messages stopped. Just like that. It’s been a month without any messages from him. I suspect that the good people at AT&T had a word with him.

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