Point and Drink Adventure Podcast Episode 10 – What are our Favorite things? – Cannot Be Tamed

Ten fabulous episodes of Point and Drink Adventure. I think that this is the last one because this was uploaded three weeks ago and they were trying to upload every…week? Every two weeks at the most, I would think. Maybe it’s just wishful thinking on my part. Maybe Pam and Pele are going to come back stronger than ever with episode 11. Get those 1,000 views, ladies.

It’s fucking awful. Pam has negative charisma and Pele…I don’t even know. She’s not boring as fuck like Pam, but who is? Pam is a personality black hole. But I’ve never heard Pele say anything interesting.

The format does not help. The idea is to talk about alcholic beverages and video games. Basically, they’ve ripped off the Cinemassacre Podcast (What’cha Drinking, What’chat Playing) but it’s even MORE boring if you can believe that.

Pele works in the alcohol industry, in some capacity, so we’re supposed to give a shit about her opinions on alcohol. No. I don’t care. I don’t care about ANYONE’S opinion on alcohol, no matter how learned their opinion may be. I rarely drink. I’m not some fucking alcoholic like Pam over here. And even if I did drink, why would I care about how “hoppy” or “malty” some beverage is? All of that stuff tastes the same to me. Like shit. Please excuse my non-drunken loser palette.

And then they talk about video games and it’s obvious that Pele does not play video games. So…this is just really terrible. Do something else with your time, ladies. This is just an excuse for a couple of lesbians to get together, at least virtually, and get drunk.

In this particular episode, they’re together in person. And they’re just talking about whatever! Their favourite things! It’s like with the Cinemassacre Podcast when they quickly gave up on the “What’cha Drinking, What’cha Playing” format and just said, “Fuck it. Let’s talk about anything.” The podcast was cancelled a few episodes later. All good tv shows take a break.

0:00 – Pele introduces herself as “Michelle”. Don’t be confused. Her real name is Pele. Or something. It’s like how Chinese people adopt Western names when they move to a Western country. And only Chinese people do this. Nobody from the rest of Asia does this.

I knew a Chinese woman and she said that her professor, or somthing, gave her a Western name. He just went around the room and gave everyone in the class a Western name. So…that’s the name that she used. Just this random name that a professor gave everyone in the class. That’s the name that I knew her by. I don’t know her real name. It’s totally bizarre.

But Pele is from the Phillipines. Well, maybe she’s a Chinese woman from the Phillipines. Although, she doesn’t look Chinese. And I don’t even know if she was born in the Phillipines or her parents were or what. Anyway, she’s Pele. I think it’s something like Petee, actually.

So they’re in Pele’s apartment. Pele says that she’s been drinking with Pam for the past three days. I’m not even joking. Pele lives in…Maryland, I want to say. And Pam is looking chunky. Time to cut back on the drinking and start watching what you eat, Pam. You’re over 40. Your metabolism isn’t what it used to be. And the horntards aren’t going to watch some fat chick.

Then they describe what they’re doing as “day drinking”. Terrible promotion of alcoholism.

0:30 – Pele says that they went to a Broadway show. What? Where did I get Maryland from? Why would I have thought Maryland? She must have said it at some point. How far is Maryland from New York?

Three and a half hours. That’s within reason, I guess. It would be a journey but I guess that it could be done in one day. Go there, see the sites and sounds of fabulous New York City, and then drive back the same day.

Pele is in a studio apartment, isn’t she? She’s sitting on a sofa and the kitchen is behind her. Doesn’t this suggest a studio apartment? That job at the alcohol factory must not be paying too much.

5:00 – Pele says, “I’m so happy to share this wine with somebody.”

How about a husband, Pele? Enough of this embarassing bullshit where you’re trying to pick up chicks from the internet who live hundreds of miles away, in another country.

6:00 – Pam starts talking about LA Confidential. I saw it when it came out. I don’t remember anything about it. But I also wrote a review of it for a college course. I got an “A” because I have natural talent for the written word. I’m a real wordsmith. It’s a pretty lame assignment for a college class, though.

8:45 – Pele starts talking about Last of the Mohicans. Hey, ladies, have you seen any movies in the past 20 years?

9:15 – Pele isn’t sure if she should say “indiginous people” or “native” so she turns to Woke Pam for guidance. Fucking hilarious. Just call them “red men” and move on.

Anyway, this woman’s favourite movie is about a white man pretending to be an American Indian. The white savior movie. That’s what she likes. Turn in your SJW card, Pele.

“Historically, it’s very accurate.”

Oh, do tell. There was a white man who pretended to be an Indian and saved the tribe with his white man power? Let me look this up.

The movie was (loosely) based on an 1826 romance novel.

At the time of Cooper’s writing, many U.S. settlers believed and perpetuated the myth that Native Americans were disappearing, believing they would ultimately be assimilated or killed off entirely due to the genocidal structure of settler colonialism. Especially in the East, as Native Peoples’ land was stolen and settled on in the name of U.S. expansion and Jeffersonian agrarianism, the narrative that many Native Peoples were “vanishing” was prevalent in both novels like Cooper’s and local newspapers. This allowed settlers to view themselves as the original people of the land and reinforced their belief in European ethnic and racial superiority through, among other rationalisations, the tenets of scientific racism. In this way, Cooper was interested in the American progress narrative when more colonists were increasing pressure on Native Americans, which they, and Cooper, would then view as “natural”


Right there on Wikipedia, ladies. This deeply racist movie was based on a deeply racist book.

But Daniel Day Lewis was so hot, so that’s why Pele likes it. Despite the fact that Pele is obviously a lesbian. Some lesbians like to pretend that they’re interested in men, the same way that some straight women (like Horseface) like to pretend that they’re interested in women.

11:30 – Pam is talking about Moulin Rouge. This is the play that they saw. How cultured. Watching a play based on a movie. I’m waiting for the Broadway version of Thunderpants.

14:00 – Pele is talking about Blade Runner. These are some peculiar choices from Pele. They’re not particularly feminine and they’re not particular woke. They’re also not particularly highbrow. Well, maybe she’s not feminine, woke, or highbrow. Maybe she’s just pretending that she is to try to get something going with Pam. No. You don’t need to do that, Pele. Just be yourself. Pam is fucking her dog. She doesn’t have high standards. She’ll go out with you. She’s already “going out” with you. Come on. You can drop the charade.

17:15 – Pam is talking about The Handmaiden. It’s an Asian movie. Pam likes to talk about Asian movies with Pele. It’s fucking racist. She does this to try to appeal to Pele.

No. Ladies. Listen. You’re both already clearly having sex with each other. You can stop the lies. Just be yourselves. Be your boring, lesbian selves.

19:15 – Pele is talking about Ru Paul’s Dragrace. Both Pam and Pele love stuff where men dress as women. They love emasculating men.

Pam says that there’s a Filipino version of this show. STOP THE CASUAL RACISM, PAM. Just because Pele is Filipina, that doesn’t mean that it’s her entire identity. Indeed, Pele NEVER talks about enjoying Asian movies or tv shows. But Pam has to fucking fetishise Pele. Everything has to be about how “exotic” Pele is. No, she’s a normal person, same as you, Pam. You’re just a couple of boring as fuck lesbians. Pele is a boring as fuck lesbian who happens to be Asian. Can you get over that and start treating her as an equal?

These fucking fake SJW bitches.

Then they start talking about video games for like an hour. No thanks, ladies. I’ve got stuff to do.

Oh, SupaPixelGirl aka SupaNintedoGirl aka Supa…there were a lot. But she’s Pixel Weaver now. She leaves a comment.

  • “Omg Pam we need to talk about Ru Paul drags race!! I’ve watched all the seasons and I’m a huge fan”

Yay! We love emasculating men! Isn’t that “woke” of us?

No. It’s deeply misandric and something that you should perhaps speak to a psychiatrist about. Speaking of which, how’s the job searching going, Dr OnlyFans? In case you’re unaware, SupaCrazyBitch apparently graduated with a degree in psychology and then she moved to Boston or somewhere to look for a job and then that was the last I heard of this job search. This was years ago. I don’t think she found a job. How could she? Who would possibly go to this insane woman for therapy?

Anyway, it seems that she’s making video again. It seems to have coincided with the time that the blog got shut down. As soon as she sees this, I think that she’s going to stop making videos and possibly shut the channel down again. She’s DEEPLY mentally ill.


2 thoughts on “Point and Drink Adventure Podcast Episode 10 – What are our Favorite things? – Cannot Be Tamed

  1. Pam’s shiny ten-head (cause it’s surely bigger than a forehead) might be worse than AVGN’s receding hairline.
    She also seems completely miserable in this video, the body language says so much.

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