Crystal Quin was at MagFest

What did she do there? I don’t know. This is the only insight we got. A single picture of Horseface and Johanna. And…eugh. I have to describe Horseface for the blind viewers out there.

It’s…eww. She’s wearing skin tight PVC pants. I don’t want to see that. She’s wearing three-quarters of a shirt, which is an improvement over the half-shirt that she usually wears. It is winter, after all. She’s dressing warm. She’s showing off her sexy arm fat. And she’s wearing a whole lot of makeup. It is not helping, Horseface.

What do you suppose causes that arm fat? Did she used to have buff arms and then she lost it? Let me look this up.

“What Causes Fat In Arms? Arm fat is often a result of excess fat in the body”

Oh. Maybe it’s as simple as that. I was thinking how like when fat people lose weight, there’s a lot of loose skin and it can only be removed through surgery.

Why am I going into this embarrassing detail about Horseface’s appearance? Because she’s convinced that she’s a hot chick. But fucking look at her. It’s total delusion.

Oh, and I neglected to mention that Horseface is wearing some kind of bondage gear. In public.

I wouldn’t jerk off to this shit in a million years. But this is what she thinks people are doing. Everybody wants to have sex with fucking Horseface over here. In her mind.

How long can this narcissistic delusion even hold out? At some point, she’s going to have to realise that she’s not a hot chick. Right? Is she still going to be thinking this when she’s 60? And what is going to happen to her when the day of enlightenment comes? Because her entire personality, her entire sense of self-worth, is based on her gross misconception that she’s a hot chick. You take that away from her, what’s left?

And ironically, this whole delusion of hers makes her way less attractive. If she just presented herself as an average looking woman, dressed normally, behaved normally, had some humility, she’d be…whatever…a 5/10. But her unbelievably horrid personality requires a two point deduction. She’s a 3/10. And I’m being generous with my scores.

  • “You both look NUCLEAR Hot!!!”

That was from Collector Chris.

That guy is…no nuclear hot. He’s in his 50s, I’d guess. Giant nerd. Has a Mystery Science Theater 3000 banner. And all of his tweets are about 1980s nostalgia, video games, and “hot” “nerd” women who he jerks to.

Oh, Kris Glavin also replied. FOUR TIMES.

  • “Stunningly beautiful young ladies”
  • “Have a great time”
  • “Crystal queen looking badass”
  • “So unbelievably gorgeous”

Here’s one from Frederick Tarsatana

  • “Looking great like the outfit”

He has no tweets but in his grainy, low-resolution picture, it’s some fucking fat guy in a wrestling t-shirt.

Where are the hot guys at? I never see any buff guys showing the guns on these gamer grrls’ Twitters or Youtube comments or whatever. It’s always the same type of people. Guys in their mid-30s to mid-50s who are giant fucking nerds and are hard to look at. Many of them are obese as well.

If we reverse the genders, it would be like an average-looking guy making videos and tweeting about knitting, and everybody who comments is a total dog of a woman.

Actually, maybe that wouldn’t be far off from reality. Let me look for a Youtube channel of an average-looking man who knits.

This right here. This is the guy. He’s a 5/10 and all of his videos are about knitting. I chose knitting because it’s a stereotypically female hobby just like video games or horror movies are stereotypical male hobbies.

Unfortunately, this guy is gay but I’m not sure if that will matter.

All of the comments are going to be from women. Right? Let’s check.

Yeah. TheHermitChick. Eva Harr. Trish Kimble.

I may have stumbled onto something brilliant here. If you want the adoration of women on the internet, just start talking about a topic that women enjoy. Doesn’t matter what you look like. They’ll watch the fucking videos. Same fucking strategy that these basic gamer grrls employ.

Is this guy on Twitter? Yeah.

He’s not having as much success there. But he doesn’t actually talk about knitting. It’s just random bullshit.

I think that if he focused on knitting talk, he’d have all kinds of bitches replying to his posts. And I’m betting that they’d all be the equivalent of Kris Glavin or that enormous black guy or any of these other omega males who post on Horseface’s Twitter. And they’d all be talking about how hot this guy is. Even though he plainly is not.

This is what people should be doing. If you’re looking for a date or just the adoration of random women on the internet, start doing some shit that women enjoy doing. Knitting, cooking, pop music, horticulture, theatre, jewellery making, flower arranging, dancing, yoga. This sort of thing.

It’s exactly what fugly bitches like Horseface are doing. Exact same strategy. Be a fugly bitch but do it in a sub-culture that’s overwhelmingly male. This is how you get male attention. This is how you get guys talking about how hot you are.

2 thoughts on “Crystal Quin was at MagFest

    1. She had a long-term boyfriend and still behaved like this. And she never mentioned this long-term boyfriend once anywhere in her online presence. She gave the impression that she was single.

      She just needs the adoration of complete retards on the internet. It’s crazy. Total strangers. Complete losers. She needs these very unfortunate people to tell her that she’s a hot chick. I don’t get it.

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